
  • 网络CORSICA;Island of Corsica;Ajaccio;Corse;la corse
  1. 科西嘉岛腹地地势高企,环境荒芜。

    The interior of Corsica is high and untamed .

  2. 在意大利西北和科西嘉岛之间的地中海的一个海湾。

    An arm of the Mediterranean between northwest Italy and Corsica .

  3. n.祖先虽然拿破仑是科西嘉岛人,可是今日大多数的法国人仍认为他是他们的祖先法国人。

    forebear Although Napoleon was Corsican , he is considered by most modern Frenchmen to have been French as their own forebears .

  4. 不仅如此,她的未婚夫还拥有一架私人飞机,造价300万英镑的皮拉图斯PC-12飞机。今年五月,他就曾带皮帕乘坐飞机到科西嘉岛共度周末。

    Not only that , but her fiance also has a private plane , a £ 3 million Pilatus PC-12 , in which he whisked Pippa to Corsica for a weekend in May .

  5. 我怀着一片温情回忆起我在科西嘉岛所遇到的一位年轻女士。

    I recall with fondness a young woman I met in corsica .

  6. 我们要收回科西嘉岛和整个亚得里亚海海岸线,雷那蒂说。

    We will get Corsica and all the Adriatic coast-line , Rinaldi said .

  7. 产于撒丁尼亚和科西嘉岛山区的野生短毛羊。

    Wild short-fleeced mountain sheep of Corsica and Sardinia .

  8. 地中海上的科西嘉岛是法国最大岛屿。

    Corsica Island on the Mediterranean is maximal island and islet of France .

  9. 有些人坚持说它是到科西嘉岛去的,有些人则坚持说是厄尔巴岛。

    Some insisted she was making for Corsica , others the Island of Elba ;

  10. 科西嘉岛上的法国的一个区;拿破仑·波拿巴的出生地。

    A region of France on the island of Corsica ; birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte .

  11. 把自己空降到科西嘉岛吧,在没有英雄的年代里做个享乐分子。

    Please parachute yourself into Corsica and become an enjoyable person in the age without hero .

  12. 靠近本国的其他岛屿,比如撒丁岛和科西嘉岛是诱人的入侵目标。

    Close to home , other islands like Sardinia and Corsica make tempting targets for invasion .

  13. 科西嘉岛的吉罗拉塔海角、波尔图海角、斯坎多拉自然保护区和皮亚纳-卡兰切斯

    Cape Girolata , Cape Porto , Scandola Nature Reserve , and the Piana Calanches in Corsica

  14. 科西嘉岛上的怪屋是由一整块巨大的卵石筑成的,其突出部分已经用砖给堵住了。

    The unusual house in Corsica is made out of a large boulder whose overhang has been bricked in .

  15. 今天,环法自行车比赛第一赛段从法属科西嘉岛开始。

    The first leg of the Tour de France bicycle race began on the French island of Corsica today .

  16. 他离开布鲁克林后第一站是在科西嘉岛上当炮兵军士,接着就退伍了;

    His ticket out of Brooklyn was first the draft he served as a bombardier in Corsica and then the GI Bill .

  17. 这项为期两年、耗资20万美元的工程旨在打造一个面积为1100平方英尺(约合102平米),令人想起南阿尔卑斯山、诺曼底和科西嘉岛风光的树木园,这辆庞大的起重机是工程的一部分。

    The big lift is part of a two-year , $ 200000 project to create an 1100-square-foot arboretum reminiscent of the Southern Alps , Normandy and Corsica .

  18. 前者刚刚消失在博尼法乔海峡里,后者所取的方向却正好相反,已快要经过科西嘉岛了。

    The first was just disappearing in the straits of Bonifacio ; the other , following an opposite direction , was about to round the Island of Corsica .

  19. 科西嘉岛是法国领土的一部分,但是她远离法国本土,是地中海三大岛之一。

    Corsica is one part of the territory of French , but she is far away from French mainland and is one of the three largest islands in Mediterranean .

  20. 迦太基城位于地中海中部,紧邻西西里岛、撒丁岛和科西嘉岛,毗邻古埃及,区位优势造就了其在贸易和军事上的强势地位。

    Located in such a good position - in the middle of the Mediterranean , close to Sicily , Sardinia and Corsica , and a pretty good distance from Egypt - helped make Carthage a leading trade center and military power .

  21. 地中海位于意大利、科西嘉列岛和撒丁岛以及西西里岛之间的海湾。

    An arm of the Mediterranean between Italy and the islands of Corsica and Sardinia and Sicily .

  22. 从这个层面上讲,研究治理理念下的科西嘉地方自治具有较大的理论意义与实践意义。本文研究主要由五章构成:第一章,科西嘉岛的概况。

    From this perspective , research the local autonomy of Corsica in the concept of governance has great theoretical and practical significance . The thesis is divided into the five chapters : the first chapter , " overview of Corsica " .