
kē xué ɡuǎn lǐ
  • scientific management
  1. 她所讲的话仅局限于科学管理问题。

    She confines her remarks to scientific management .

  2. 科学管理推动了生产。

    Scientific management promotes production .

  3. 她1919年的作品《家务工程:家庭的科学管理》是基于对家庭妇女日常工作细致观察写出的。

    Her 1919 work , Household Engineering : Scientific Management in the Home , was based on detailed observation of a housewife 's daily routine .

  4. 我院药剂科应用《微机药品库房管理系统》(druginventorycontrolsystem简称DICS)对药品库房进行科学管理,实现了医院药品库房管理计算机化。

    Since the Drug Inventory Control System ( DICS ) has been used in the pharmacy department of our hospital , Scientific and computerized management of drug storehouse has been realized .

  5. 关键路线法CPM(CriticalPathMethod)利用网络图并找出关键路线来表现一个系统或某项工程计划进行科学管理,使之提前完成。

    Critical path method ( CPM ) is a technique that is used to evaluate and manage the performance of a project by using activity network and by finding out the critical path ;

  6. 保证边坡的稳定对Eden项目的安全施工和科学管理都是至关重要的。

    The appropriate mitigation of slope stability problems was imperative for the safe construction and subsequent management of the biomes and the Eden Project .

  7. 响誉世界的知名企业美国通用电气公司(以下简称GE),在它120多年的发展历史中,经历了经验管理、科学管理到文化管理的转变。

    In its development history of more than 120 years , the American world-famous enterprise GE underwent its transition through experience management , scientific management , and has now reached its stage of cultural management .

  8. 弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒(FrederickWinslowTaylor)开创的科学管理运动的核心是如何提高体力工作的生产率,这一运动引发了传统管理的革命性变化。

    The core of scientific management movement that Frederick Winslow Taylor started is how to improve productivity of physical strength work . This movement has caused the revolutionary change of traditional management .

  9. 强调ERP软件实际上就是一个没有企业实体、但是有自己的组织结构、规范的运作流程、可以科学管理的虚拟企业。方法对各级各类护理人员进行统筹调配、合理分工、科学管理。

    It is stressed that ERP software is a virtual enterprise without enterprise 's body part , but has its organization structure , normative process , and can be managed scientifically . Method Nurses on all levels were organized as a whole , allocated reasonably and managed scientifically .

  10. 本质上,全面准确地对项目或任务进行预测和评估,要求采用科学管理中的Tayloristic方法,而这一方法仅适用于琐碎的,机械的任务。

    In essence , fully accurate prediction and estimation of projects or tasks demand a Tayloristic approach of Scientific Management , which only is applicable to trivial , mechanical tasks .

  11. 政府重视,宏观布局,科学管理;

    Government attaches importance to the macro layout , scientific management ;

  12. 以人为本科学管理努力创造本质安全环境

    Relying on staff and managing scientifically to create real safe environment

  13. 科学管理方式在安全管理水平中的应用

    To Improve the Level of Secure Management in a Scientific way

  14. 运用现代科学管理方法降低供电损失

    Use of Modern Scientific Management Methods to Decrease Power Supply Loss

  15. --加强科学管理,提高质量和效益。

    - Improving scientific management for better quality and benefits .

  16. 科学管理是实施项目总承包的关键

    Scientific Management is the Key to be a Main Contractor

  17. 科学管理机场候机楼的作业及商业活动

    Managing the Interface Between Commercial Activities and Terminal Operation in An Airport

  18. 高等学校的教学质量与科学管理

    Teaching Quality and Its Scientific Management at Higher Learning Institution

  19. 关于经济发展与人口状况科学管理的思考

    Thinking on the Management of Economic Development and Population Situation

  20. 黄河水资源的科学管理与调度

    Scientific Management and Schedule on Water Resources of Yellow River

  21. 简论高校数码照片档案的科学管理

    Scientific management of digital photograph file of colleges and universities

  22. 合理配方、科学管理。

    SCIENCE ⑤ Formulate reasonable dosage , implement scientific management .

  23. 推动高校图书馆先进文化发展,实现高校图书馆科学管理的现代化

    The modernization of the scientific management of college libraries must be realized

  24. 乡镇矿山科学管理出效益的体会

    Scientific management brings benefit to mines of villages and towns

  25. 加强足球选项课程的硬件投入,提高科学管理水平。

    Strengthen football elective course hardware investment , improve the scientific management level .

  26. 借助科学管理标准,提高产品及运作质量;

    Resort the science management standard ; improve the production and operation quality ;

  27. 加强科学管理控制基建投资

    On the Improvement of Scientific Management and the Control of Capital Works Investment

  28. 运用科学管理方法构建安全规范管理体系

    Using Scientific Management Methods to Set up a Safe and Standard Management System

  29. 以规范生产,科学管理,服务市场为宗旨。

    To standardize production , scientific management , service market for the purpose .

  30. 适应教学需要,科学管理机房

    Adapting to teaching needs , managing scientifically computer rooms