
xìnɡ shānɡ
  • sexual quotient
  1. 这就是为什么我要探讨“性商”这一概念。

    which is why I began to explore this concept of erotic intelligence .

  2. 但是,在学生日益做好游学准备的同时,商学院对如何成为一个国际性商学院却持一种很现实的态度。

    But while students are increasingly prepared to travel , there is a new realism among business schools about what it takes to be a global business school .

  3. 诺丁汉商学院是英国最好的全职性商学院之一,它为个人和企业提供了广泛的商务和管理的教育服务。

    Nottingham Business School is one of the UK 's leading full-service business schools , providing a wide range of business and management education services for individuals and organisations .