
  • 网络ireland;Island of Ireland;Ireland Island
  1. 不列颠群岛中的第二大岛是爱尔兰岛。

    The second biggest island in the British Isles is Ireland .

  2. 我说当你看到爱尔兰岛时,你会说什么。

    I spoke about ireland to see what you would say .

  3. 英联邦:很悠闲的苏格兰跟爱尔兰岛!

    The UK Britain : Free Scotland and North Ireland !

  4. 不列颠群岛中两个最大的岛是不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛。

    The two largest islands in the British Isles are Ireland and Great Britain .

  5. 鲍勃。吉尔道夫于1954年生于爱尔兰岛。

    Bob Geldof was born in Ireland in1954 .

  6. 当然了,5年前你去爱尔兰岛一个星期的旅游并不能证明什么。

    That weeklong trip you took to Ireland five years ago won 't cut it .

  7. 大自然使不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛结成紧邻。

    Nature has placed the two islands of Britain and Ireland in such close neighbourhood .

  8. 爱尔兰岛东北部分,与联合王国分离。

    A division of the United Kingdom in the northeast section of the island of Ireland .

  9. 还满大的都紫青了,变成爱尔兰岛的形状了

    Yes , it 's quite big . Purple . Ugly . Like a little map of Ireland .

  10. 在爱尔兰岛的西南海岸外有一个被保护着不受外侵袭的小岛上,有一个神秘古老的园子。

    Off the south-west coast of Ireland lies a small sheltered island with a mysterious ancient garden on it .

  11. 1972年初被拘押在北爱尔兰岛特别营地的人数有600多。

    The number of persons interned in special camps in Northern Ireland was over six hundred at the beginning of1972 .

  12. 面积二万四千四百四十八平方英里,就是说,比爱尔兰岛面积小一些尼摩船长和他的副手这时候进来了。

    its surface area , 24448 square miles , in other words , a little smaller than that of Ireland .

  13. 爱尔兰岛上有两个国家:北爱尔兰我们之前谈过了和爱尔兰共和国。

    The Island of Ireland contains on it two countries : Northern Ireland , which we have already discussed and the Republic of Ireland .

  14. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。

    The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain ( the larger one ) and Ireland , and hundreds of small ones .

  15. 院子,庭院紧邻房子或住宅周围被围起来的区域大自然使不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛结成紧邻。

    The enclosed area immediately surrounding a house or dwelling . Nature has placed the two islands of Britain and Ireland in such close neighbourhood .

  16. 爱尔兰岛上有两个国家:爱尔兰共和国和北爱尔兰,而不列颠岛上又三个:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

    Ireland has on it two countries : the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland , while Great Britain mostly contains three : England , Scotland and Wales .

  17. 凯尔特人进入爱尔兰岛后,征服了当地的土著居民,掌握了爱尔兰岛的控制权,建立起了100多个大大小小的王国,分属于五个大的王国或行省。

    After the arrival of Ireland , the Celts conquered the local aborigines , took the island under their control , and then established around 100 small kingdoms arranged into five bigger groupings .

  18. 1931年的今天,威斯敏斯特法将完全的独立立法权赋予给了加拿大、澳大利亚、纽西兰、南非、爱尔兰和纽芬兰岛。

    1931-Statute of Westminster gives complete legislative independence to Canada , Australia , New Zealand , South Africa , Ireland and Newfoundland .

  19. 在我出访伦敦之际,我参观了爱尔兰海的曼恩岛。

    On the occasion of my inspection tour of london , I visited the Isle of man in the Irish sea .

  20. 位于爱尔兰西部阿基尔岛上的Dooagh沙滩在1984年的一场暴风雨后消失。

    Dooagh beach on Achill Island in the west of Ireland , was washed away in 1984 after storms hit the area .

  21. 在爱尔兰海域位于不列颠和爱尔兰岛之间,有一个小岛叫马恩岛。

    Between Britain and Ireland , in the Irish Sea , lies the small Isle of Man .

  22. 我从小在北爱尔兰长大,就在爱尔兰岛的最最北边

    I grew up in Northern Ireland , right up in the very , very north end of it there ,

  23. 包括爱尔兰共和国和北爱尔兰的一个岛。

    An island comprising the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland .

  24. 2007年,爱尔兰政府表示,将“寻求通过谈判宣布爱尔兰岛为无转基因产品区”,但后来没有发生任何有这种谈判的记录。

    In2007 the Irish Government said it would " seek to negotiate to declare the island of Ireland as a GMO-free zone ", but there is no record of any such negotiations having taken place .