
línɡ huó xìnɡ
  • flexibility;adaptability;mobility
  1. 得有一点灵活性才行。

    There has got to be a degree of flexibility

  2. 她继续补充道,“灵活性和掌控性是关键。”

    " Flexibility and control is key , " she continued .

  3. 我们的计划有相当大的灵活性。

    Our plans are fairly elastic .

  4. 人年纪越大通常灵活性越差,这是不言而喻的。

    It is axiomatic that as people grow older they generally become less agile .

  5. 如果进出口需求具有灵活性,那么贸易额的变化则可能会抵消盈余。

    If export and import demand is elastic , then the change in trade volumes will operate to remove the surplus .

  6. 不要限得太死,要有点灵活性。

    Don 't make rigid restrictions ; allow a certain latitude .

  7. 既要有原则性,也要有灵活性。

    We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well .

  8. 必须指出的是,增加工作灵活性,但并不鼓励员工全天候工作。

    It 's important to note that the increased flexibility didn 't encourage them to work around the clock .

  9. 技术本身并不是问题,问题是技术被用来为雇主创造更多的灵活性,而不是为雇员提供了便利。

    The problem isn 't the technology itself , but that the technology is being used to create more flexibility for the employer rather than the employee .

  10. 太多的工作场所政策缺乏灵活性,甚至在员工最需要休息的时候,也不允许他们休息,这使得员工无法保持工作与生活健康的平衡关系。

    Too many workplace policies effectively prohibit employees from developing a healthy work-life balance by barring them from taking time off , even when they need it most .

  11. 社会科学工作者声称,差异存在的部分原因是,低收入家庭可以花在音乐课或学前班上的资金较少,日上的灵活性也较差,所以陪同孩子去博物馆或参加校园活动的机会也少。

    Social scientists say the differences arise in part because low-income parents have less money to spend on music class or preschool , and less flexible schedules to take children to museums or attend school events .

  12. 技术创新更加注重灵活性。

    Technological innovation places greater value on agility .

  13. 她们想要那种提供保障和灵活性的工作,相对而言不是特别看重高收入。

    They want jobs that provide security and flexibility , and they place relatively little importance on high pay .

  14. 聪明的人具有灵活性,能够适应不同的环境。

    Intelligent people are flexible and able to thrive in different settings .

  15. 这样就使得决策更具灵活性,能更好的避免损失

    Consequently , with flexible decision making enterprise can avoid loss agilely .

  16. 新政策使对外贸易有了更大的灵活性

    The new policies loosened up foreign trade .

  17. 并通过实例证明设计上具有逻辑性、灵活性、系统性和简洁性等特点

    The design is characterized by logicality , flexibility , systematization and succinctness by case analysis .

  18. 延迟退休改革最重要的特征就是允许个人根据自身情况和条件,选择退休的具体时间,充分体现改革的灵活性和包容性。

    The most important feature of the retirement age reform is allowing people to choose when to retire according to their circumstances and conditions , said Jin . This showcases the flexibility and inclusiveness of the reform , said Jin .

  19. 它是为浏览器发展的,向Web应用程序提供更大的灵活性。

    It evolved for the browser and provides more flexibility to the web application .

  20. 用XML作为数据交换的中介,为数据资源共享的实现带来了极大的灵活性。

    Using XML for the agency of data exchange has brought infinite agility .

  21. 基于XML的灵活性&面向未来,适应标准、策略和合作伙伴的变化

    XML-based agility-Future-proof for changing standards , policies , partners

  22. 作为下一代Internet语言,XML具有极大的灵活性和扩展性。

    And as the younger generation of Internet language , XML has very big flexibility and extensibility .

  23. 这就给了Web服务的作者和客户端的作者选择他首选的解决方案的灵活性。

    This gives the author of both the Web Service and the client the flexibility to choose his preferred solution .

  24. Server端采用C++语言编写,保证了服务端的处理效率以及编程的灵活性。

    Server end adopts C + + programming language to guarantee the efficiency and flexibility of programming of server end .

  25. N层构架&灵活性、安全性、可扩展性和高实用性的电子商务构架

    N-tier Architecture & A Step Forward to a Flexible , Secure , Scalable and Highly Available E-commerce Infrastructure

  26. 作为一种具有高度灵活性的自组织网络,adhoc应该具备自动配置的能力。

    As a flexible network , Ad hoc should auto - config itself .

  27. 同时在此系统上,通过对DSP的软件编程,可以实现多种音频信号的处理,具有很大的灵活性。

    Also we can decode other audio format by changing the DSP software on this system .

  28. WSDL中抽象接口定义和具体服务实现的分离,给Web服务的发布带来灵活性。

    Separation of the WSDL service implementation document and the service interface document makes publishing web service convenient .

  29. NET开发环境对XML提供专门的接口,利用C允许XML数据直接映射为结构数据类型以代替类的特点,提高了系统的灵活性。

    Net , C # is used to map XML data into structured data directly , improving the flexibility of XML files .

  30. Web服务技术是一种在Internet环境下的Web应用程序之间进行互相调用和互相集成的技术框架,具有很强的扩展性和灵活性。

    Web service is a technology of calling and integrates between Web programming under Internet environment , which has the very strong extension and the flexibility .