
  • speculator;chancer;gambler
  1. 格雷厄姆寡居的母亲是个小投机者,在1907年大恐慌(Panicof1907)中赔得一干二。当时格雷厄姆年仅13岁。

    Graham 's widowed mother was a small-time speculator ; she was wiped out during the Panic of 1907 , when he was 13 years old .

  2. 再来看看已故投资大师约翰·邓普顿爵士(SirJohnTempleton)。邓普顿的父亲是田纳西州温切斯特(Winchester)的乡村律师,也是一名投机者,做棉花期货交易。

    Or take the late Sir John Templeton , who grew up the son of a country lawyer in Winchester , Tenn. Templeton 's father also was a speculator , trading cotton futures .

  3. 实际上,他是个金融领域的投机者。

    In fact , he is an adventurer in the financial field .

  4. 有几个投机者曾试图囤积小麦。

    Some speculators have tried to corner wheat .

  5. 在“罪恶之城”中,他们必须经过一头僵尸老虎、一个僵尸钢琴演奏家,还有数百名僵尸投机者。

    Sin City being what it is , they must get past an undead tiger , an undead Liberace impersonator and hundreds of undead gamblers who stack the odds15 against them .

  6. 堪称金融危机标志的美国国际集团(AmericanInternationalGroupInc.,AIG)已经变成了投机者的乐园。

    American International Group Inc. , a symbol of the financial crisis , has morphed into a playground for speculators .

  7. 把相关国家推向违约,cds投机者可没这个本事。

    CDs speculators do not have the power to push countries towards default .

  8. 利物浦勋爵(lordliverpool)1825年威胁说,如果投机者得到拯救,他将辞去财政大臣的职务,但最后投机者还是得救了。

    Lord Liverpool threatened to resign as chancellor of the Exchequer in 1825 if the speculators were bailed out - but eventually they were .

  9. 在这场决心控制金融市场和打压投机者的央行与投机者之间的懦夫博弈(gameofchicken)中,谨慎的投资者和鲁莽的借款人都可能遭到碾压。

    In this game of chicken between a central bank determined to control the financial markets and squeeze speculators , prudent investors and imprudent borrowers can both get crushed .

  10. 无实体CDS是那些大举押注欧洲各国政府(最近的是希腊)违约的投机者的首选工具。

    Naked CDSs are the instrument of choice for those who take large bets against European governments , most recently in Greece .

  11. 信用违约互换(cds)市场令这种局势严重恶化该市场偏爱那些押注于失败的投机者。

    The situation is aggravated by the market in credit default swaps , which is biased in favour of those who speculate on failure .

  12. CDS市场几乎不受任何监管,交易员们能够在该市场中对冲自己信贷组合的风险。但金融市场指控CDS投机者从企业和政府的问题中谋利。

    The barely regulated market allows traders to hedge their credit portfolios , but the markets accuse speculators of profiting from the problems of companies and governments .

  13. 海外投机者押注于未来12个月人民币的继续贬值,就像去年秋季欧元危机以及雷曼(lehman)破产以后他们所做的那样。

    Offshore speculators are betting on it weakening further over the next 12 months , as they did amid Euro worries last autumn and after Lehman failed .

  14. 据称,这些投机者通过推高cds(防止主权债务违约的一种保险)价格,抬高了各国必须为债券支付的收益率。

    By pushing up CDs prices ( a CdS insures against sovereign default ) , it is alleged that they jack up the yield that countries must pay for their bonds .

  15. 在ETFs产品产生之前,短期交易者和投机者的频繁交易活动使长期投资者承担了更高的税费成本,对长期投资者的利益构成了损害;

    Before the emergence of ETFs , frequent transaction from the short-term investors and speculators engenders the profit loss of the long-term investors ;

  16. 丘金表示,最佳的政策应该是转向“肮脏浮动汇率制度”(dirtyfloat),这样央行就可以在不预先通告的情况下进行干预,以便吓跑投机者这样卢布汇率就将趋于稳定。

    Mr vyugin said the best policy would be to move to a " dirty float " in which the central bank could intervene without warning so as to scare off speculators and then the currency would stabilise .

  17. 经济学家约翰•皮卡德•斯坦(JohnPicardStein)在1977年写道:“画作产生的任何超常表现,都可完全归功于它们提供的观赏乐趣,这是投机者们所理解不了的。”

    The economist John Picard Stein wrote in 1977 : " Any superior performance derivable from paintings can be attributed entirely to the viewing pleasure they provide , not capturable by speculators . "

  18. 由于美国议员指责投机者去年抬高了石油和其它大宗商品的价格,cftc主席加里詹斯勒(garygensler)把相关改革作为当务之急。

    Gary Gensler , CFTC chairman , has made the reform a priority after lawmakers complained that speculators last year inflated the price of oil and other commodities .

  19. 在OMT之前,投机者和卖空者享受的几乎是稳赚不赔的单向赌注:怀着欧元区终将解体的想法,不断推高债务国的债券收益率。

    Pre-OMT , speculators and short sellers enjoyed a near one-way bet : driving up bond yields in debtor countries on the notion that the euro would break up .

  20. 通过将利率降至接近于零的水平,并明确暗示新一轮定量宽松已迫在眉睫,美联储(fed)给投机者(和银行)提供了更多廉价信贷其中大多数被用于针对美元的投机。

    By lowering interest rates to almost zero and giving clear hints of another imminent round of quantitative easing , the Federal Reserve is providing speculators ( and the banks ) with yet more cheap credit much of which is being used to speculate against the dollar .

  21. 大宗商品行业就是一个有力的证据:尽管政客们喜欢将价格的大起大落归咎于对冲基金投机者,可在近来的价格走向中,ETF可能扮演了和对冲基金同等重要的角色。

    The commodities sector is one case in point : though politicians like to blame hedge fund speculators for price swings , ETFs may be as important as hedge funds in recent price trends .

  22. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)估值与风险策略主管迈克尔汤普森(MichaelThompson)表示:货币稀释或许是促使投机者在全球外汇市场上卖出美元的最有力的因素。

    Currency dilution , perhaps more than any other single factor has provided speculators with a convincing reason to sell the dollar on the global foreign exchange market , says Michael Thompson , head of valuation and risk strategy at Standard & Poor ' s.

  23. 弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)威胁要采取措施打击卢布投机者。他呼吁俄罗斯整顿本国经济,以对抗他所称的境外敌对势力压垮该国的企图。

    Vladimir Putin threatened to crack down on speculators against the rouble as he called on Russia to put its economic house in order to fight what he called an attempt by outside enemies to bring the country to its knees .

  24. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)中国策略师娄刚(JerryLou)一直在向中国一些最大的批发商了解情况,他表示,在国内大量游资的推动下,投机者已进入这个相对较小的市场,操纵起了价格。

    Jerry Lou , Morgan Stanley China strategist , who has been gathering intelligence from the country 's biggest wholesalers , said speculators , financed by the abundant liquidity sloshing around the country , had moved into the relatively small market and manipulated prices .

  25. 常被视为对冲基金活动指标的芝加哥商业交易所(CME)的数据表明,在截止5月17日的一周里,投机者将做空美元的资金削减了80亿美元,至255亿美元。

    Data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , often used as a proxy for hedge fund activity , show speculators reduced the value of their bets against the dollar by $ 8bn to $ 25.5bn in the week to May 17 .

  26. 交易所数据显示,对冲基金以及其他大型投机者累积了创纪录的北海布伦特(Brent)原油期货和期权合约,规模接近2.65亿桶石油,相当于近3天的全球石油需求。

    Exchange data show hedge funds and other large speculators have accumulated a record-breaking number of North Sea Brent futures and options contracts equal to almost 265m barrels of oil & the equivalent of almost three days of global oil demand .

  27. 结束这种爆炒,将把大部分散户投机者赶走:券商里昂证券(CLSA)的数据显示,首次公开发行的股票中,大约有一半(或者说散户申购到的70%)在上市第一天就被抛出。

    An end to such ramping will chase out most retail punters : roughly half of all IPO shares , or 70 per cent of those allotted to retail , are sold on day one , according to brokers CLSA .

  28. 卡塔尔能源和石油部长阿提亚(AbdullaBinHamadal-Attiya)表示,投机者利用地缘政治紧张,给石油价格加上“恐惧因素溢价”。

    Commodity speculators are exploiting geopolitical tensions to put a " fear factor premium " on oil prices , says Qatar 's Energy and Oil Minister Abdulla Bin Hamad al-Attiya in an interview with TIME .

  29. 投机者特地指定了这种物种标本的规范。

    The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen .

  30. 期冀和恐惧是投机者两个最大的敌人。

    Hope and fear are the two greatest enemies of speculators .