
  • 网络Textbook structure;the structure of a subject matter
  1. 从HPM的观点看中小学数学教材结构

    Thinking about the Structure of the Primary and Secondary Mathematics Textbook according to Views of PHM

  2. 高校政治经济学教材结构之我见

    My Viewpoint of the Text System of Political Economy of Colleges

  3. 教材结构体现一定的社会价值标准;

    The structure of teaching materials reflects a certain social value ;

  4. 中学几何教材结构特征探讨

    On the Structure Characteristics of Middle School Geometry Textbook

  5. 关于线性代数教材结构教法及建设的思考

    Reflections on the structure , teaching method and construction of linear algebra textbooks

  6. 优化教材结构突出高职特色

    Optimizing the Structure of Teaching Material and Focusing on the Characteristics of Vocational Education

  7. 历史课程的教材结构也不尽合理。

    As a result , the structure and content of textbooks are not reasonable .

  8. 新课程视野下的地理教材结构与功能研究

    Research on the Structure and Function of Geographical Textbooks under the New Course System

  9. 高中化学教材结构的比较及其优化的研究

    The Comparison And Optimization Research of The Structure of Chemistry Teaching Materials in Senior Middle School

  10. 当代课程与教学论:新内容体系与教材结构

    The Contemporary Curriculum and Instruction Theory : The New System of Contents and the Structure of Textbooks

  11. 本文提出了决定运动生物力学教材结构与体系的几个概论性问题的再认识。

    This article presents the re recognition of several introduction problems which decide the structure and system of sports biomechanic textbook .

  12. 因此,对现行教材结构进行比较研究具有现实意义,希望能够为学校选择教材提供参考。

    So it is practical significant to compare the current structure . Some suggestions for schools to choose textbooks maybe provided .

  13. 同时,制作系统还具有应用数据库创建教材结构的功能。

    At the same time , the making system still has the capacity of using the data bank to create teaching material structure .

  14. 本文就如何加强应用性实验的开设,确保学生成绩的正态分布,以及教材结构的合理调整等方面进行了阐述。

    How to strengthen applied experiments , ensure the normal distribution of students ' marks and adjust the structure of text books reasonably are expounded .

  15. 数学知识系统有几种不同的组织结构:逻辑结构、认知结构、教材结构和教学结构,并且都有多种具体表现形式。

    The knowledge system of mathematics has a few different kinds of structure , logic structure , cognitive structure , structure of teaching materials and teaching structure .

  16. 旅游电子商务课程立体化教材结构设计高职教育旅游专业英语教材一体化建设初探

    The Solid Design for the Structure of Teaching Material of Electrical Business Curriculum of Touring Specialty ; Research to Accord English Textbooks in High Vocational Tourism College

  17. 而相对于网络教学,传统教学具有的线性教材结构,内容形式单一多以文字为主,课堂以教师为中心集中授课的特点,不利于教学质量的提高和学生学习效果的提高。

    Comparing with the network education , the traditional teaching has a character of linear structure of the teaching content , the single text-based , teacher-centered classroom instruction .

  18. 从知识系统、助读系统、例习题系统和教材结构四个方面对教材进行了比较分析。

    It has made a comparison of standard senior school mathematics textbooks from the knowledge system , auxiliary readings system , examples and exercises system and structure of the textbook .

  19. 基于学习为本价值观.当代课程与教学论需建构学程式新教材结构.以强化其实作性并促进有效教学。

    Based on learning-oriented value , a new text book structure of contemporary curriculum and instruction theory should be constructed as the course of study so as to promote effective learning and teaching .

  20. 一个合格的教师,要深谙学科结构,要精通教材结构,尤其要创造性地实现将教材结构转化为适宜的教学结构。

    A qualified teacher much have profound . knowledge of the structures of discipline and teaching material , and be good at turning the structure of teaching material into the structure of pedagogy .

  21. 论文按照教材结构分析、理论建模、实验研究的顺序,分五个专题对高中城市地理自主创新学习教学模式进行了探讨。

    Following the order of construction analysis , theory model and experiment research , the thesis , divided into five special subjects , has a further discussion on self-study and creative teaching mode about senior school city geography .

  22. 阐述论文研究的相关理论和指导思想,教材结构的建构理论、建构教科书体系原则&三序结合等作为论文研究的理论基础,课程标准是本论文总的指导思想。

    The paper expounded related theories and the guiding ideology , the construction of teaching material structure and construction principle of textbook system theory with three sequence as the theoretical basis of research , curriculum standards as general guideline .

  23. 在财政与金融课程的教学中,要兼顾财政与金融二者的基本知识和基本理论,领会教学目的要求,把握教材结构体系;

    In the course of teaching of A Course in Finance and Banking , the basic knowledge and theory of both finance and banking should be taken into consideration , teaching objective and structure of teaching material should be understood .

  24. 第二部分从编写理念、教材结构、词汇、语法、课文和练习等几个方面对两套教材进行了比较研究,分析并探讨其异同。

    The second part makes a comparison research of writing concept , teaching material structure , vocabulary , grammar , the text and practice , etc of the two sets of teaching materials , analyses and discusses the similarities and differences .

  25. 在对这类注释进行了细致的分析和归类后,我们一方面看到英注普遍采用的一对一注释类型基本符合教材结构的特点,简洁明了;

    A careful analysis and classification of this kind of notes refers us to the fact that , on the one hand , the one-one noting style adopted in English noting method basically agrees with the terse and clear traits of the textbooks ;

  26. 21世纪的警察体育擒拿格斗教学,必须依据现代教育思想的发展和教育规律,对教材结构、体系进行大胆改革,不断完善自身的科学性和完整性。

    Police 's sports arresting and wrestling teaching in the 21st century must be compatible with the development of the modern education thought and educational law . A bold reformation should be made to the teaching material and system in order to perfect its own science and integrality constantly .

  27. 建构型超媒体教材的结构及界面特点

    The Structure and Surface Speciality of Constructive Hypermedia Teaching material

  28. 试论语文教材单元结构设计技术

    Unit Design in g Techniques of Ch in ese Textbook

  29. 试论《现代汉语》教材的结构

    On the Constructures for the Textbooks of Modern Chinese

  30. 初中物理教材内容结构比较及其调查研究

    The Comparison and Investigation of the Physics Contents Structure in Junior High School