
  • 网络Models of teaching;Teaching mode;Tutorial;tutorial mode;instructional model
  1. RME教育思想与教学模式的研究

    The Research of the Educational Idea and Models of Teaching about RME

  2. 新教学模式下英语教师面临的挑战与应对

    Challenges and Solutions to Teachers of English in the New Models of Teaching

  3. 除了出版中国课本以外,英国还将推广“上海掌握教学模式”。

    Apart from publishing textbooks , Britain will also spread the Shanghai Teaching1 for Mastery Programme in the country .

  4. 因此,这种教学模式也叫做反向课堂、反向指导等。传统的教学模式是,学生课后要看课本、做练习册,在学校时听老师讲课、参加考试。

    Flipped classroom , reverse instruction . The traditional pattern of teaching has been to assign students to read textbooks and work on problem sets outside school , while listening to lectures and taking test in class .

  5. 高校C语言课程开展双语教学模式的若干思考

    Deliberations of Bilingual education for the C programming language module in Universities

  6. MODULES教学模式在妇产科教学中的应用

    Application of MODULES Teaching Model in Gynecology and Obstetrics Teaching

  7. 不同体育教学模式对BMI指数异常学生的干预实验

    Different Sports Courses Teaching Pattern Experiment to Abnormal BMI Exponent Student Studies

  8. 因此,在理论和实践上探索新型的信息技术环境下PBL的教学模式,具有十分重大的现实意义。

    Therefore it has significance in setting up information technology-assisted PBL teaching mode .

  9. GBS是典型的情境教学模式。

    GBS is a typical situation-teaching mode .

  10. CBE教学模式和项目课程的开发

    CBE Teaching Model and Project Curriculum Development

  11. 纸质教材、电影录像和互联网超文本教材:以专业学科为基础的ESL多媒体教学模式&美国林菲尔德学院ESL多媒体教学模式的研究

    Paper-printing material , video tape and the super-textbooks on the internet : The multimedia ESL teaching mode of discipline-based instruction & Study on the multimedia ESL teaching mode of Linfield College

  12. 针对传统教学模式的缺点,利用Flash进行了算法动态演示软件的开发,并以开发单链表插入算法演示为例,详细讲述了其操作步骤。

    In the light of the disadvantages of traditional teaching mode , this paper advances that using flash develops the dynamic demonstration software of algorithm , and taking the development of chain table 's insertion algorithm demonstration as the example , expounds in detail the operating steps .

  13. 传统的临床医学教育观念已不适应EBM时代的要求,以问题为基础的循证医学的临床教育观念和教学模式,是当今临床医学发展的必然趋势。

    Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends of the times of EBM . Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends towards problem based EBM with the development of clinical medicine .

  14. CBS-RISE教学模式在细胞生物教学中的应用

    Application of CBS-RISE teaching model in cell biology

  15. 改革实验教学模式,发展药学高职教育

    Reform the experimental teaching mode , develop the pharmacy vocational education

  16. 构建体育教学模式的方法与实践操作;

    Constructs the P.E. teaching mode step and the practice operation ;

  17. 创新《卫生法学》教学模式构建有效教学

    Innovating " Health Law " Teaching Mode , Constructing Efficient Teaching

  18. 电大网络教学模式的设计思考

    On Design of Web - based Instruction Mode for Open University

  19. 动物遗传学综合性实验教学模式和效果

    The Teaching Model and Effect on Integrative Experiment of Animal Genetics

  20. 以案例教学模式培养实用型英语人才

    Training application oriented English personnel with the model of case study

  21. 对高职学前教育专业钢琴教学模式的思考

    In the school Thought of Piano Teaching Model for Prevocational Education

  22. 建构主义指导下的开放英语教学模式探讨

    Probe into Open English Teaching Pattern under the Guidance of Constructivist

  23. 关于高校文科教学模式改革的若干思考

    Reflection on the Teaching Model Reform of Liberal Arts in Universities

  24. 信息化教学模式与学生自主化学习

    Information Teaching Pattern and the Study of Students on Their Own

  25. 关于网络课程教学模式的应用和探讨

    Discussion on Teaching Method Based on Web Curriculum and Its Application

  26. 高三地理分层&题组教学模式的实验研究

    The Experiment of Geography Teaching Mode on " Stratification-Question Groups "

  27. 体育教学模式的结构、类型及应用条件

    P.E. Teaching Mode Structure , Types and Their Applied Condition

  28. 多媒体网络教学模式及其优化控制

    The Multimedia - Network Instructional Model and Its Optimizing Control

  29. 教学模式;汽车底盘构造;教学改革;

    Teaching mode ; Vehicle chassis structure ; Teching reform ;

  30. 学习兴趣;教学模式;直观教学;实践性教学。

    Study interest ; Educational model ; Object teaching ; Practical teaching .