
fēi zhōu lián ménɡ
  • African Union
  1. 第34届非洲联盟(简称AU)首脑会议于上周末举行。

    The 34th summit of the African Union was held over the weekend .

  2. 他将联合国与非洲联盟(AfricanUnion)驻苏丹西部省份达尔富尔的新维和部队所面临的障碍,归咎于苏丹政府。

    He blamed the government of Sudan for the obstacles facing a new UN-African Union peace force in the western province .

  3. 通过与联合国和非洲联盟(africanunion)展开合作,美中两国都可发挥自己的影响力,帮助苏丹南北双方实现和平且可行的分离。

    Working together with the UN and the African Union , they both have leverage to help influence a peaceful and workable separation .

  4. 联合国特别报告员呼吁建立一套原则,非洲联盟(africanunion)在上周的峰会上也讨论了这个问题。

    The United Nations Special Rapporteur called for a set of principles , and the African Union discussed the issue at its summit last week .

  5. 由南非总统雅各布祖马(JacobZuma)牵头的调解努力,一直在考虑让卡扎菲在非洲联盟(AfricanUnion)成员国流亡的选择。

    Mediation efforts led by Jacob Zuma , South African president , have been considering exile options in African Union member states .

  6. 非洲联盟(AU)希望这些伙伴关系将会帮助非洲摆脱这种(供应者的)角色,转而坚定地从事制成品的生产。

    The African Union ( AU ) hopes the partnerships will help Africa out of this role , and instead engage firmly in producing finished goods .

  7. 出席会议的世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(robertzoellick)表示,有一些动态表明,八国集团可能与非洲联盟接洽。

    Robert Zoellick , World Bank President , who also attended the talks , said there was " some movement " towards the idea that the G8 might engage with the AU .

  8. 在开幕式上,非洲联盟农业和农村经济委员RhodaPeaceTumusiime称,非洲是全球变暖最大的受害者。

    At the opening ceremony , AU Rural Economy and Agriculture Commissioner Rhoda Peace Tumusiime said Africa is one of the main victims of global warming .

  9. 但是华盛顿EnoughProject的政策顾问ColinThomas-Jensen称,将大笔款项拨给非洲联盟的决定可能会给索马里过渡联邦政府造成额外的问题。

    But Policy Advisor Colin Thomas-Jensen of the Enough Project in Washington says the decision to allocate much of the money to the African Union is likely to cause additional problems for Somalia 's transitional federal government .

  10. 非洲联盟官员意识到,有必要展开与和欧盟(eu)类似的对话,也有必要签署地区性的合作协议,不仅仅是与中国,还包括印度和巴西。

    African Union officials recognise the need for dialogue similar to that with the European Union , and for partnership agreements at a regional level , not only with China but also with India and Brazil .

  11. 非洲联盟支持的该协议在苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动(SPLM)之间签署。

    The African Union-backed accord was signed between the Sudanese government and the SPLM North party .

  12. Hassan认为,6月25日的非洲联盟峰会是取得进展的机会&但是前提是非洲自主研究的科学得到优先重视。

    This week 's ( 25 June ) African Union summit is an opportunity for progress , asserts Hassan & but only if home-grown science is prioritised .

  13. 但世界各地的国家,包括一些在非洲联盟,还没有认识到利比亚的合法政府的NTC。

    But a number of countries around the world , including some in the African Union , have not recognized the NTC as Libya 's legitimate government .

  14. 诸位阁下,尊敬的部长们,尊敬的各位代表,非洲联盟的代表,Sambo博士,女士们,先生们

    Excellencies , honourable ministers , distinguished delegates , representatives of the African Union , Dr Sambo , ladies and gentlemen

  15. 最近,似乎又是它促使非洲联盟(africanunion)开始抓捕乌干达军阀约瑟夫科尼(josephkony),在此之前,一段反科尼的宣传影片通过社交媒体传播,总点击量超过一亿次。

    Now it has supposedly prompted the African Union to hunt for the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony , after an anti-kony propaganda film spread through social media and was watched more than 100 million times .

  16. 索马里过渡联盟政府由前伊斯兰叛军谢赫·谢里夫·谢赫·艾哈迈德(SheikhSharifSheikhAhmed)领导,受到乌干达和布隆迪士兵组成的非洲联盟维和部队的支持。

    The Transitional Federal Government , which is headed by former Islamist rebel Sheikh Sharif Ahmed , is by an African Union peacekeeping force Ugandan and Burundian soldiers .

  17. 我会见了比尔和梅林达•盖茨基金会、联合国基金会、非洲联盟以及日本/世川基金会、布隆伯格基金会、DorisDuke基金会和洛克菲勒基金会的官员。

    I have met officials at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , the UN Foundation , the African Union , and the Nippon / Sasakawa , Bloomberg , Doris Duke , and Rockefeller Foundations .

  18. Hosni声称获得了阿拉伯联盟和非洲联盟的支持,他去年卷入了一场关于所谓的做出反犹太人言论的言词之争。

    Hosni , who claims the support of the Arab League and African Union , is embroiled in a war of words over allegedly anti-Jewish comments made last year .

  19. Meles总理还宣誓,只要选择撤军,他们会保证非洲联盟维和人员的安全。

    Mr. Meles also pledged Ethiopia would guarantee the safety of African Union peacekeepers in Somalia , should they choose to withdraw .

  20. 例如,NEPAD(非洲联盟的非洲发展新伙伴关系)、食品企业Mars和世界野生生物基金会正在与专家合作对主粮作物的基因组测序。

    For example NEPAD ( African Union 's New Partnership for Africa 's Development ), the food company Mars , and WWF are working with experts to sequence the genomes of staple crops .

  21. 超过1.35亿员拨给非洲联盟来加强AMISOM,非洲联盟在索马里的维和任务。

    More than $ 135 million is expected to be given to the African Union to strengthen AMISOM , its peacekeeping mission in Somalia .

  22. 现在正在为支持非洲联盟的3400维和人员做出努力,该任务被称为AMISOM,可能会转变成联合国维和任务。

    Urgent efforts are underway to bolster the 3400-member AU force known as AMISOM , and possibly transform it into a U.N. peacekeeping mission .

  23. 非洲联盟主席AlphaKonare说科学创新年的宣布将有助于非洲寻求自给自足。他强调说,非洲大陆在技术上落后于世界上的其它国家。

    African Union ( AU ) president Alpha Konare said the declaration would help Africa in its quest for self-sustenance , insisting that the continent lagged behind the rest of the world technologically .

  24. 政府在非洲联盟的维和任务AMISOM派遣的4000人军队协助下,控制了该城市几百平方千米的地区。

    The government controls a few square kilometers of the city , aided by a force of about 4000 troops from the AU peacekeeping mission AMISOM .

  25. 非洲联盟和平和安全委员RamtaneLamamra称,这些进攻武装由附近的厄立特里亚支持,来自城市外围,企图占领索马里总统宫殿VillaSomalia。

    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra said the attacking force , backed by nearby Eritrea , came from outside the city and was trying to capture Villa Somalia , the presidential palace .

  26. 而非洲联盟(AMCOST向其负责)在科研管理领域的兴趣越来越高。

    And the African Union , to which AMCOST reports , is taking increasing interest in the field of research management .

  27. 非洲联盟和平和安全委员会的RamtaneLamamra正在纽约和联合国秘书长以及安理会大使进行讨论,探讨防止索马里过渡政府在埃塞俄比亚撤军后崩溃的方法。

    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra is in New York for talks with U.N. secretary-general and Security Council ambassadors about ways of preventing a collapse of Somalia 's transitional government after Ethiopia leaves .

  28. 乌干达国防部长CrispusKiyonga称,非洲联盟军队由2590名乌干达军人和1600名普隆地军人组成,目前为止还可以保护过渡政府,摩加迪沙港口和机场的安全,但是激进组织青年党进攻加强使得形势越来越困难。

    Ugandan Minister of Defense , Crispus Kiyonga , said the African Union force , composed of 2590 Ugandan troops 1600 from Burundi , has so far been able to defend the transitional government 's state house , Mogadishu port and airport , but said reinforcements to al-Shabaab have created a difficult situation .

  29. 随着政府宣称在战斗中取得了重大的胜利,乌干达和布隆迪国防部长上周赶赴摩加迪沙,对过渡联邦政府以及非洲联盟驻索马里任务AMISOM的进展情况进行评估。

    With the government claiming significant gains as a result of the fighting , the defense chiefs of both Uganda and Burundi were in Mogadishu last week to the progress of the transitional federal government , as well as the African Union mission in Somalia , known as AMISOM .

  30. 非洲联盟要求6000部队投入到任务当中。

    The AU is asking for 6000 troops for the operation .