
  • 网络Gendered division of labor;Gender Division of Labor;sexual division of labor;gender division of labour
  1. 试论当代科技革命对社会性别分工的影响

    Discussion about the Influence of Contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution on the Gender Division of Labor

  2. 人类社会性别分工总是与一定的社会经济、政治、文化发展状况紧密联系的。

    Human gender division of labor in society is always connecting with the social development of economic , physics and culture .

  3. 论农村妇女对传统性别分工的挑战

    The Country Women 's Challenge to Sexual Division of Labor

  4. 第二,女性的发展受制于性别分工。

    Second , the development of women subjected to the gender division of labour .

  5. 城市青年知识分子家庭性别分工模式嬗变的“社会性别”分析

    Analyzing the Transformation of Family Labor Division

  6. 妇女、技术与性别分工

    Women , Technology and Sexual Divisions

  7. 在延续陈旧观念和维持传统的性别分工中,没有什么比芭比娃娃做的更好了。

    There may be no greater toy to perpetuate stereotypes and sustain archaic gender roles than Barbie .

  8. 除缠足外还有一系列的习俗束缚着妇女参与社会劳动,强化着农村家庭内两性间的性别分工。

    Beside foot-binding , there are some other habitude effects women participate in social labor and strengthen sexual division of labor in peasant family .

  9. 社会上,传统的性别分工及男子比女子更适合某些工作的看法遭到挑战。

    Society is challenging the traditional sexual division of labour and the idea that men are better suited than women to certain types of work .

  10. 另外,由于妇女有了更多的机会进入市场,她们也就有了越来越多的机会掌握经济收入,因而传统的社会性别分工也在发生变化。

    On the other side , today women have more opportunities to access marketing , which help them to access the economy activities more and more .

  11. 传统家庭结构则因女人交易规则的持久运行而不断巩固,日益积累和强化着家庭内的社会性别分工,造成父权制根深蒂固和女性的被奴役地位。

    Conventional family structure consolidates constantly since women transaction regulation keeps going on for a long time . Domestic gender division accumulated day by day that causes androcentric reign deep-rooted and women enslaved .

  12. 另一方面,女性的较高家庭地位具有一定的意识形态作用,对女性的发展和劳动性别分工有较强的建构作用。

    On the other hand , women 's relatively high status in the family , with a certain degree of ideological function , produces strong formative effects on women 's development and gender division of labor .

  13. 劳动按性别分工的形式的演变不仅承袭了社会性别化的历史传统,也受到工业化的多样性特征、劳动的重新分工、阶级意识和阶级斗争等因素的进一步影响。

    With the inheritance of some historical tradition , the evolving forms of the division also feels further impact from such factors as diversity of industrialization , redistribution of labor , class consciousness and class struggles .

  14. 研究发现,由于女性对家庭贡献的增加及新的性别分工模式的形成,不论以客观标准还是主观标准来考察,新华村女性的家庭角色都在趋向平等。

    The conclusion is , the family role tends to be equal in Xinhua village because of the female 's contribution to family and new gender mode of work division , whether based on objectivity or subjectivity .

  15. 结果在HIV/AIDS严重流行地区,女性感染者人数超过了男性,由于传统的社会性别分工、社会观念和社会性别不平等,虽然使男女两性均对HIV/AIDS易感,但女性更易感。

    Result In HIV severally infected area , the number of female living with HIV / AIDS exceeded that of male , and although traditional gender division , social norm and gender inequality made both men and women vulnerable to HIV , women are more vulnerable .

  16. 所有斯里兰卡民族保持了明确差别的性别角色分工。

    All ethnic groups in Sri Lanka preserve clear distinctions in the roles of the sexes .

  17. 在农村,传统的性别角色分工仍占主导地位;

    The traditional division of labor in the light of sex still plays a leading part .

  18. 基于性别的分工,性别分工

    Gender-based division of labour

  19. 影响男性暴力的相关因素主要有家庭性别劳动分工、男性的成长经验、性的社会化以及性别观念。

    There are factors mainly related to male violence : family gender division of labor , male growth experiences , sexual socialization and gender concepts .

  20. 摘要中国传统民间信仰中存在性别与社会分工问题。

    There is a problem of sex and labor division in Chinese folk belief .

  21. 这个研究发表言论说,根据年龄和性别进行经济劳动分工是在人类进化历史上相对较晚出现的想象,这种分工使得现代人类在欧亚大陆能够迅速发展。

    The study argues that division of economic labor by sex and age emerged relatively recently in human evolutionary history and facilitated the spread of modern humans throughout Eurasia .

  22. 受传统性别观念和性别分工模式的影响,留守妻子正逐渐成为现今流出地农村的普遍现象。

    Nowadays the left-behind wife is gradually becoming universal phenomenon of outflow field in rural area , under the influence of the traditional gender concept and gender division of labor pattern .

  23. 性别再现则提供了人们认识性别规范、性别角色、性别分工和性别关系的重要渠道。

    While gender representation stands up to be an important channel for people to understand gender norms , gender role , division of labor between genders and gender relations .

  24. 当前,应从社会性别意识主流化的层次,从女性就业的客观规律出发,实施积极的性别保护政策,同时,公共政策要向传统的性别分工彻底挑战,并进一步探索刚性的解决策略。

    At present , positive sex protection policy should be carried out according to the main level of social sex consciousness and the objective law . At the same time , public policy should challenge thoroughly the traditional sex division , and more solution strategies should be further explored .