
  • 网络wave of globalization
  1. 全球化浪潮风起云涌,随着加入WTO过渡期安排的结束,我国金融业全面开放的趋势不可逆转。

    The wave of globalization is blustery . Along with the conclusion of the transition period after entering WTO , the opening of financial industry in our country is irreversible .

  2. 全球化浪潮越是凶猛,本土化战略便越有必要。

    As the wave of globalization becomes stronger , the localization strategy becomes more necessary .

  3. 面对经济全球化浪潮迅速推进,研发型(researchdevelopment)项目,在提高经济增长和国际竞争力方面具有不可低估的作用。

    Facing with the rapidly advancing tide of economic globalization , the effect of R & D-type ( research development ) projects in enhancing the economic growth and international competitiveness of the role can not be underestimated .

  4. 在我国,对外开放基本国策的确定、加入WTO的举措等都是我们对全球化浪潮的主动回应。

    The national policy of opening to the outside world and the participating to WTO are some of our responses when facing the world Globalization waves .

  5. 面对WTO的加入及汹涌澎湃的全球化浪潮,浙江企业面临着技术变革的巨大挑战。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and the overwhelming trend of globalization , the enterprises in Zhejiang Province are facing great challenge of technological reforms .

  6. 在金融全球化浪潮中,中国商业银行倍受关注地随着正逐步建立和发展市场经济的中国一道进入了WTO的大家族,从而真正参与到了全球金融一体化运作之中。

    Since China enters into WTO , the commercial banks are paid close attention to access WTO in order to participate in the global financial integrative operation .

  7. 随着中国加入WTO,在经济全球化浪潮中,民营企业的生存面临更大的机遇和挑战。

    As China has entered into WTO , the survival of private enterprise is faced with both better opportunity and more severe challenge in the tide of economic globalization .

  8. 在经济全球化浪潮和我国加入WTO的背景下,企业家激励不足和相应的激励机制建设滞后乃至扭曲的问题,变得更加突出,也引起了更为广泛的高度重视。

    On the background of economy globalization and China 's entry into WTO , the lack of entrepreneur incentive and the lag and distortion of incentive institution are more salient and have arised much attention .

  9. 在以跨国公司为主导的全球化浪潮中,外商直接投资(FDI)正扮演着愈来愈重要的角色,对东道国尤其是发展中国家经济社会发展的影响也在日益扩大。

    In the process of globalization predominant by multinational corporations , foreign direct investment is playing an increasingly important role . Its impact on economic and social development of host country , especially developing countries are also enlarging .

  10. 在以跨国公司为主导的经济全球化浪潮中,外商直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,FDI)作为技术转移的载体,成为世界各国尤其是发展中国家提高技术创新能力和促进经济增长的重要途径。

    In the wave of economic globalization leading by multinational corporations , as the carrier of the technology transfer , foreign direct investment has become an important way of improving the technology innovation and promoting economic growth in most countries especially in the developing countries in the world .

  11. 在科技全球化浪潮冲击下,跨国公司产业竞争优势演化催生的RD资源全球转移为发展中国家实现技术获取型对外直接投资(TSFDI),获取反向技术外溢创造了机遇。

    With the impact of Technology Globalization , RD resource global transfer caused by the evolution of TNCs ' industry competition advantage helps the developing nations to enforce technology sourcing FDI and obtain reverse technology spillover .

  12. 论全球化浪潮下的中国西部经济发展

    On the economic development of China 's western regions under globalization

  13. 实现城市信息化是一个城市融入全球化浪潮的必要条件。

    Realizing the Informatization City is the necessary condition of being globalization .

  14. 城市群整合是响应全球化浪潮的区域效率提高和效用改进之路。

    Urban agglomeration is a way for higher efficiency and better effect .

  15. 全球化浪潮无疑是当代人类的基本境遇。

    Globalization is surely the basic situation of contemporary humanity .

  16. 在全球化浪潮中积极利用外资

    To Positively Utilize Foreign Investment in the Globalization Wave

  17. 论近代全球化浪潮中的法律发展

    Development of Law in the Wave of Modern Globalization

  18. 全球化浪潮和新公共管理运动促进了地方治理的转型。

    Globalization and new public management reform impel the transition of local governance .

  19. 全球化浪潮下,文化的融通共享已势不可挡。

    Against the background of globalization , culture-sharing and combination have been inevitable .

  20. 全球化浪潮对阿拉伯世界的冲击

    The impact of globalization on the Arabic world

  21. 全球化浪潮推动着国际竞争日趋复杂激烈。

    International competition has become increasingly complex and intense under the tide of globalization .

  22. 克莱恩则认为,在全球化浪潮下,品牌无处不在。

    Klein deemed that brand was everywhere in the new wave of economic globalization .

  23. 美国在全球化浪潮中的地位和作用

    Status and Impact of the US in Globalization

  24. 经济全球化浪潮中的中国保险业

    Chinese Insurance under the Tide of Economy Globalization

  25. 在21世纪全球化浪潮中,中国的文化安全问题更加突出。

    The safety of Chinese culture demands more attention in the huge tide of globalization .

  26. 毋庸置疑,当前,全球化浪潮席卷了世界各个国家和地区。

    Currently , globalization wave has been swept many countries and regions in the world .

  27. 从自外到融入面对全球化浪潮的亚洲电影

    From " Keep Outside " to " Involve In " & Asian Cinema under Globalization

  28. 全球化浪潮下的宗教对话

    Religious Dialogues under the Globalization Wave

  29. 在全球化浪潮下,各国纷纷开展对双语教育的研究。

    With the tide of globalization , more and more countries implement the policy of bilingual education .

  30. 简论全球化浪潮对人类社会的冲击

    A Brief Discussion On What the Waves of Globalization Pounding at the Human Society in the Culture