
  • 网络Science Press;academic press;Science Publishing Company
  1. 胡非。湍流、间歇性与大气边界层。北京:科学出版社,1995

    HU Fei . Turbulence , Intermittency and Atmospheric Boundary Layer ( in Chinese ) . Beijing : Science Press , 1995 .

  2. 中国环境科学出版社

    China Environmental Science Press

  3. Ainsworth等(1983年)的分类系统,真菌中文名主要引用科学出版社出版《真菌名词及名称》和《中国真菌总汇》中使用的中文名;

    Ainsworth system ( 1983 ); In Chinese naming , the study use The name and glossary of fungi and The concourse of Chinese fungi which published by Chinese science publishing company .

  4. 《工程力学》,黄子春,科学出版社,1983年;

    " Engineering Mechanics ", Huang Zichun , The Science Publishing Company , 1983 .

  5. 《高等数学基础》,邵士敏,科学出版社,1995年;

    " higher Mathematics Base ", Shao Shimin , The Science Publishing Company , 1995 .

  6. 主动服务&概念、结构与实现,科学出版社,2005。

    Actives Services : Concepts , Architecture and Implementation , Thomson Learning Press , 2005 .

  7. 中国社会科学出版社我国大学学报社科版英文摘要抽样探讨

    A Study of the Sampled English Abstracts in the Social Sciences Editions of Chinese University Journals

  8. 中国社会科学出版社

    China Social Sciences Publishing House

  9. 稽耀武,《有机合成路线设计技巧》,科学出版社,北京,1984。

    Lindberg , t. , strategies and tactics in organic synthesis , Academic Press inc. , 1984 .

  10. 童玉明等.1994。中国成煤大地构造。北京:科学出版社。

    Tong Yuming et al.1994.Tectonics of Coal-formed , China . Beijing : Science Press ( in Chinese ) .

  11. 玻恩,光学原理:光的传播、干涉和衍射的电磁理论,上册,下册,科学出版社。

    Max Born , Principles of optics : Electromagnetic theory of propagation , interference and diffraction of light .

  12. 张庆灵,邱占芝,网络控制系统(国家十一五计划教材),科学出版社,2007。

    Qingling Zhang , Zhanzhi Qiu , Networked Control Systems ( National Planed Textbook ), Science Press , Beijing , 2007 .

  13. 本文在分析了中国出版业的发展现状以及科学出版社面临的环境后,渐次回答了以上五个问题。

    The author tries to describe the above by analyzing the current situation of the publishing industry in China with the case of Science Press .

  14. 孙岩,韩克从.1985.断裂构造岩带的划分[M].北京:科学出版社。

    SUN Yan , HAN Ke-cong. 1985 . Division of Tectonites in Fault Zone [ M ] . Science Press , Beijing ( in Chinese ) .

  15. 中国沙漠植物志共有3卷255.2万字,1985&1992年由科学出版社出版。

    The Chinese Desert Flora are composed of three volumes with 2 , 252 thousands Chinese characters , published during the years 1985 & 1992 by Science Press .

  16. 1980年成立了中国环境科学出版社,到1995年出版各类环境图书860种,500多万册。

    In 1980 the China Environmental Science Press was established . By 1995 it had published over five million copies of books of 860 titles on the environment .

  17. 本论文以科学出版社为样本,就科技出版社如何在现有条件下做出战略抉择,以增强企业的核心竞争力,提出了作者的观点。

    Taking Science Press as an example the author express his views on how to develop a strategic plan for this press so as to enhance its core competition .

  18. 戴金星,宋岩,戴春森,陈安福,孙明良.1995.中国东部无机成因气及其形成条件。北京:科学出版社。

    Dai jinxing , song yan , Dai chunsen , Chen Anfu and sun mingliang.1995.the origin of inorganic gas and formation conditions of the pools . beijing : science press .

  19. 张湘炳,隋静霞,李志纯,刘伟,杨新岳,刘顺生,黄怀勇.1996.额尔齐斯构造带构造演化与成矿系列。北京:科学出版社。

    Zhang xiangbing , Sui jingxia , Li zhichun , Liu wei , Yang xinyue , Liu Shunsheng and Huang huaiyong.1996.tectonic evolution and mineralization series in the Erqisi tectonic zone . beijing : science press .

  20. 本文对1998年8月由科学出版社出版的《激光测量》一书,作了简要的评论,并向读者推荐此书。

    In this paper , the brief comment on the book 《 laser surveying 》 is offered , which had been published by Science Publishing House on August 1998.This book is recommend to many readers .

  21. 吉林科学技术出版社社长

    President of the Jilin Technology and Science Publishing House

  22. 北京:社会科学文献出版社。

    Beijing : Social Sciences Literature Press , 2002 .

  23. 王德利.1994.植物生态场导论.吉林科学技术出版社,长春。

    Wang Deli . 1994 . Introduction to Plant Ecological Field . Jilin Science & Technology Press , Changchun .

  24. 《国有企业社会成本分析》,(合著),社会科学文献出版社2000年版。

    The Analysis of Social Costs of State-Enterprises in Transitional China , Social Sciences Academic Press ( China ), 2000 .

  25. 杨帆,张庆灵,广义系统鲁棒优化控制,吉林科学技术出版社,2006。

    Fan Yang , Qingling Zhang , Robust Optimal Control for Descriptor Systems , Jilin Science and Technology Press , Changchun , 2006 .

  26. 研讨会汇编与演讲文稿:美国国家科学院出版社已经依照体制政策和程序准备了一份供公众阅读的汇编,并且将其出版了。

    A publicly available proceedings of the workshop has been prepared in accordance with institutional policy and procedures and published by the National Academies Press .

  27. 第四章主要通过对中国科协和中国科学普及出版社的调查科普挂图的现状。

    Fourth chapters pass the investigation popularization of science poster current situation to the Chinese Science and Technology Association and the Chinese scientific popularization press mainly .

  28. 通过将社会科学文献出版社的十年皮书出版过程划分为兴起、发展、转型三个阶段。

    The Social Sciences Academic Press published the paper for 10-year , it can be divided into the process of the emergence , development and transformation in three phases .

  29. 介绍由美国国家研究委员会编写,由美国科学院出版社出版的报告《2020年想像中的制造产业面临挑战》。

    In this article , an introduction to the report Visionary Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 edited by National Research Council and published by National Academy Press , USA is made .

  30. 由社会科学文献出版社出版、被中国互联网络信息中心引用的年度报告显示,截至6月约有2.74亿中国人拥有微博账户。

    The annual report , published by the Social Sciences Academic Press , quoted the China Internet Network Information Center as saying that about 274 million Chinese people had microblog accounts as of June this year .