
  • 网络Asset Allocation;capital allocation;TAA
  1. 本文作者为巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)资产配置策略主管。

    The writer is head of asset allocation strategy at Barclays Capital .

  2. 本文提出了基于VaR的多阶段金融资产配置模型。

    In this paper , we develop multi-period asset allocation models based on VaR.

  3. 本文作者为汇丰集团(hsbcgroup)首席经济学家、该行经济学及资产配置研究全球负责人

    The writer is HSBC Group chief economist and global head of economicsandassetallocation research

  4. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)资产配置策略主管蒂姆邦德(TimBond)表示赞同:中国无疑具有实现独立增长的能力。

    Tim Bond , head of asset allocation strategy at Barclays Capital , agrees : China certainly has the capacity for independent growth .

  5. 在期望财富相同的情况下,基于VaR的多阶段资产配置模型比静态模型的期望损失成本低,承担的风险更小。

    Multi-period asset allocation models based on VaR have fewer expected losses and less risk than static models with the same of expected wealth .

  6. 在采用了误差修正模型,并使用BP神经网络的估计量替代模型观点收益向量后,得到了下一期的模型收益和资产配置结果。

    With the error correction model , and using BP neural network prediction results as view returns vector , we get the expected returns and asset allocation results in next issue .

  7. 本文作者是投资管理公司GMO的资产配置团队成员

    Edward Chancellor is a member of the asset allocation team at investment manager GMO

  8. CRRA、LA和DA三种效用模型的比较分析&资产配置理论的进化和发展

    Comparative Analysis of CRRA , LA and DA Utility Models & Evolution and Development of Asset Allocation Theory

  9. 他说:成立时间较短的基金如中投公司和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在房地产领域的资产配置尤其不足,同时不存在业绩或历史遗留问题。

    He said : The younger funds [ such as CIC and the Kuwait Investment Authority ] especially are under-allocated to real estate and have no performance or legacy issues .

  10. 据11月份的美国个体投资者协会资产配置调查(AAIIAssetAllocationSurvey)显示,美国个人投资者上个月在股票和股票基金上的配置比例达62.3%,创11个月来的新高。

    Individual investors ' allocations toward stocks and stock funds reached an11-month high of62.3 % last month , according to the November AAII Asset Allocation Survey .

  11. 文中提出了一个资产配置模型,即证券投资基金的风险管理者在确定持有期内,如何构建满足VAR限制条件下求解期望收益最优化时达到的投资组合结构模型,即我们要求的资产配置。

    The thesis proposed a model of asset allocation we required , How to establish the portfolio model which can achieve the maximum profits given a restrictive VaR value .

  12. 本文指出,在基于经济增加值EVA为标准的价值创造管理框架内要从公司资产配置、业务流程、资本结构以及公司治理结构等几个方面对公司进行市值管理。

    The paper illustrates the value creation frame based on the EVA criterion should include the company asset allocation , business procedure , capital structure and company governance structure .

  13. “此前,新兴市场一直在阻碍资产配置;现在这个障碍已经被移除,”此次调查的顾问之绝对战略研究中心(absolutestrategyresearch)的戴维鲍尔斯(davidbowers)称。

    " Up until now , emerging markets have been the rock of asset allocation ; now that has been taken away , " said David Bowers at absolute strategy research , a consultant on the survey .

  14. 美林(merrilllynch)对204名资产配置者和基金经理的调查发现,随着滞胀担忧上升,投资者减持了股票和债券,转为持有现金。

    Investors have cut their exposure to both equities and bonds and are moving into cash as fears of stagflation mount , the Merrill Lynch survey of 204 asset allocators and fund managers found .

  15. 瀚亚投资(eastspringinvestments)固定收益部首席投资官黄文彬(ooiboonpeng)补充称,全球各国央行也增大了对亚洲固定收益债券的长期资产配置权重。

    Ooi boon Peng , chief investment officer for fixed income at eastspring investments , adds that central banks around the world are putting greater long-term allocations towards Asian fixed income .

  16. 通过实际样本数据,用Copula-MCMC方法对投资组合中的资产配置和VaR计算进行了研究,给出了Copula-MCMC方法相比于传统方法在投资组合分析中具有改善效果的结论。

    And the Copula-MCMC method is used to calculate the asset allocation in portfolio and the VaR though the actual samples . To sum up , the above analysis leads us to the conclusion that the Copula-MCMC method can better improve the securities portfolio than the traditional methods .

  17. 股指期货作为股票市场投资者管理投资风险、调整资产配置的一种低成本工具,自从1982年堪萨斯期货交易所(KCBT)推出首只股指期货以来,已经在全球取得了蓬勃的发展。

    As a low-cost tool for stock market investors to manage the investment risk and adjust the asset allocation , stock index futures have flourished all over the world since Kansas City Board of Trade ( KCBT ) launched its first stock index futures contract in 1982 .

  18. 配置型基金资产配置管理研究

    Research on the Asset Allocation Management of the Asset Allocation Fund

  19. 第三章分析了因《全国社保基金投资管理暂行办法》规定的不足而产生的委托投资资产配置风险,及其风险控制制度。

    Chapter three analyses the disposition risk of social insurance property .

  20. 采取这种资产配置方式的投资者,可以继续享受没有中断的财富增长。

    Investors so positioned can continue to enjoy uninterrupted wealth growth .

  21. 第一,产品的资产配置更加多样化。

    First , the asset allocation of product seems more diversification .

  22. 保险资金资产配置理论:模型及应用

    Theory of Insurance Funds Asset Allocation : Model and Application

  23. 资产配置对基金收益影响程度的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis : How Asset Allocation Affects Mutual Fund Revenue

  24. 流动性风险管理策略下的银行资产配置研究

    The Bank Assets Allocation under Strategies of Liquidity Risk Management

  25. 改进股票资产配置管理。

    To improve the management of allocation of stock assets .

  26. 组合证券投资资产配置的边际分析法初探

    A Probe to Margin Analysis of Portfolio Investment Assets Allocation

  27. 考虑住房因素的中国居民资产配置问题研究

    Chinese Resident 's Asset Allocation in the Presence of Housing

  28. 所以对于投资者来说,资产配置至关重要。

    So for the investor , asset allocation is crucial .

  29. 多阶段资产配置模型及其在投资基金中的应用

    Multistage Asset Allocation Model and Its Application in Security Fund

  30. 二是对银行资产配置相应的资本以覆盖风险;

    Allocating banks with corresponding capital to cover the risks ;