
ài ɡuó zhǔ yì jiào yù
  • patriotism education;education for patriotism
  1. 这个学校注重爱国主义教育。

    The school pays particular attention to fostering in patriotism .

  2. 谈加入WTO后的爱国主义教育

    Discussion on the Education of Patriotism After the Entry of WTO

  3. 建立爱国主义教育学是社会主义精神文明建设、公民道德建设、中国加入WTO的迫切需要。

    It is urgent to establish patriotism Pedagogy with which we are building a society , an advanced culture and ideology , citizen morals , and which will help us join WTO .

  4. 这对我省爱国主义教育具有重要的作用。

    The patriotic education in our province plays an important role .

  5. 对传统文化与爱国主义教育的关系进行了思考;

    Considers the academic relation of traditional culture and patriotic education ;

  6. 关于加强和改进大学生爱国主义教育的几点理论思考

    The Pondering on Strengthening and Improving College Students ' Patriotism Education

  7. 爱国主义教育是历史教学中的一个永恒的主题。

    Education in patriotism is an eternal theme in history education .

  8. 爱国主义教育是大学生思想教育的重点。

    College students patriotism education has long time being focal point .

  9. 大学生爱国主义教育必须不断创新。

    College students'patriotic education must adhere to apply theory to reality .

  10. 中山舰爱国主义教育基地规划创意

    Planning Idea of " Zhongshan " Warship Base for Patriotism Education

  11. 论经济全球化背景下大学生爱国主义教育

    Patriotism Education for College Students in the Background of Economic Globalization

  12. 中国近代航空史料与爱国主义教育

    Comment on Chinese modern aeronautical historical materials and the patriotism education

  13. 浅谈当前大学生的爱国主义教育

    Brief discussion about the patriotism education on the current university students

  14. 借鉴美国学校爱国主义教育的经验;

    The successful experience of the American school education in patriotism ;

  15. 我国高校爱国主义教育存在的缺陷;

    The weaknesses of the patriotism education in our colleges and universities ;

  16. 美国爱国主义教育的特点及其对我国的启示

    On Characteristic of the United States'Patriotism Education and Its Enlightenment to China

  17. 动物学野外实习中进行爱国主义教育的研究

    Study on the education of patriotism in zoology field seminar

  18. 爱国主义教育的个体功能

    An Analysis of the Individual Function of Moral Education in Higher Schools

  19. 成都地区大学生爱国主义教育开展情况初探

    Analyses on the Implementation of Patriotic Education among College Students in Chengdu

  20. 新形式下大学生爱国主义教育方式探讨

    Discussion on the Patriotic Education of College Students in the New Situation

  21. 大学语文在素质教育方面具有独特的优势:大学语文能突出爱国主义教育,塑造完美人格;

    College China has its own advantages to diathesis education .

  22. 爱国主义教育是民族院校德育的核心内容。

    Patriotic education is the core of moral education in national institutions .

  23. 音乐教学与爱国主义教育结合的思考

    Study on the combination of music teaching and patriotism education

  24. 以历史为主要内容的爱国主义教育;

    The patriotism education that regards the history as the main contents ;

  25. 三是拓展爱国主义教育的内容。

    The third is expanding the content of the education of patriotism .

  26. 本文主要探讨经济全球化背景下的国有企业爱国主义教育。

    This article mainly discusses patriotism education in SOE under economic globalization .

  27. 中国革命史是一门进行爱国主义教育的重要课程。

    The Chinese Revolutionary History is an important course in patriotism education .

  28. 以比较文学与世界文学教学为平台,多样性进行爱国主义教育

    Multi - channel Patriotism Education by Teaching Comparative Literature and World Literature

  29. 加强大学生爱国主义教育的重要性

    The importance of strengthening patriotism education in the college students

  30. 论大学生爱国主义教育有效途径的拓展

    On development of effective paths of college student patriotic education