
  • 网络scientific literacy;Science Literacy
  1. 科学素养(ScientificLiteracy)是当代科学教育的核心概念。

    Scientific literacy is a central concept in the contemporary science education initiatives .

  2. 科学素养(ScientificLiteracy)是当今国际科学教育的中心议题。

    Nowadays , scientific literacy is the center topic for discussion of international science education .

  3. 科学素养(ScientificLiteracy)作为当今国际科学教育的中心议题之一,越来越受到教育界的关注。

    " Scientific Literacy " as the center of current international issues of science education , gets more and more attention form the education section .

  4. 提高师范生科学素养,推进STS教育的实践研究

    The Study of Enhancing Scientific Literacy of Prospective Chemistry Teachers and Promoting STS Education

  5. 希望通过对思维导图及其绘制软件MindManager在化学教学中的应用的研究,为化学新课程实验教材的实施、学生的有效学习和科学素养的培养提供一些参考和借鉴。

    We hope our research on Mind Mapping and Mind Manager in chemistry learning can give reference for the implement of experimental teaching materials in new curriculum and students ' effective study .

  6. 研究过程中发现,中职物理教学中实践STS对物理课教师本身科学素养提出了较高要求,学校教学条件对该实践的有效顺利开展同样有较大影响。

    During the study , discover that practicing STS in Physics Education in SVE demand teachers themselves with high scientific attainments .

  7. 本研究率先提出了在我国高等学校文化素质教育中开设STS选修课,提高大学生科学素养的设想。

    The study brings upped to set up the STS elective course in the university 's cultural quality education for improving scientific literacy of university students .

  8. 科学素养随着社会的发展而日渐被赋予新的内涵,STS教育与科学素养存在内在的联系,即STS教育的重要目标之一是培养大众的科学素养。

    Science literacy , which could be enriched with the progress of society , has bearing on STS education . Developing the science literacy of all is the objective of STS education .

  9. 文章从教学内容、方法、个案方面阐述了在遗传与优生教学中渗透STS教育实践,目的是提高学生的科学素养、创新精神和社会责任感。

    This paper sets forth STS education in teaching genetics and orthogenics based on teaching contents , methods and cases . The purpose for it is to improve students ' scientific quality , innovative spirit and the sense of social responsibility .

  10. 在此基础上进行了草原生态系统、公众民意系统和科学素养决策系统三个跨领域复杂系统仿真应用研究,说明FFCAS可为复杂系统仿真开发提供充分的灵活性、复用性以及可扩展性。

    Inter-domain applications , namely the grassland ecological system , public attitude system and public scientific literacy system , have been implemented for demonstration . Empirical results show that FFCAS has enough flexibility , reusability and scalability in handling complex system simulation . 3 .

  11. 优化化学课堂教学培育学生科学素养

    Optimization of Chemical Classroom Teaching to Cultivate The Student Science Quality

  12. 化学教学中培养学生科学素养的思考

    Tentative Thoughts on fostering Students ' Scientific literacy in Chemistry Teaching

  13. 科学素养及其在中学历史教学中的渗透

    The Infiltration of Science Literacy in History Teaching at Middle School

  14. 理工科大学生科学素养及其培养研究

    Scientific Literacy and Its Cultivation of Undergraduate Studying Science and Technology

  15. 同时生物课程标准也明确提出提高学生的科学素养。

    Biology curriculum standards also clearly improve students ' scientific literacy .

  16. 新疆公众科学素养调查报告

    SCIENCE An Investigation about Scientific literacy of the Public of Xinjiang

  17. 科学素养的培养与科学本质具有内在的一致性。

    The cultivation of scientific quality has inner coherence with science essence .

  18. 信息素养教育与导读医学院校教师科学素养现状及提高策略

    Present Situation and Improvement Tactics of Scientific Attainment of Medical College Teachers

  19. 在中学物理教学中加强科学素养培养的研究

    Strengthen Scientific and Technological Literacy Training in Physic Teaching of Middle School

  20. 小学生科学素养测评工具的研究

    Research on the Evaluation Tools of Pupils ' Science Literacy

  21. 新课程下高中化学教师的科学素养

    Senior chemistry teachers ' scientific literacy required in new course

  22. 提高重庆市公众科学素养的科普对策思考

    Countermeasures for promoting scientific quality of the public in Chongqing

  23. 信息素养是科学素养教育的重要基础。

    Information literacy is an important basis of scientific quality of students .

  24. 中学生物教师科学素养问题研究

    The Research of the Mid-school Biology Teachers ' Scientific Literacy

  25. 城市外来务工人员科学素养状况调查研究

    The Survey on the Status of Scientific Literacy of Urban Migrant Workers

  26. 在工程力学开放型实验中加强学生科学素养的培养

    Improvement of students ' science attainment training in opening experiment of engineering mechanics

  27. 有了较好的论证能力,科学素养也能更好的提高。

    With a better argumentation skill , they will have better science literacy .

  28. 我国公众的科学素养仍处于低水平现状;

    In our country , the public 's science accomplishment is still low .

  29. 案例教学与中学生地理科学素养的培养

    Case Teaching and the Cultivation of Geographical Scientific Literacy of Middle School Students

  30. 化学史教育在课堂教学中对培养学生科学素养有它自己特殊的功能。

    The history of chemistry has its own special function in classroom teaching .