
  1. 参与式森林资源纠纷管理方法探讨

    An Application and Attempts of Methods of Participatory Forest Conflict Management

  2. 构建两型社会与环境资源纠纷的多元解决机制

    Construction of " Two-oriented Society " and Multi-resolution Mechanisms of Environmental Resources Disputes

  3. 自然资源纠纷解决机制研究

    Study on Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Natural Resources

  4. 第二,论述了资源纠纷解决机制的基本内容。

    The second part is about the context of the natural resources dispute settlement mechanism .

  5. 作者认为,我国不仅有必要而且有可能为资源纠纷解决专门立法,立法的形式可以是专门法也可以是自然资源法的程序篇。

    The author thinks that we should set up the specific law to settle the natural resources dispute .

  6. 第一,论述了资源纠纷的概念、特点、种类和产生原因。

    The first part is about the concept , character , classification and cause of the natural resources dispute .

  7. 第二章从地域空间角度论述了河南存在的历史名人资源纠纷,并分析了呈现的一些特点。

    Chapter Two analyzes the disputes over historical celebrity resource in different regions in Henan , and points out some features of them .

  8. 国民待遇原则下农民合法权益保障问题研究&从一起地下水资源纠纷引发的命案说起

    The Researching on the Peasants ' Legal Rights Protection under the National Treaty & From taking about the case criminal of the underground water dispute

  9. 第五,是全文的小结。本文认为,研究资源纠纷解决机制的最终目的有二:一是寻找非诉讼纠纷解决机制与诉讼纠纷解决机制的最佳结合,即提高纠纷解决效率;

    The author thinks that the destination of improving the natural resources dispute settlement mechanism has two : one is to reduce the time of settling the dispute ;

  10. 因一些历史和现实的因素,河南面临的历史名人资源纠纷问题格外突出,表现为数量众多,影响巨大。

    Due to some history and practical factors , Henan is facing a big problem of historical celebrity resource disputes , which is reflected in both number and influence .

  11. 根据产生纠纷的原因不同,可以将环境资源纠纷分为环境污染纠纷和环境破坏纠纷两大类。

    According to the different causes of the disputes , the environmental disputes can be clarified into two kinds : the environmental polluting dispute and the environmental destroying dispute .

  12. 环境资源纠纷有一系列解决方式,其中,仲裁是解决环境资源纠纷的重要方式。

    There are a series of settlements of resolving the environmental resource disputes , among them , the arbitration is one of the important ways , which includes the characteristics of independency , quickness , efficiency , specialization and the secrecy .

  13. 分析了河南省林业司法鉴定在处理林业资源纠纷中的重要意义,探讨了当前林业司法鉴定中存在的问题及对策。

    This paper has stated the important significance of judicature identify during handling the forestry resources disputation and analyzed the main problem existing in the forestry judicature identify . Against these problems , the scientific and reasonable countermeasure had been put forward .

  14. 对于环境污染纠纷的行政处理,我国一般规定为不可诉的行政调解行为,而对于自然资源纠纷的行政处理,则规定为具有法律效力的行政裁决行为。

    As for settling the dispute on environmental pollution , there is a general convention of non-lawsuit administrative mediation to be followed ; while the administrative solution of the dissension of natural resources is often stipulated as administrative judgment behavior possessing legal validity .

  15. 在具体的发展途径方面,需要解决资源纠纷、跨国婚姻、民族隔膜、思想观念等问题,利用民族文化和山地条件,发展生态农业和民族旅游业、生态旅游业。

    In details , the paper suggests that it is indispensable to solve the resource disputes , transnational marriage , ethnic differences and ideological issues etc. Yao can take advantage of their national culture and mountain conditions to develop the ecological agriculture and national tourism or eco-tourism .

  16. 美国在处理州与州之间的划界纠纷或者水资源利用纠纷中,法院直接适用国际公约。

    America court applied the international law when disposed the delimitation and using issues between states .

  17. 近年来,随着全球性用水危机的加剧,关于跨界淡水资源的纠纷进一步突显。

    In recent years , as the global water shortage crisis deepened , the problem on cross-border freshwater resources is worsening .

  18. ADR具有灵活解决纠纷、合理分配司法资源、降低纠纷解决成本等功能。

    ADR to resolve disputes with flexible and reasonable allocation of judicial resources and reduce the cost of dispute resolution functions .

  19. 替代性纠纷解决机制(ADR),泛指美国近30年来逐渐发展起来的各种诉讼外纠纷解决方式和方法,具有灵活解决纠纷、合理分配司法资源、降低纠纷解决成本等功能。

    Alternative Dispute Resolution ( ADR ) refers to various dispute-resolving means and methods except litigation that have gradually developed in America since 30 years ago . It serves to resolve disputes with flexibility , reasonably distribute judicial resources and reduce the cost in the course of dispute-resolving .

  20. 第五部分为海洋资源侵权制度的纠纷解决机制。

    Fifth part of the tort system for marine resources , dispute resolution mechanisms .

  21. 自诉案件的立法理念是平衡社会秩序与个人自由的法律价值,合理配置司法资源,解决当事人纠纷。

    The legislative ideals of private prosecution cases are to balance the legal values between social order and personal liberty , to arrange the judicial resources reasonably and to solute the disputes of the parties concerned .

  22. 本部分就首先对矿产资源物权之侵权纠纷产生根源予以分析,找出原因后根据我国现行法律的相关规定,提出了自行解决、行政解决和司法解决三种机制。

    First , we analyses the origin of the real right infringement in mineral resources , then three solutions consist self settlement , administrative settlement and judicial settlement were found according to the relevant laws of our country .

  23. 如今世界上很多国家都建立了小额诉讼程序,且在缓解法院的审判压力,解决有限的司法资源与无限的纠纷解决需要之间的矛盾,实现司法大众化方面都发挥了显著的作用。

    Now many countries in the world have established a small claims procedure , in remission of court trial pressure , to solve the contradiction between the limited judicial resources and t Infinite resolve disputes need . And realize the goal the judicial popularization have played a significant role .

  24. 众所周知,国家的司法资源毕竟有限,法院不可能解决一切纠纷,因此,需要建立一种筛选机制,使得法院能够选择那些最值得运用国家司法资源予以解决的纠纷。

    It is well known , national judicial resources is after all limited , the court is impossible to solve all disputes , therefore , we must establish one kind of filter mechanism , enables the court choose these worthy disputes which can be solved by the national judicature resources .

  25. 因为矿产资源物权人利益保障的迫切需求,矿产资源物权之侵权纠纷的不断等导致矿产资源物权之侵权制度迫切需要建立与完善。

    The infringement of property rights system of mineral resources need to establish and improve eagerly , since the benefit of the owner of mineral resources need to be protected and the property rights infringement dispute in mineral resources never stopped .

  26. 春秋时人口增长使得土地成为一种稀缺资源时,土地增长的价值只能处于公共领域,被人们肆意争夺,围绕着土地资源的纠纷日益增长,这就在制度方面造成了一种压力。

    With the growth of population , cropland became scarcity and so the increment of land value was placed in public domain , people contested and occupied land madly . Land tangle with each other was mounting up steadily . It made a tension on the old institution .