
  • 网络Electronic data;Electronic Data Interchange;EDI;electrical data;Math Data
  1. 电子数据交换技术(EDI)的广泛应用,大幅度提高了企业数据传输与交易的效率。

    Efficiencies of data transmission and trade in enterprises have a substantial increase because of broad use of EDI .

  2. 本文在深入研究铁路货物运输业务流程的基础上,采用电子数据交换(EDI)技术,探讨了铁路货物追踪查询实现的可行性方案。

    Based on the lucubration of the process of railway freight transportation , the thesis adopts EDI technique and discusses the feasible schemes for the inquires of cargo track .

  3. 你知道电子数据表的使用方法吗?

    Do you know how to use spreadsheets ?

  4. 传真机及其他形式的电子数据传输

    the fax machine and other forms of electronic data transmission .

  5. 去年,由于电子数据系统公司竞价更高,克雷未能收购这家软件公司。

    Last year , Cray failed to take over the software company , when it was outbid by Electronic Data Systems .

  6. 使用IBMRationalManualTester来记录和追踪手工的测试,而这些测试在目前是由Excel电子数据表来完成的。

    Use IBM Rational Manual Tester to document and track manual tests which are currently done with Excel spreadsheets .

  7. 必须指定此电子数据表的ID和电子数据表中的工作表的ID。

    You must specify the ID of the spreadsheet and the ID of the worksheet within the spreadsheet .

  8. 以编程的方式与Google电子数据表交互的方式有两种:基于行的提要和基于单元格的提要。

    You can programmatically interact with Google Spreadsheets in one of two ways : a row-based feed or a cell-based feed .

  9. 浅谈电子数据交换(EDI)

    A Brief Introduction to Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI )

  10. 电子数据交换(EDI)&原理、实现和网络组织结构

    Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI )── Principle , Implementation , and Network Architecture

  11. 该业务流程应该验证电子数据交换(electronicdatainterchange,EDI)请求,并向提供者发回索赔状态。

    The business process should validate the electronic data interchange ( EDI ) requests and send the status of the claim back to the provider .

  12. 这里应该注意,当使用与IBMCognosPlanning相同的方式进行格式化时,在电子数据表中应该实现完全相同的结果。

    It should be noted that exactly the same results are achieved in spreadsheets when formatted in the same way as IBM Cognos Planning .

  13. 只有42家公司以可搜索的html格式提供年报,只有13家提供了能以电子数据表格式下载的财务数据。

    Just 42 of the companies offered annual reports in the searchable HTML format and only 13 provided financial data that could be downloaded in spreadsheet format .

  14. 代表电子数据表的这个ExcelXML格式是顺理成章的,不过,有关其特定结构的优缺点,我留给别人去讨论吧。

    The Excel XML format that represents a spreadsheet is just about rational , but I will leave any discussion about the merits of its specific structure for others to decide .

  15. 实际上,早在二十多年前就出现了基于VAN(增值网络)的EDI(电子数据交换)系统。

    Actually , about twenty years ago , EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) system based on VAN ( Value-Added Network ) was present .

  16. 运输行业,如铁路和运输公司,提出了一个新的计算机之间的电子数据交换概念,它后来发展成为ElectronicDataInterchange(EDI)。

    The transport industry , such as railroad and shipping companies , introduced a new concept of electronic data interchange among computers , which later evolved into Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) .

  17. 开发了基于C++的变送器电子数据表格TEDS解析软件。

    It has developed TEDS analysis software based on C + + .

  18. 电子数据交换(EDI)技术是实现B2B电子商务的关键技术之一,应用XML和Internet技术的新型EDI克服了传统EDI的许多不足;

    Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) technology is one of the keys to implement B2B electronic commerce , EDI using XML and Internet technology overcomes many shortcomings of the traditional EDI .

  19. 举例来说,谷歌用户可在网页填写电子数据表、进行文字处理,而其日历和电子邮件收件箱的更新方式,与使用基于硬盘的微软Office套装软件相同。

    Google users , for example , can fill out spreadsheets , do word processing and see their calendars and e-mail inboxes being updated in the same manner as when they use Microsoft 's hard disk - based Office suite of programs .

  20. 有的时候,获得timesheet数据最好的方式就是打开一个本地的电子数据表。

    Sometimes , the best way to capture time sheet data is just to open a local spreadsheet .

  21. 个人电脑早期的成功,可能要归功于lotus1-2-3软件的普及,但电子数据表程序经常处于尘封状态,因为高管人士觉得它太难掌握了。

    The personal computer may have owed its early success to the popularity of lotus 1-2-3 , but the spreadsheet program often gathered dust on a shelf because executives found it too difficult to master .

  22. 电子数据交换(EDI)产生于20世纪60年代,是新型的信息交换方式,是一种集计算机应用、通信网络和标准化技术于一体的新的信息交换方式。

    EDI is a new type information exchange style . It has been used since 1960 . Computer applications , communications network and standardization technology are employed in it .

  23. 复合文档是包含诸如电子数据表、文本和位图等不同格式数据的文本文件,而复合文档本身在Access数据库中是作为OLE对象来存储和处理的。

    Compound document is a text file which includes different format data , such as Excel data table , text and bitmap and so on . Compound document is stored and processed as OLE object in Access database .

  24. 身为MBA教授,我们听过这样的说法:我们一直在教授错误的模型,忽视道德规范,忘记了基本常识,坐在由电子数据表搭建而成的象牙塔里,只知道培养贪婪之心。

    As MBA professors , we heard arguments that we had been teaching the wrong models , neglecting ethics , forgetting common sense , sitting in ivory towers made of spreadsheets and generally nurturing greed .

  25. 在网络设计方面采用了基于Internet的EDI(电子数据交换)技术,使各维修及检测企业上传给行业管理部门的数据在传输、录入方式等环节完全实现了电子化。

    Introducing the edi ( electronic data interchange ) technology based on Internet in the network design , as a result , the data transmitted between the administrative department and the maintenance enterprises is completely realized Informationization in receiving way .

  26. 四是所有房产产籍管理软件还仅停留在电子数据处理EDP或管理信息系统MIS阶段,未对决策支持系统DSS、专家系统ES等进行探讨。

    The development of all the softwares on house property registry management remains on the stage of EDP or MIS , there is no software of this kind has inquired DSS or ES .

  27. 在此基础上,进一步分析了电子数据交换(edi)开发工具amtrix的结构及各个部分的关系。

    This paper also introduces the structure of amtrix , an example of EDI development tools , and the relation among its parts .

  28. 结合内河大宗散货电子数据交换(EDI)系统,介绍了平面文件与电子数据交换(EDI)报文的制定和转换程序的开发。

    Finally , connected with the EDI system of freshwater bulk cargo , it describes how to develop the flat file , EDI message and the converting program and how to config it for AMTrix .

  29. 文章描述了电子数据交换(EDI)与电子商务的关系,探讨了电子数据交换(EDI)系统的结构、特点以及单证的处理过程。

    This paper introduces the relation between e - commerce and EDI , at the same time it discusses the structure , characteristic of the system of EDI and the process of the EDI message .

  30. 随着计算机技术发展和应用的日益广泛,企业积累了大量以不同形式存储的电子数据,这些数据主要以关系型数据库、Excel文件和XML文件等格式存储,构成了企业的信息数据资源。

    With the rapid development and application , some enterprise had accumulated lots of electronic data with different form , these data are mainly stored by relational database 、 Excel files 、 XML files etc. So they are formed the information data resource of the enterprise .