
  • 网络resources
  1. CRM近年来开始在企业的资源管理中发挥重要作用,由于企业电子商务本身所具有的开放性、全球性、低成本、高效率等特点,并以客户为导向,客观上促进了CRM的发展。

    CRM is important to Enterprise resources management in recent years . As Enterprise e-commerce is open , global , low-cost , high-efficiency features , and customer-oriented , which also contributed to the development of CRM .

  2. 不同所有制企业的资源位对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Resources Position of the Different Ownership Enterprises

  3. 第三章对企业的资源和能力等进行了分析,指出A公司的优秀人员流失严重,而人员整体素质有待提高。

    The third chapter analyses the resources and capability of COMPANY A .

  4. 从物质性来看,企业的资源可以分为实资源和虚资源。

    From the materiality , the resources can be divided into real resource and imaginary resource .

  5. 然后,将企业的资源和合作收益进行分类,建立了各种资源与各种收益之间的关系。

    Then the asset and benefit of firm are classified and the linkages between them build up .

  6. 然而,企业的资源具有稀缺性特点,它不可能有足够的资源在所有业务领域都处于优势地位。

    However , the resources are scarce , it can not have possession of sufficient resources in all business areas .

  7. 传统的计划系统都是考虑单一企业的资源利用,都限于单一企业的活动体制。

    The traditional planning systems only think about the resource utilization of single enterprise and they are limited to activity system of single enterprise .

  8. 然而,企业的资源是有限的,这就要求企业不断整合内外资源,优化资源配置。

    However , the enterprises ' resources are limited , which requires them to continuously integrate internal and external resources , optimize resource allocation .

  9. 最后,论文给出了资源外包演进程度的概念定义以及基本假设,设计相关的测度框架及方法,通过对家电行业企业的资源外包演进程度的测算,对基本假设进行了检验。

    Finally , the paper gives a demonstration of the outsourcing extent . A concept and hypotheses are set up and measuring methods are designed .

  10. 本文以物流企业的资源整合为研究方向,运用经济学的理论和方法,系统的研究和分析了物流企业资源整合的根源、模式以及运作。

    In this thesis , applying the theories and methods , deals with the resource conformity of logistics enterprises , and studies its root , mode and operation .

  11. 在人才培养模式上进行深入探索,整合学院和企业的资源,实现校企合作办学,走出了一条新路。

    Carries on the thorough exploration in the personnel training pattern , the conformity institute and enterprise 's resources , the realization school business cooperation school , went out a new road .

  12. 协同设计技术利用信息化技术充分整合企业的资源,有机协调群体间的设计活动,最终达到提升企业的核心竞争力的目的。

    The philosophy of collaborative design is to integrate the resources of the enterprise , coordinate the design activities among groups through information technology , ultimately bring enterprises to a more competitive level .

  13. 各区域发电行业的平均总资产利润在1999&2006年期间呈上升趋势,使得各区域内全部发电企业的资源配置效率整体上提高。

    During the period 1999-2006 average total assets profit margin of each regional power generation industry is raising , this makes resource allocation efficiency of all power generation enterprises in each region improve in overall .

  14. 而且,随着营销管理的变迁,管理者也意识到不同的客户需要提供不同水平和类型的服务。这样,不仅满足了客户需求,更使得企业的资源和努力得到更有效的利用。

    With marketing management development , managers also realize that different customer needs different levels and types of services , which not only meets the customer demand , but also make enterprise resource and effort used more effectively .

  15. 动态联盟是一种重要的创新组织模式,其相对于传统组织的一个最主要优势就是能够把分散在不同企业的资源进行整合,这对企业进行高质量的创新将起到极大地促进作用。

    Dynamic alliance is an important innovative organization model , its main advantage relative to the traditional organizations is that it can integrate resources in different enterprises . It has great improvement for the high quality innovations to enterprises .

  16. 实施市场细分的内在依据是顾客需求的异质性,外在强制条件是企业的资源限制和有效的市场竞争。

    The inner basis of putting the market subdividing into practice is according to the various needs of customers , the compulsive term outside comes from limit of the resource the enterprise has and valid market competition the enterprise meets .

  17. 目前国内企业信息化的资源管理系统,以ERP软件的应用为主。

    The resources management system of the present domestic enterprise informationization relies mainly on application of ERP software .

  18. 随着3G技术的日益成熟并即将大规模产业化,各电信业运营商之间的竞争日趋激烈,客户便成了企业的宝贵资源。

    With the increasing maturity and large-scale industrialization of 3G technology , the competition among the telecom companies become more critical , and customers will become the precious business resource in telecom market .

  19. Brian等人将企业的人力资源管理职能外包行为分为综合性活动、人力资本活动、交易性活动和人力资源获取活动四大类。

    Human Resource Management Outsourcing and Its Strategic Role in Firms Brain classified HRM activities into all-around activities , human capital activities , transactional activities and HR recruitment activities .

  20. RBAC克服了DAC和MAC这两种策略的一些缺点,在解决大型企业的统一资源访问控制的问题上得到了较为灵活的体现。

    RBAC conquers some weakness and shortage of DAC and MAC , and incarnates flexibly the resolve of the problem of the large enterprise 's access control on the unification resource .

  21. 潜在能力依赖于企业的内部资源。

    The potential ability depends on the enterprise 's inner resources .

  22. 铀矿山企业建设的资源条件和应注意的问题

    Resource condition for construction of uranium mines and some points for attention

  23. 如何对待企业里的资源孤岛?

    How to treat the resource detached island in enterprises ?

  24. 国有建筑企业的人力资源开发与管理

    The Development and Management of Human Resources in the state-owned Construction Enterprises

  25. 因此财会档案是企业的重要资源。

    So , the financial accounting file is the important resources of enterprises .

  26. 国际化进程中企业的人力资源管理

    Enterprises Human Resource Management in the Course of Internationalization

  27. 人力资源是现代企业的第一资源&兼谈知识经济下现代企业人力资源工作的系统框架

    Manpower Resources Are the Primary Resources for Modern Enterprises

  28. 利于提高企业的人力资源能力。

    Favors enhances the enterprise the human resources ability .

  29. 产业网络是一种介于市场与企业之间的资源配置方式。

    Industrial network is a mode of resources allocation between market and enterprise .

  30. 信息企业的人力资源管理与激励

    On Managing and Promoting Manpower Resources of Information Enterprise