
  • 网络irish;Gaeilge
  1. 我想教爱尔兰语,这样它就不会彻底消失。

    I want to teach Irish so that it won 't die out .

  2. 在威尔士语和爱尔兰语中,表示“月亮”的词是阴性的。

    In both Welsh and Irish the word for ' moon ' is of feminine gender .

  3. 他对爱尔兰语的节奏很敏感。

    He has an ear for the rhythm of Irish speech .

  4. 去年,三星公司(SamsungCorp.)就增加了爱尔兰语的手机产品,以图挑战市场领头羊诺基亚(NokiaCorp.)。

    Last year , Samsung Corp. , trying to steal a march on market leader Nokia Corp. , added an Irish-language handset to its line .

  5. 早在2006年,Foras即开始与Tegic合作开发爱尔兰语的文本输入软体。

    In2006 , Foras began working to develop texting software for the Irish language with market leader Tegic .

  6. 注重爱尔兰语在学校里的教育和教学;

    Focus on education and the teaching of Irish in schools ;

  7. (爱尔兰语)送葬的哀乐用大声嚎啕大哭唱歌。

    ( Irish ) a funeral lament sung with loud wailing .

  8. 不过欧康裘贝相信爱尔兰语仍将继续存活。

    But o ciardha believes the Irish language will survive .

  9. 语言:官方语言为爱尔兰语和英语。

    Language : Irish and English are the official languages .

  10. 本质上国家承认爱尔兰语作为官方第一语言。

    Irish is constitutionally recognised as the first official language of the State .

  11. 为当根政府打交道时想使用爱尔兰语的公众提供便利。

    Facilitate the public who want to use Irish when dealing with the State .

  12. 1100到1500年间的爱尔兰语。

    Irish Gaelic from 1100 to 1500 .

  13. 爱尔兰语,勃克·穆利根说。

    Irish , Buck Mulligan said .

  14. 但是,仍然有些人讲古欧洲语:如威尔士语和爱尔兰语。

    However , there are still people who also speak the older European languages , Welsh and Isles .

  15. 有些既用英语也用爱尔兰语写作的人,还经常翻译他们的同辈的作品以及早期的作品。

    Some wrote in English and Irish often translating the work of their peers as well as early texts .

  16. 它将促进爱尔兰语成为日常沟通工具&而不只是课堂上的教材。

    It facilitates the Irish language as a communications tool for every day & not just in the classroom .

  17. (表示友爱的爱尔兰语)亲爱的人。被人爱的人;表示对钟爱的、亲爱的人的称呼用语。

    ( an Irish term of address expressing affection ) darling . a beloved person ; used as terms of endearment .

  18. 克拉达戒指在爱尔兰语里的意思是“平坦的石岸”。

    The word Claddagh itself comes from the Irish term ' An Cladach ' that means a ' flat stony shore ' .

  19. 最后一个政府所作的关于爱尔兰语的主要指示是1965年公布的关于恢复爱尔兰语的白皮书。

    The last major government policy on the Irish language was a White Paper on the restoration of the Irish language published in 1965 .

  20. 在35万报告每天使用爱尔兰语的人中,大部分是在上课时使用爱尔兰语的学生。

    Of the350,000 who were reported to use Irish every day , the majority were schoolchildren who use it during their classes in Irish .

  21. 这个姓氏来自爱尔兰语,但这也英国广泛使用的姓名之一,其来源于个人名字“尼克拉斯”。

    It comes from an Irish clan name , but it is also one of several English surnames derived from the personal name Nicolas .

  22. 该政策在13个目标的基础上制定了爱尔兰语20年发展战略,主要注重该语言的实际应用发展。

    The policy promises a20-year strategy for the development of Irish based on13 objectives , with a focus on the practical development of the language .

  23. 如果你仔细看,你将看到公共汽车的前面用英语和爱尔兰语写着“停用”的字样。

    If you look carefully , you 'll see that the front of the bus says " Out of Service " in English and in Irish !

  24. 这项有关口音的民调共对全球五千名女性进行了调查。其中,说爱尔兰语的男性最受女性青睐。法国口音仅名列第四,排在澳大利亚口音之前。

    Men with an Emerald Isle brogue came top in a poll of5,000 women worldwide , while the French accent only came fourth , just ahead of Australian .

  25. 一个政府内部人士昨晚说,它的最初目的是给那些想用爱尔兰语的人提供“能这样做的选择”。

    The initiative 's aim is to give people who want to use Irish " the choice to be able to do so ", a Government source said last night .

  26. 他也确信树林里的众多猫群有它们独有的语言&像某种古爱尔兰语。

    He is certain too that the cats , of whom there are many in the woods , have a language of their own & some kind of old Irish .

  27. 本论文将探讨他写作生涯高峰中的代表作《翻译》,该剧展现了爱尔兰语及其身份遭到英殖民者语言侵犯并面临消失的主题。

    This thesis aims at discussing his representative work Translations , which is considered to be the culmination of his career . This play presents the loss of Irish language and identity under the powerful invasion of English as its theme .

  28. 迄今为止,我解构了日语,汉语普通话,西班牙语,意大利语,巴西葡萄牙语,德语,挪威语,爱尔兰盖尔语,朝鲜语,或许还有一堆另外的语言。

    So far , I 've deconstructed Japanese , Mandarin Chinese , Spanish , Italian , Brazilian Portuguese , German , Norwegian , Irish Gaelic , Korean , and perhaps a dozen others .

  29. 分布于爱尔兰的凯尔特语。

    The Celtic language of Ireland .

  30. 古代与中世纪爱尔兰史料的爱尔兰语词典。

    Dictionary of the Irish language based mainly on old and Middle Irish materials .