
  • 网络Educational role;education function;teaching role
  1. 注重文学作品的教育作用。

    Pay attention to the education function of the literary works .

  2. 本文由三大部分组成:第一部分:高校班级文化的内涵与其思想政治教育作用的研究意义。

    There three parts of the essay : Part one : the research meaning of political ideology education function of university class culture .

  3. 对我来说,动物园存在的唯一正当理由是其教育作用。

    To me the only justification for a zoo is educational

  4. 采用了演示及播放电影和录像带的形式,以起到教育作用。

    Demonstrations , films , and videotapes are shown for your edification .

  5. 思想政治课教学对听障学生的教育作用和影响

    The influence of ideological and political teaching on hearing-impaired students in universities

  6. 首先是宣传教育作用。

    The first is the role of publicity and education .

  7. 精灵形象具有独特的审美价值、艺术功能和教育作用。

    The spirit images have unique aesthetic value and artistic and educational functions .

  8. 试析高校国防教育作用

    The functions of national defense education in university

  9. 美术的认识作用和教育作用,在历史画中表现得最为突出。

    The cognitive and educational functions of arts are mostly realized through history-theme paintings .

  10. 所以少儿舞蹈训练具有特殊的教育作用。

    Children dance with a unique educational role .

  11. 初治涂阳肺结核病患者治疗中程序化健康教育作用探讨

    Effect of health education program on treatment of first-treated pulmonary tuberculosis with positive sputum smear

  12. 少先队辅导员良好的工作作风,可以对少年儿童产生潜移默化的教育作用。

    The fine work style of Young Pioneers ' counsellors exerts an imperceptible influence on children 's thinking and behaviour .

  13. 考虑到体育运动普遍而潜在的教育作用,很多孩子第二次接触有组织的体育活动发生在学校也就不奇怪了。

    Given the prevailing educational undercurrent , it 's no surprise that many kids'second brush with organized athletics takes place in a school .

  14. 在校园文化建设方面,要加强校园物质文化建设和校园精神文化建设,发挥校园文化的教育作用,等等。

    In tne construction of campus culture , school should strengthen the construction of spiritual and material culture to express the educational function .

  15. 从高校图书馆信息情报功能的角度,讨论图书馆信息情报功能的服务作用、教育作用。

    From the angle on informational function in a collegiate library , the article dis-cusses the serviceable and educative effects for the library 's informational function .

  16. 政府要通过发挥决策作用、服务作用、法治规范作用、宣传教育作用等实现对城镇化的推进。

    Government should push the development of the town planning construction through exerting decision-making function , service function , legislation discipline function , propaganda and education function , etc.

  17. 根据我国刑法中的罪刑法定原则和罪责刑相适应原则,对渎职犯罪必须加大惩罚力度,才能足以起到刑法的警示和教育作用。

    We must be severely punished according to law , which is consistent with the principle of legality of criminal law and to adapt the principles of criminal culpability .

  18. 本文针对在实际教学中对公共美术教育作用的理解并对具体教学方法的应用作出了探讨。

    The author of this thesis expresses her understanding of the functions of fine arts in quality education and probes into the specific teaching approaches which can be put into application .

  19. 研究大学生社团能使我们更加了解大学生社团的教育作用,从而重视其发展并努力去建设大学生社团。

    To study University Student Association can make us know more about its education role , and pay more attention to its development , and then make more efforts to build it .

  20. 一方面,受犹太传统观的影响,马拉默德认为人类的受难具有救赎和教育作用,能促使人们道德觉悟的提高,进而促使整个社会不断完善。

    On the one hand , he believes in the Jewish idea that human suffering has redemptive and educative power , which will improve man 's moral character and promote the society toward perfection .

  21. 民族传统体育运动走进校园,编成教材具有重要的教育作用并丰富了学校体育教育的文化内涵。

    The traditional athletics sport of race walks into the campus , becoming the teaching material to have the important education function and enriched the educational cultural content of the athletics of the school .

  22. 第三部分,红歌的爱国主义教育作用的突出表现。在不同的历史时期,红歌的爱国主义教育作用具有不同的表现。

    The third part : The salient manifestation that the educational function of " red songs " for patriotism present . In different historical phases , " red songs " perform differently in patriotism education .

  23. 从形体美的概念入手,总结了形体美发展变化的基本特征,进而对我国大学生形体课美育教育作用与特点以及开设现状与存在问题进行了分析。

    Starting from the concept of figure beauty , the paper summarizes the basic developing characters of figure beauty and further analyzes the aesthetic role of the figure class , the present condition and existing problems .

  24. 然后提出了志愿服务在大学生思想政治教育作用中存在的问题,主要表现为缺少有效的激励功能、育人效果欠佳、缺乏充足的导向功能、示范功能发挥不够。

    Then made a voluntary role in the ideological and political education problems , mainly for the lack of effective incentive function , educating people is ineffective , lack of adequate orientation function , demonstration is not functioning .

  25. 为实现科学有效的奥数教学,达到奥数在培养人的数学素质、提高数学思维能力等方面的教育作用,奥数教学设计的研究具有重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , the instructional design of Olympic Mathematics is of great significance in practice to achieve effective Olympic Mathematic teaching and realize the educational function of Olympic Mathematics with regard to cultivate students ' mathematic way of thinking .

  26. 而随着科学史研究的发展和科学史建制的形成,现在以科学史本身为文本来认识科学史的教育作用,相应的,这可被称为科学史中的教育。

    With the development of the research in science history and the establishment of its scientific and pedagogical studies we understand the educational function of science history through science history studies . which can also be called education in science history .

  27. 霍夫曼关于虚拟内疚的研究,不仅拓展了内疚研究的领域、丰富了内疚研究的内容,而且从新的角度揭示了道德情感在个体道德发展中的自我调节和自我教育作用。

    Hoffman 's study of virtual guilt not only expands the field of guilt study and enriches the content of guilt study but also reveals from a new angle the self-adaptive and self-educational role that moral sentiments play in individual moral development .

  28. 目的了解北京市中学生家长在预防艾滋病方面的知识、态度和需求,为学生家长以家庭为基础发挥健康教育作用提供依据。

    Objective To analyze the status of AIDS related knowledge , attitudes , behaviors and education demand of the parents of middle school students in Beijing , and to lay a foundation for HIV / AIDS information sharing within family members in the future .

  29. 学校控烟活动能对学生家庭成员起到间接教育作用,这是对以学校为基础进行控烟活动的优势的肯定;本文归纳了高校教育成本核算的一般程序,确定了间接教育费用分配标准和方法。

    School-based tobacco prevention and control projects could extended students ' family , which confirmed the strength of such program ; This thesis generalizes the common process of the cost calculation of universities and advances the allocation standard and methods of indirect educational costs .

  30. 法律的规范、引导、教育作用在制裁污染物排放者的行为和制定法律时,突出预防环境污染的法律对策,从而调整刑事诉讼过程中犯罪人和被害人的权利失衡问题等。

    When enact laws , the norms , pilot , education of the law and even the action to punish the pollution makers , should emphasize the law countermeasures of preventing environmental pollution and adjust the imbalance of the power between criminals and victims in the criminal procedure .