
  • 网络Portfolio;Investment Portfolio;Portfolio investment;Portfolio Management
  1. 每位客户的投资组合都是量身打造的。

    Each client 's portfolio is tailor-made .

  2. 投资组合里也可以包括短期有价证券。

    Short-term securities can also be held as part of an investment portfolio .

  3. 我的证券经纪人替我管理投资组合。

    My stockbroker manages my portfolio for me .

  4. 投资组合性能评价(PerformanceEvaluationofPortfolio)的关键是对投资组合的期望回报率以及风险进行准确的评价与分析。

    Exactly evaluating and analyzing the expected return and risk is the key of performance evaluation of portfolio .

  5. 罪魁祸首是一种名为“投资组合保险”(portfolioinsurance)的新型投资产品。

    The culprit was a new kind of investment product known as portfolio insurance .

  6. VaR约束下的投资组合决策模型分析

    An analysis of portfolio decision model under the VaR constraint

  7. 具有VaR约束的跟踪误差投资组合鲁棒优化模型

    Robust Optimal Tracking Error Portfolio Models Based on VaR

  8. 基于极端损失的投资组合VaR方法

    A Portfolio VaR Method Based on Extreme Loss

  9. 其次,不同的边际分布模型对投资组合的风险价值(ValueAtRisk)有显著的影响,如本文使用的GARCH模型和已实现波动模型。

    Secondly , different marginal models , such as GARCH and Realized Volatility models , have significant effect on the portfolio Value at Risk .

  10. Copula度量投资组合VaR的应用研究

    The Application of Measure Portfolio VaR Based on Copula

  11. 动态投资组合中的VaR分析

    VaR Analysis In Dynamia Portfolio

  12. 这条线叫做“效率界限”(EfficientFrontier),是Markowitz对投资组合理论的重要贡献。

    This line is called the " Efficient Frontier " and is Markowitz 's key contribution to portfolio theory .

  13. b.债券投资组合管理

    B. Managing Bond Portfolios

  14. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)今年前3个月也在投资组合中加入了超过6亿美元的意大利国债。

    Bank of America ( BAC ) , too , added over $ 600 million of Italian government bonds to its portfolio in the first three months of the year .

  15. 研究了MV证券投资组合灵敏度分析方法。

    This paper gives approaches to the sensitivity analysis for Mean-Variance ( M-V ) portfolios with riskless asset .

  16. VaR的计量是在一定概率水平下,投资组合价值在一段时期内最多可能损失的金额。

    What VaR model measures is the most possible losses that the investment value suffers in certain period and under a given probability level .

  17. 在本文中,您已经对IBM跨品牌投资组合套装中的关键工具和产品有所了解,它们能使您的SOA系统得到成功执行。

    In this article you learned about key tools and products from the broad suite of IBM cross-brand portfolio to enable the successful execution of your own SOA system .

  18. 本文应用的动态优化投资组合模型是在VaR的约束下,调整投资组合的配置,使期望收益达到最大。

    A dynamic portfolio model that maximizes expected returns subject to a Value-at-Risk constraint by adjusting the set of portfolio weights , has been investigated .

  19. Markowitz的均值-方差模型表明,投资者的最优风险资产为市场投资组合。

    Markowitz 's mean-variance model indicates that the optimum risk asset being the market portfolio .

  20. 这个部门于今年1月摩托罗拉(Motorola)进行分拆期间成立,目前拥有5名员工以及覆盖18家公司的投资组合。

    The unit created when Motorola split this past January currently has five staffers and a portfolio of 18 companies .

  21. 为了将IT投资组合管理的好处成功地最大化,组织必须了解如何评价PPM软件的供应商市场。

    In order to successfully maximize the benefits of IT portfolio management , an organization must know how to evaluate the PPM software vendor market .

  22. 养老基金投资组合的常方差弹性(CEV)模型和解析决策

    Constant Elasticity of Variance ( CEV ) Model and Analytical Strategies for Annuity Contracts

  23. 非常简单的是,Markowitz建议管理人员关注在基于整体的风险-收益特征来选择投资组合&资产的收集。

    Very simply , Markowitz proposed that managers focus on selecting portfolios collections of assets based on their overall risk-reward characteristics .

  24. 基金管理公司ArmytagePrivate的投资组合经理金(BradKing)说,管理层需要重建整个公司的信誉。该公司持有TreasuryWine的股票。

    ' Management need to rebuild credibility across the board , ' said Brad King , a portfolio manager at fund manager Armytage Private , which owns Treasury Wine shares .

  25. VaR的全称是ValueAtRisk,意为处于风险中的价值,被定义为在正常的市场波动情况下,在一定的置信水平下,投资组合在未来某一个特定时期内的最大可能损失。

    Value at Risk ( VaR ), which means " the value at risk ", is defined as the maximum possible loss that a portfolio will lose under normal market fluctuations , with a given confidence level , over a certain time horizon .

  26. 介绍了固定消费/收入模式下的投资组合选择模型及连续时间不完全信息的M-V模型。

    Continuous-time incomplete information are introduced ? nally .

  27. 指出该模型不仅可以捕捉金融市场间的非线性相关性,还可以得到更灵活的多元分布进而用于资产投资组合VaR分析。

    Not only is non-linear dependence between financial markets able to be caught , but also flexible multivariate distribution which can be use to analyze portfolio Value-at-Risk is able to receive from this model .

  28. 实际上,企业项目投资组合管理(本文中简称为PPM)是关于将人、资源,和项目与业务目标结合起来的内容。

    In effect , Enterprise Project-portfolio Management ( referred to in this article simply as PPM ) is all about aligning people , resources , and projects with business goals .

  29. 本文围绕Markowitz投资组合理论以及投资组合绩效评价模型在中国证券市场(以上海股票市场为例)的应用而展开。

    The main content of this paper is about the application of Markowitz portfolio theory and its performance evaluation models in Chinese security market .

  30. SandeTaylor:“按照定义,保守投资者就是其80%的投资组合由固定收入市场和现金组成。”

    SANDE TAYLOR : " A conservative investor by definition typically has eighty percent of their within fixed income markets and cash . "