
  • 网络ERP;Entrepreneurship;management;business operations;enterprise
  1. 本研究中,多数女性企业家处于盛年期,更有能力和精力从事农业企业经营活动。

    In this study most of the women entrepreneurs are of an active age , so they are using their capability and energy to run their entrepreneurship activities .

  2. 企业创业精神对于企业经营绩效具有显著正向的影响,它通过创新、事前因应与风险承担三个方面对企业经营绩效产生影响。

    Entrepreneurship has positive effect on firm 's performance through innovation , mutual effect before business and share of risk .

  3. “国有企业经营不善将是常态,”约翰·穆尔告诉读者。

    ' State-owned industries will always perform poorly , ' John Moore informed readers

  4. 这两个母公司现在合并为一家企业经营业务。

    The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation .

  5. 创业家综合征(entrepreneur'ssyndrome)指创业家认为只有他自己有能力把企业经营好这样一种思维。公司创立者不愿意或者不能放权的思维并不是刚刚出现的。

    Entrepreneur 's syndrome refers to a condition in which an entrepreneur believes that only he or she is capable of running the business .

  6. 中消协回应:尊重消费者是企业经营的首要前提

    Respect for consumers should be a top priority in business operations .

  7. 企业经营的首要前提是尊重消费者。面对消费者的投诉,企业要认真倾听,真诚协商,给消费者合理的解释和有效解决方案。

    In the face of consumer complaints , enterprises should listen carefully , negotiate sincerely , and give consumers reasonable explanations and sound solutions .

  8. EDI与企业经营战略研究

    EDI and Enterprise Operation Strategy Studies

  9. 经营过程的建模、分析与优化是支持企业经营过程重组(BPR)的重要基础,行之有效的模型分析方法是成功进行模型分析的重要的关键技术问题。

    Bussiness process modeling , analysis and optimization are the important foundations of BPR , the efficient and effective analytical method plays a key role in model analysis .

  10. 物业管理企业经营发展刍议

    A Brief Discussion on the Operation and Development of Property-managing Enterprises

  11. 发电企业经营博弈过程中的效仿行为仿真研究

    Research on Imitative Behavior in Business Game Process of Power Plant

  12. 加强分承包管理,提高企业经营能力

    Enhance Sub-contract Management to Improve Operating Ability and Level of Enterprise

  13. 企业经营状态的诊断与模糊评价

    A Fuzzy Evaluation and Diagnosis of the Enterprise Business Management State

  14. 企业经营诚信缺失矫治与思想政治工作

    On Lack of Credit in the Business & the Ideological Work

  15. 企业经营管理的道德环境不良,会给企业发展带来多重危机。

    A bad moral environment can bring the enterprise excessive crisis .

  16. 公路施工企业经营规模合理性的探讨(Ⅰ)

    Analysis on rational scale of highway construction company ( I )

  17. 零售企业经营国际化的组织结构模式的研究

    Research on the Mode of Organization Structure of Retail Enterprises Management Internationalization

  18. 企业经营行为短期化的“桎梏”审视

    Examination on the Confinement of Enterprise 's Short-term Operation Behavior

  19. 折旧方法对企业经营业绩评价的影响

    The Influence of Depreciation Methods on Valuation of Firm 's Operating Performance

  20. 企业经营也仅局限于产品经营这一层次,难以通过资本运营使国有资本向管理和效益好的企业流动。

    Enterprise Management is confined in product management , not capital management .

  21. 企业经营计划目标失误的博弈分析

    Analysis of the Enterprises ' Failing in Planning Objective by Game Theory

  22. 企业经营绩效财务评价指标的探析

    An Analysis of Financial Evaluation Targets for Business Management Achievements

  23. 企业经营管理者的绩效评价研究

    A Research on the Performance Evaluation of Enterprise Managers

  24. 国际尿素市场行情与国内企业经营形势分析

    Analysis of International Urea Market Quotations and Domestic Nitrogen Fertilizer Business Management Situation

  25. 企业经营中的产品包装策略

    A Discussion on the Strategy of Product Packaging in the Management of Enterprises

  26. 施工企业经营投标管理

    Comments on Marketing and Bidding Management of Construction Enterprises

  27. 国有企业经营管理者选用机制改革初探

    A Study on the Selective Mechanism of the Managers in the State-owned Enterprises

  28. 21世纪企业经营发展战略若干问题研究

    The study on some issues about enterprise Management strategy in the 21st century

  29. 制造企业经营部门计算机报价系统的流程与决策过程分析

    Flow and Decision Analysis of Tender System for Manufacturer

  30. 企业经营战略的选择,直接关系到企业的生死存亡。

    The selection of strategy has direct relationship with a firm 's life .