
ài lì shè gōng
  • the Elysée Palace;Palais de l'Elyseè
爱丽舍宫[ài lì shè gōng]
  1. 希拉克的豁免权在他离开法国总统府爱丽舍宫6周后,于6月份到期。

    Mr Chirac 's immunity from prosecution expired in June , six weeks after he vacated the Elys é e palace .

  2. 8月31日,雅克•希拉克总统郑重邀请一个世卫组织代表团前往爱丽舍宫,将其担忧坦言相告。

    On the31st of August President Jacques Chirac graciously invited a delegation from WHO to the Elys é e Palace to share his concerns .

  3. 总统还在爱丽舍宫接见了参加部长级会议的各部长。

    The president also meets ministers at inter-ministerial councils held at the Elys é e Palace .

  4. 同时,ArcelorMittal表明他没有接触爱丽舍宫。

    Meanwhile , ArcelorMittal says it has had no contact with the Elysee Palace .

  5. 上述这些知情人士说,大约12名警察搜查了萨科奇5月中旬离开爱丽舍宫之后使用过的办公室,以及他的妻子布吕尼-萨科齐(CarlaBruni-Sarkozy)在巴黎的寓所。

    About a dozen police searched offices Mr. Sarkozy has used since leaving the Elyse palace in mid-May , and the Paris apartment of his wife , Carla Bruni-Sarkozy , these people said .

  6. FrancoisHollande上个月赢得法国总统选举后爱丽舍宫的第一批访客中就有来自洛林Florange地区ArcelorMittal钢铁厂的工会领袖。

    AMONG the first visitors to the Elysee Palace after Francois Hollande 's victory in the French presidential election last month were trade-union leaders from ArcelorMittal 's steel factory at Florange , in Lorraine .

  7. 爱丽舍宫和法国多名高级部长都没有否认此事。

    Neither the Elysee Palace nor senior ministers denied the claims .

  8. 爱丽舍宫现在也不再施压要求建立新的欧盟机构了。

    The Elysee is no longer pressing demands for new European Union institutions .

  9. 那个穿大衣的,他是爱丽舍宫的官员。

    In the light coat . he 's the official at the Elysee palace .

  10. 他坚称自己没有得到来自爱丽舍宫的指示。

    He had received no instruction from the Elys é e , he insisted .

  11. 在巴黎,西方外交官员在巴黎爱丽舍宫举行峰会,讨论在利比亚的军事行动。

    In Paris , western diplomats held a summit at Paris'Elysee Palace to discuss military action in Libya .

  12. 爱丽舍宫,建于1718年,至今有近300年的悠久历史。

    The Elysee Palace , built in 1718 , has a long history of closingto 300 years to date .

  13. 利夫尼随后在爱丽舍宫跟法国总统萨科齐和外交部长库什内会谈。

    Livni spoke at the Elysee presidential palace in Paris following talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner .

  14. 从1989年起,爱丽舍宫每年于九月法国古堡节这天对公众开发。

    Starting from 1989 , the Elysee Palace is open to the public every year in September on the French Castles Day .

  15. 这意味着这个世界可能不会知道萨科奇绕着爱丽舍宫追赶宠物的那些日子应是怎样一番景况了!

    Which means the world may never find out what kind of house pets Sarkozy is chasing around the Elys é e these days .

  16. 法兰西第三共和国于1873年颁布法令,正式指定爱丽舍宫为法国总统府。

    The Third French Republic issued a decree in1873 , designating officially the Elysee Palace as the residence of president of the French Republic .

  17. 他掌控的爱丽舍宫里,“盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义”已经不再是贬义词,也不再是“你的乞丐邻居”的同义词了。

    In the Elys é e under its new management ," Anglo-Saxon capitalism " is no longer a term of abuse or a synonym for beggar-thy-neighbour .

  18. 该正式声明发表几小时前,在爱丽舍宫为总统主持婚礼的一位官员公布了两人举行婚礼的消息。

    The official statement followed an announcement of the wedding several hours earlier from the official who had performed the ceremony at the presidential Elysee Palace .

  19. 经过几个星期的再三考虑,法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐与前模特兼歌手卡拉$布鲁尼在爱丽舍宫完婚。

    After weeks of speculation , the French President Nicolas Sarkozy has married the singer and former model Carla Bruni at the Elys é e Palace .

  20. 该网站推出的目的是为了宣传布吕尼的慈善活动,并且能让全世界的人们有机会一窥她和萨科奇在爱丽舍宫的生活。

    The website aims to publicise Bruni 's charity work as well as giving the world a glimpse of her life in the Elysee Palace with Sarkozy .

  21. 很多法国和美国电影名人出席了在法国总统官邸爱丽舍宫举行的庆典,其中包括格温妮丝帕特洛、苏菲玛索、娜塔莉贝伊和派屈克布乃尔。

    Attending the ceremony at the Elysee presidential palace were such French and American film personalities as Gwyneth paltrow , Sophie marceau , Nathalie Baye and Patrick bruel .

  22. 在爱丽舍宫,萨尔科齐告诉教皇,他的到来对于法国数以百万计的天主教徒来说是一件盛事。

    At the presidential Elysee Palace , Mr. Sarkozy told the pope that , for the millions of French Catholics , Benedict 's visit was a truly exceptional event .

  23. 上周六,法国总统萨科奇与相识不到三个月的前超级模特卡拉?布鲁尼在爱丽舍宫完婚。

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy married former model Carla Bruni on Saturday at the Elysee Palace , tying the knot less than three months after they reportedly first met .

  24. 爱丽舍宫表示,它完全否认《世界报》的指控,共和国总统确认从未向任何机关给出任何指示。

    The Elys é e said that it totally denies the Le Monde allegations and the presidency of the Republic confirms that it did not give any instruction whatsoever to any agency .

  25. 他伴着军队进行曲走上长长的红地毯,之后萨科齐在爱丽舍宫院内迎接了这位新任总统。

    The new president was met by Mr. Sarkozy in the and Eacute ; lys é e courtyard after walking up a long red carpet to the tune of a military march .

  26. 在世界上与美国的白宫、英国的白金汉宫以及俄罗斯的克里姆林宫同样闻名遐尔的还有法国的爱丽舍宫。

    The Elysee Palace in France enjoys equal popularity in the world with the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom , the Kremlin in Russia as well as the White House in the U.S.A.

  27. 据他办公室的消息来源称,他目前无意让他的新情妇、41岁的女演员兼电影制片人朱莉·加耶搬进爱丽舍宫。

    Sources in his office say he has no intention of installing Julie Gayet , 41 , the actress and film producer who is his latest mistress , in the Elysee Palace for now .

  28. 当天,当布吕尼与丈夫、萨科奇总统抵达在巴黎爱丽舍宫举行的国宴现场时,只见她身穿一条由法国设计师罗兰•穆雷打造的紧身裙,尽显性感曲线。

    The wife of Nicolas Sarkozy selected a figure hugging Roland Mouret dress that left only a very little to the imagination as she arrived with her husband at the Elysee Palace in Paris .

  29. 为纪念1944年在法国北部的诺曼底登陆成功,在巴黎爱丽舍宫举行晚宴招待19位来访的国家元首。

    An emotional day of events commemorating the success of the D-Day landings in northern France in 1944 has ended with a banquet for 19 visiting heads of state at the Elysee Palace in Paris .

  30. 爱丽舍宫的一位总统高级助理还告诉法国《世界报》:“这太让我震惊了,我想到过政府危机,但从没想到过会后宫起火。真让人吃惊。”

    A senior Elysee Palace presidential aide meanwhile told Le Monde newspaper : " I am completely blown away . I expected a government crisis , not a domestic one . It 's amazing . "