
zǒng zhǐ huī
  • commander in chief;general director
总指挥 [zǒng zhǐ huī]
  • (1) [commander-in-chief]∶例如在前线作战的全部武装力量的指挥官或者若干个军兵种合成军队的指挥官

  • (2) [general director]∶生产或工程建设等中负责全面的指挥的人

总指挥[zǒng zhǐ huī]
  1. 《严阵以待的反叛者:担任总指挥的杰斐逊·戴维斯》(EmbattledRebel:JeffersonDavisasCommanderinChief)。

    EMBATTLED REBEL : Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief .

  2. 他还特别向国会议员强调,布什总统才是总指挥。

    He pointedly reminded lawmakers that Bush is commander in chief .

  3. 河南省和郑州市防汛抗旱总指挥部均将防汛应急响应级别提升为Ⅰ级。

    Both Henan provincial and Zhengzhou municipal flood control and drought relief headquarters have raised the emergency response for meteorological disasters to level I.

  4. 第三十三条公安消防机构在统一组织和指挥火灾的现场扑救时,火场总指挥有权根据扑救火灾的需要,决定下列事项:

    Article 33 Public security fire control institutions , when making unified organization and direction of on site fire fighting and rescue , the chief commander shall have the right to determine the following matters in accordance with the requirements of fire fighting and rescue work :

  5. 罗伯特·E·李将军担任新成立的北弗吉尼亚军队总指挥,

    General Robert E Lee takes command at the head of the newly formed army of Northern Virginia .

  6. 但约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)围绕着总指挥所需的经验来定格此次大选,由此找到了突破口。

    John McCain spotted an opening to frame the election around the experience needed in a commander-in-chief .

  7. 上将JockStirrup是英国军队的总指挥。

    Air Chief Marshal Jock Stirrup is the head of British forces .

  8. 前皇家护卫总指挥DaiDavies说:“公开宣传,对于梅根的好奇,和婚礼的进行都会让皇家护卫队增加皇室成员的安全方面的担忧。”

    Former Royal Protection Command chief Dai Davies said : " The publicity and interest in Meghan and the wedding will add to the protection squad 's concerns .

  9. 因此在5月2日,RAHMEMANUEL任命纽瓦克警察总指挥GarryMcCarthy(如图)为芝加哥市的新警长。

    So on May 2nd he tapped Garry McCarthy ( pictured ) , Newark 's police director , as the city 's new top cop .

  10. 爆破公司总指挥贾永胜告诉中国国营电视台CCTV说:像这样在市中心的大规模爆破任务,不但要保证爆破结果(精确),还要控制爆破产生的不良影响。

    Jia Yongsheng general director of the demolition company told China 's state TV channel CCTV : ' For this kind of large-scale blasting demolition conducted in the downtown area we not only need to guarantee the demolition result but also strictly control the adverse effects of blasting . '

  11. 奥巴马强调称,他将是总指挥。

    Mr Obama has emphasised that he will be in command .

  12. 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线(总指挥部)

    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( General Command )

  13. 他任命格兰特为联邦军的总指挥。

    Grant was appointed general in chief of the Union army .

  14. 杨依强是这次发射任务的总指挥。

    Yang Yiqiang is the chief commander of the launch mission .

  15. 神枪手们的总指挥丹尼尔·摩根迅速采取行动。

    Daniel Morgan , commander of the sharpshooters , acts fast .

  16. 公元1547年,勃应囊被任命为进军泰国的总指挥。

    Bayin Naung was appointed commander-in-chief of the invading army in AD1547 .

  17. 总指挥被解除了指挥权。

    The commander - in - chief was relieved of his command .

  18. 严格遵照总指挥长的指示决不冒然行事。

    Enforce general controller 's instruction , not allow taking action individually .

  19. 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室

    Office of the State Flood Prevention and Drought Resistance Headquarters

  20. 驻伊美军迎来了新任总指挥。

    There 's a new top American general in iraq .

  21. 他是001A型航空母舰研发工作的总指挥。

    He led the research and development of the Type 001A carrier .

  22. 佛朗哥是军队的总指挥。

    Franco was in overall bommand of the military .

  23. 奥勃良是这一切事情的总指挥。

    It was O'Brien who was directing everything .

  24. 和总指挥部的联系怎么样了?

    What happen to contact with the headquarters ?

  25. 这里是总指挥部,步兵向前推进200。

    Company B Commander This is Command HQ . Move the soldiers forward 200 .

  26. 她是墨西哥湾海龟官方救援计划的总指挥。

    Shes leading the official rescue response for sea turtles across the Gulf of Mexico .

  27. 政府飞行服务队总指挥

    " Commandant , government flying service "

  28. 我料来我的前敌总指挥已经全线胜利了。

    I expected to find that my commander at the front had been completely victorious .

  29. 人们很快就看到这位总指挥发号司令,为自己赢得了赞誉。

    The commander-in-chief was quickly seen to take command , and then acquitted himself with credit .

  30. 他是这艘护航舰的总指挥,权利很大。

    He is the commander in chief of this escort , and he holds great power .