
  • 网络telephone interview;CATI;Telephone Surveys
  1. 由于空间距离的限制,有2名受访对象采用的是电话访谈,有2名采用的是QQ交谈,其他均为直接面对面的访谈。以此更加深入地了解这一群体的消费行为特征。

    Because of the space distance limit , there are 2 persons questioned by telephone interviews , another two by QQ , and the rest by direct face-to-face conversation , so as to strengthen further understanding about the unique consumption psychology and the consumer behavior of this group .

  2. 分析的数据源自对全美50个洲20多万受薪人士的随机电话访谈,调查时间在2012年1月到2013年6月间。

    The data come from random telephone interviews with more than 200,000 employed Americans across all 50 states , conducted on most days from January 2012 through June 2013 .

  3. 在与《财富》杂志(Fortune)的电话访谈中,他们互开玩笑,对彼此的全局观不吝溢美之词。

    In a telephone chat with fortune , they banter , each praising the other for his global perspective .

  4. 结合问卷调查、人物面谈或电话访谈等研究方法,获取实证研究数据和信息。利用SPSS统计软件对收集的数据进行了分析。

    Utilizing different research means , such as questionnaire , interview and telephone interview , the author gets enough information and data and carries out analysis by SPSS statistic software .

  5. 劳德黛尔在电话访谈中说道:“这结果太令人惊奇了”。

    " It was surprisingly strong ," Lauderdale said in a telephone interview .

  6. 相反,调查评估的是情绪,调查的方法是电话访谈式民意测验。

    Rather , it is a gauge of sentiment , conducted by telephone poll .

  7. 穆斯林•汗没有回答,因为他的电话访谈是预录的。

    There was no response from Muslim Khan because his phone interview had been pre-recorded .

  8. 在一次电话访谈中,2个妇女互相敌对的看着对方。

    On a television talk show , two women look at one another with hostile eyes .

  9. 计算机辅助电话访谈

    Computer assisted telephone interviewing

  10. 调查问卷由英语或西班牙语撰写、问卷内容显示出受试者可接受的心理学特征,通过电话访谈能容易的在12到15分钟内完成。

    The survey showed acceptable psychometric properties in English or Spanish and was feasible to complete by telephone in12 to15 minutes .

  11. 例句:根据今晨我们对员工进行的监督权调查的电话访谈所说,上周表格就已经归档了。

    EX : According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisory authority this morning , the application was filed last week .

  12. 在电话访谈中她们表示,本片的目的是通过马尼托瓦克案件这个窗口来审视美国的司法系统。

    The point , they said in a telephone interview , was to look at the Manitowoc cases as a window into the American justice system .

  13. 第三章,通过文献资料、调查问卷及电话访谈,对教师培训现状进行了分析。

    The third part is to analyze the current status of education and training of teachers by studying literature and datum , questionnaire collecting , telephone interview .

  14. 通过对数学教师问卷调查,并且在问卷数据处理与分析的基础上,有针对性地进行进一步地电话访谈和面谈研究。

    With the teachers ' questionnaires and the data processing of them , the author carries on further research aimed at the problems by phone and face to face interviews .

  15. 调查问卷共分为网上投递问卷、汽车经销商实体店采访和电话访谈三种方式。调查方式的采用根据调查对象的需要来决定。

    The questionnaire is collected in three ways , delivery online questionnaire , auto entities interviews and telephone interviews with shops , which are determined by our clients ' needs .

  16. 康拉德说:我认为人们通过短信能给出更准确的答案,因为短信很大程度上是一种非同步的通信方式,没有电话访谈的时间压力。

    We believe people give more precise answers via texting because there 's just not the time pressure in a largely asynchronous mode like text that there is in phone interviews , says Conrad .

  17. 对于这一部分内容,笔者在结合其他学者的调查和笔者在本校作的问卷调查和电话访谈获得的资料的基础上,总结概括出大学生法制教育的现状。

    In this part , the author sum up the status quo , on the basis of other scholars ' investigation , the survey made by the writer on campus and the information obtained by telephone interviews .

  18. 文章通过对长春某高校服装专业的往届毕业生进行了电话访谈调查,调查结果表明,单一的课程设置和静态的教育模式严重制约了学生毕业后的快速发展。

    The article passes spring some high school uniform toward lived good looked up , The investigation result indicated , The sole curriculum and the static education pattern seriously restricted the student to graduate the after fast development .

  19. 第四部分是针对已在山东省投资的青岛马士基公司进行了案例分析,通过邮件、电话访谈的形式,切实了解到马士基投资山东的原因。

    The fourth part does some case study . Choose the company which already has invested in Shandong province . Through the mail , telephone interview form , to know the cause of the foreign investment in Shandong province .

  20. 本文在此基础上,提出新概念&发展性胜任力,并以企业人力资源管理人员为例,通过电话访谈和问卷调查的方式,揭示了决定其纵向式职业生涯发展的发展性胜任力。

    Another competency , development competency which had affected Vertical Profession Career Development , was developed and testified in this paper , according to the telephone interview and the questionnaire investigation of the human resource administrators in Chinese com - panies .

  21. 根据调查的需要,以走访和电话访谈的形式,向篮球方面的专家以及国内高水平教练员专访,从中了解有关篮球训练、现状和研究方法等相关信息。

    According to a survey of the need to visits and telephone interviews in the form of basketball to the experts , and an exclusive interview with the domestic high-level coaches , from about basketball training , the status quo and research methods , and other relevant information .

  22. 最后,本文选取上海基督教女青年会作为案例分析对象,通过电话、邮件访谈和资料收集,了解和分析其在组织制度和项目管理机制的创新。

    Finally , the paper selected the Shanghai YWCA as a case study object , understand and analyze the messages by telephone interviews and data collection , as well as the relationship with the government .