
  • 网络product life cycle;product lifecycle;Plm;PLC
  1. 产品生命周期管理的功能概述

    An Account of Function of PLM

  2. 由产品生命周期思想内涵谈起,结合其在实践中的应用,从产品生命周期几个阶段着手,以产品生产和消费为核心,建立产品系统物质平衡模型,分析基于产品生命周期的污染控制原则。

    From the connotation of product life cycle idea and its application in practice , we establish the material balance model based on product life cycle stages and with production and consumption stages as the cores , then analyze some pollution control principles based on product life cycle .

  3. 基于Logistic模型的产品生命周期研究

    Empirical Study on Product Life Cycle Based on Logistic Model

  4. 文章借助GIS手段,实证研究了上海市高新技术企业,深入探讨了具有高投入、高产出、高风险、产品生命周期短等特点的高新技术产业区位选择的特殊性。

    This paper takes Shanghai high-tech enterprises as a case and discussed the particularity of high-tech industry 's location choice by GIS .

  5. 产品生命周期中的单/多层BOM表示与应用

    Expression and Application of Mono-tier and Multi-tier BOM within Product Lifecycle

  6. 基于J2EE的PDM系统产品生命周期

    J2EE-based Product Lifecycle of PDM System

  7. 面向产品生命周期的CAPP及其应用研究

    CAPP Oriented PLM and Its Application

  8. 产品生命周期管理(ProductLifecycleManagement,PLM)作为研发设计的基础平台逐渐成为一个高效数据管理与业务运作支持平台。

    As a fundamental platform for research and design , Product Lifecycle Management has become an efficient data management and business support platform .

  9. 面向产品生命周期的BOM结构研究

    The research of BOM structure on product lifecycle

  10. 产品生命周期管理(PLM)及其在服装企业的应用研究

    The Study of Product Lifecycle Management for Garment Makers

  11. 随后详细介绍了知识产权保护的四个经济学理论,分别是新古典学派的外部性理论、新制度学派的交易费用论、产品生命周期论以及《TRIPS》协定。

    Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .

  12. KBE环境下面向产品生命周期的协同设计管理系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Collaborative Design Management System for Product Life Cycle under KBE Environment

  13. 阐述产品生命周期管理(PLM)思想并对其功能进行合理划分;

    The concept of product lifecycle management ( PLM ) is described and its functions are divided rationally .

  14. 建立机电产品生命周期评价数据库成为进行机电产品LCA研究的迫切需要。

    The establishment of the electromechanical product LCA database becomes the urgent need for the LCA study of electromechanical products .

  15. AVT是产品生命周期中一个重要阶段。

    AVT is an important testing phase in a project life cycle .

  16. PLM(ProductLife-cycleManagement,产品生命周期管理)是近年来兴起的一种极具潜力的商业IT战略,它是企业信息化(尤其是制造业信息化)非常重要的组成部分。

    PLM ( Product Life-Cycle Management ), a kind of IT strategy that is extremely potential in commerce is rising in recent years . It 's significant to corporation 's informationization , especially to the manufacturing .

  17. 我们还将描述为保险、卫生保健和产品生命周期管理(PLM)行业提供的仪表板设计。

    We 'll also describe the dashboard design we provided for the Insurance , Healthcare and Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) industries .

  18. 这些关键数据是产品生命周期数据管理的主要内容,对实现PLM具有重要意义。

    The paper points out that key product data is main content of product lifecycle data management and it plays an important role in PLM .

  19. Xbox360正走向产品生命周期的尽头,在此期间,年同比销量下降了35%。

    The Xbox 360 is coming to the end of its life cycle , and year-over-year unit sales were down 35 % during the period .

  20. 本文叙述了产品生命周期管理(PLM)的概念、演化和发展,并从产品开发发展的角度分析了促进产品生命周期管理(PLM)发展的推动因素。

    This paper describes the concept , evolvement and development of PLM , and then analyzes the driving forces for the development of PLM from the product development strategy .

  21. 而产品生命周期评价(LCA)作为绿色设计和制造的实施基础,已成为国际上众多科研机构和组织竞相研究的热点。

    As one of their fundamental technologies , LCA ( Life Cycle Assessment ) has been a research field in which many research institutions and organizations in the world are interested .

  22. 阐述产品生命周期管理(PLM)能优化企业的运营流程,提高效率,提升企业的核心竞争能力,并保持核心竞争优势的持久性。

    Expatiation is done to the fact that Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) can increase benefit and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises as well as keep it long lasting .

  23. 演示PLCA1.0系统实现的完整产品生命周期评价过程。最后,以4135G型柴油发动机为例,进行了完整的PLCA研究。

    An intact product life cycle assessment was finally demonstrated through P_LCA1.0.At last , as an example of the 4135G diesel engine , an intact PLCA research was enforced .

  24. 通过一个产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件的配置管理子系统的开发介绍,总结和分析了动态属性配置技术应用的工作要领及其各阶段模型体系的具体表现形式。

    Conclude and analyze the main mechanism of Dynamic Attribute Configuration Technique and the modeling system in each phase via the design of a Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) configuration management subsystem .

  25. 我们都知道我们的生产流程和产品生命周期和IMG环保技术,不断朝着减少对环境的影响努力。

    We are aware of the environmental effect of our production processes and product lifecycles and IMG continuously work towards being as environmentally friendly as technologically practically possible .

  26. 建立能够充分反映产品生命周期中各方面信息的模型,是并行工程中实现企业产品开发过程集成、并行和优化的基础。本文用IDEF的集成化建模方法描述了企业的产品并行开发过程。

    By way of using the integrated modeling method this paper described the product 's concurrent development process of a certain enterprise .

  27. 接着从杰罗姆·麦卡锡(JeromeMcCarthy)的市场营销组合理论入手,以商业广告在促销组合和产品生命周期中的作用为基础为商业广告的营销功能定位来确定其文本功能。

    Based on the Market Mix Theory proposed by Jerome McCarthy , the functions of commercial advertising in promotion mix and during product cycle are analyzed to define the language functions of it .

  28. 为了完善企业资源计划(ERP)系统中可用于产品生命周期评价(LCA)的数据,如材料、产品、工艺流程、运输和固体废弃物等,提出了一种支持LCA的ERP系统框架。

    To perfect the data available for product life cycle assessment ( LCA ) in the current enterprise resources planning ( ERP ) systems , such as materials , products , technical process , transportation and solid waste , the framework of an ERP system supporting LCA was proposed .

  29. 除了SCOR之外,SCC还管理和维护着另外一种开放标准参考模型,即设计链操作参考(DCOR)模型,DCOR处理供应链产品生命周期管理的前端管理。

    In addition to SCOR , SCC manages and maintains another open standard reference model , the Design Chain Operations Reference ( DCOR ) model , which deals with the front-end management or product life cycle management of the supply chain .

  30. 从软件工程角度,建立了面向产品生命周期的全面质量管理系统(PLCTQMS)的总体构架,着重介绍了可视化过程建模,强调了产品、指令、资源信息及知识的有效集成;

    Then from the viewpoint of software engineering , the general system architecture of Product Lifecycle Total Quality Management System ( PLCTQMS ) was constructed , process visualization modeling was introduced , and effective integration of product , order , resource and knowledge was emphasized .