
xìnɡ bié qí shì
  • sexism;sexual discrimination;gender discrimination
  1. 你张口闭口就是各种歧视——性别歧视、年龄歧视、种族歧视。

    You 're always talking in isms ─ sexism , ageism , racism .

  2. 性别歧视在我们这个社会根深蒂固。

    Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society .

  3. 《反性别歧视法》并未根除工作中的歧视。

    The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment

  4. 一些像我们这样的团体致力于消除对同性恋的憎恶、种族歧视和性别歧视。

    Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia , racism and sexism .

  5. 性别歧视是一个争论激烈的话题。

    Gender discrimination is a hotly contested issue .

  6. 她免受性别歧视法的追究。

    She is exempt from sex discrimination laws .

  7. 一些女性团体谴责性别歧视。

    Women 's groups denounced sexual discrimination .

  8. 她是一个女强人,已经升至一个性别歧视意识根深蒂固的组织的最高层。

    She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation

  9. 陈旧的性别歧视态度仍然常见。

    Old-fashioned sexist attitudes are still common

  10. 我并没有性别歧视倾向。

    I am not being sexist .

  11. 劳工运动遭到女权主义者的猛烈抨击,指责其存在性别歧视,并要求作出改善。

    The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists .

  12. 我认为整件事情非常不公平,而且恕我直言,我觉得这是非常严重的性别歧视。

    I think the whole thing is very unfair and if I may say so I think it 's very sexist

  13. 你应该向委员会提出性别歧视的问题。

    You should raise the issue of gender discrimination with the council .

  14. 很多人参与了禁止性别歧视的运动。

    Many have joined the campaign to end gender discrimination .

  15. 这是一个很明显的性别歧视的例子。

    It was a clear case of sexual discrimination .

  16. 我们不想指责或批评仼何人,或者说有人是故意性别歧视者。

    " We 're not trying to assign blame or criticize anyone or call anyone conscious sexist . "

  17. 与racism(种族主义)和sexism(性别歧视)等词的衍生方式一样,motherism的衍生词motherist既可用作形容词来形容这种歧视态度,也可用作名词指抱有这种歧视态度的人。

    Following the derivational pattern of racism6 , sexism , etc , there 's also some evidence for use of motherist as both an adjective to describe such attitudes and a countable7 noun for people who perpetuate8 them .

  18. 1963年,肯尼迪总统签署了《同酬法案》(EqualPayAct),“在工资支付中禁止性别歧视”,那已经是45年前的事了。

    Forty-five years ago , President Kennedy signed into law the Equal Pay Act of1963 prohibiting'discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages . '

  19. 鉴于大多数看护者是女性,因此公平就业机会委员会(EqualOpportunityCommission)和法院也认为,某些禁止性别歧视的联邦和州级法律,同样适用于这一问题。

    Since most caregivers are female , the Equal Opportunity Commission and the courts have also found that some federal and state laws against sex bias apply in these matters .

  20. Todd在请愿中呼吁购物者抵制彭尼百货公司,直到他们停止销售这种她认为是性别歧视的衬衫。

    Ms. Todd 's petition urged shoppers to boycott J.C. Penney stores until they stopped selling shirts with what she called sexist messages .

  21. 最近,著名企业Facebook和Twitter纷纷受到性别歧视指控,这表明关于硅谷女性地位的斗争才刚刚开始。

    In a sign that the struggle over the place of women in Silicon Valley is only beginning , gender discrimination suits have recently been filed against two prominent companies , Facebook and Twitter .

  22. 于是她投诉遭到骚扰,并威胁要以性别歧视为由,告到让人头大的就业法庭(EmploymentTribunal)。而一旦她透露出已聘请了专业法律顾问和公关代理,受害企业就会赶紧花钱了事。

    She complains of harassment and threatens to bring an embarrassing employment tribunal involving sexual discrimination and , once she reveals that she has hired expert legal advisers and PR agents , the victim business settles quickly .

  23. 就在鲍康如(EllenPao)性别歧视案持续在硅谷引发热议的同时,代表她的律师事务所又为另一名女性提交了歧视诉讼状,这次针对的公司规模更大:Facebook。

    As the Ellen Pao sex discrimination trial continues to captivate Silicon Valley , the law firm representing Ms. Pao has filed a bias case on behalf of another woman against an even bigger target : Facebook .

  24. STEM(科学,技术,工程,数学)研究发现,成见、性别歧视、压抑的课堂氛围都会使女性在面对理科职业时望而却步,这也是女性科学家、女工程师如此之少的原因。

    Furthermore , various STEM research studies have shown that ... " barriers like stereotypes , gender bias , and a discouraging classroom atmosphere can deter women from pursuing careers in these areas and may explain why there are so few female scientists and engineers . " Another STEM research study noted ,

  25. 1998年拉丽莎·麦克法夸尔(LarissaMacFarquhar)在阅读了两本关于女性犯罪者的著作之后提出了刑事司法体系中的性别歧视问题,她指出

    In a 1998 article about gender bias in the criminal-justice system , Larissa MacFarquhar , reviewing two books about female killers , observes ,

  26. 鲍康如曾是著名风投公司凯鹏华盈(KleinerPerkins)一名次要合伙人。她说,硅谷要想创造“更好的文化”、提供“更好的产品”,就必须解决性别歧视的问题。

    Ellen Pao , a former junior partner of famed venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins , said sexism needed to be tackled by Silicon Valley to produce " better cultures " and " better products . "

  27. 女大学生就业的性别歧视的对策探析

    The Strategic Analysis of Sex Discrimination to Feminine Academician 's Employment

  28. 英语中的性别歧视及女权运动对其影响

    Sexism in English and effects made by women 's rights movements

  29. 从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视

    On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective

  30. 性别歧视语是男女地位不平等这一长期社会顽疾的外在症状。

    Sexist language is the external symptom of long-rooted gender inequality .