
quán qiú qì hòu
  • global climate
  1. 有足够的证据表明全球气候正在变暖。

    There is ample evidence that global climate is getting warmer .

  2. 这些生物体死亡后会将碳埋入深海中,这个重要过程对全球气候具有调节作用。

    When these organisms die , they bury carbon in the deep ocean , an important process that helps to regulate the global climate .

  3. 由于就全球气候变化的谈判破裂,通过这种方式来为REDD集资前景堪忧

    With global climate-change negotiations foundering , the prospects of raising cash for REDD that way look poor .

  4. 他们说,自然原因根本不足以解释过去一个半世纪全球气候变暖的现象。

    Natural causes , they say , are simply not sufficient to explain the warming scene over the last century and a half .

  5. 研究人员表示,还需要开展更多研究,才能确定闪电对于抗击全球气候变化的贡献程度。

    Researchers say that more studies will need to be conducted to verify the degree to which lightning contributes to the fight against global climate change .

  6. 英国气象局的研究人员利用气候模型分析了创记录的气温,这些模型能模拟全球气候在受到化石燃料排放物影响以及未受到它影响时的情况。

    Met Office researchers have now analysed the record-breaking temperatures , using climate models that can simulate the world with or without the impact of fossil fuel emissions2 .

  7. 这项四月末发表在《科学》杂志上的新研究发现,闪电对全球气候变化的影响力可能比科学界先前所了解的更大。

    The new study published at the end of April in Science found that lightning may play a bigger role in global climate change than was previously2 known by the scientific community .

  8. 据科学家们的说法,在没有全球气候变暖的情况下,英国迎来像今夏这样的热浪的几率在任何一年里都不到0.5%。

    According to the scientists , in the absence of global warming , the odds3 of a UK heatwave like this summer 's were less than half a percent in any given year .

  9. 因此,许多人认为,始于工业革命的当前全球气候变暖是一种自然现象,而人类在其中所扮演的角色被夸大了。

    As a result , many have argued that the current period of global warming that started with the Industrial Revolution is part of a natural pattern and the human role in creating it has been exaggerated .

  10. 但是,我坚信,只要心往一处想、劲往一处使,同舟共济、守望相助,人类必将能够应对好全球气候环境挑战,把一个清洁美丽的世界留给子孙后代。

    Yet I am confident that as long as we unite in our purposes and efforts and work together with solidarity assistance , we will rise above the global climate and environment challenges and leave a clean and beautiful world to future generations .

  11. 在过去的100多年里,全球气候状况发生了重大变化,尤其是大气CO2浓度升高和全球变暖的趋势日益明显。

    In the past 100 years , global climate has changed vastly , particularly the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration and global warming are becoming increasingly apparent .

  12. 分析了CO2对全球气候变化的影响和减排的必要性,介绍了CO2的基本特性和主要分离方法;

    The influences of CO2 on global climate change and the necessity of CO2 sequestration are reviewed , and the main approaches to CO2 separation and sequestration are introduced .

  13. 针对目前全球气候在降水和温度方面异常变化的情况,本文在利用信息技术对四川盆地的可能蒸散率(PER)在未来5种水热组合下的变化情况进行了模拟。

    Considering global climate change unusually in precipitation and temperature , the author simulated its influence on the Potential Evapotranspiration Rate ( PER ) in Sichuan Basin under five kinds of climate combinations in the future using information technology .

  14. 全球气候模式(GCM)对辐射强迫的响应

    Response of global climate model to radiative forcing

  15. 前后引起全球气候变化的中更新世革命(MPR)、西太平洋暖池的形成以及0.78MaB.P。

    Middle Pleistocene Revolution ( MPR ) that gave rise to the global climate changing , formation of Western Pacific Warm Pool ?

  16. 甲烷(CH4)是一种主要的温室气体,其在空气中含量的增加会导致全球气候变暖。

    Methane ( CH4 ) is one of the main greenhouse gases ( GHGs ), the increasing of what affected global climate change .

  17. 另外,由于矿物燃料的燃烧,人类向大气中排放了大量的二氧化碳(CO2)等多种温室气体,使得全球气候日益变暖。

    In addition , a lot of CO2 and other greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere since the burning of fossil , which is leading to the growing global climate warming .

  18. 应用AHP方法确定各项指标的权重,以综合评分的方式得到滨海新区在全球气候变化条件下的灾害风险综合分值。

    Use AHP method to determine the weight of the indicators and in an integrated way to score comprehensive disaster risk of Binhai New Area under the conditions of global climate change .

  19. 全球气候变暖及CO2等温室气体一直倍受关注,而船舶作为排放大户近年来面临来自公众和航运界的巨大的压力。

    Has been much concern about global warming and carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases , while the ship as emitters faced huge pressure from the public and the shipping industry in recent years .

  20. 天然气水合物中CH4的释放影响全球气候变化。同时,天然气水合物是一种潜在的环境灾害诱发因素。

    The release of methane from the gas hydrate can lead to the global climate changes , and the environmental disasters can be induced by the gas hydrate .

  21. 工业革命以后,以CO2为代表的温室气体的排放量迅速增加,这在一定程度上直接导致全球气候变暖,并将在很长的时间内引起严重的自然环境和社会问题。

    After the Industrial Revolution , carbon dioxide as the representative of greenhouse gas emissions increased rapidly and led global warming to a certain extent , and cause serious natural environment and social problems in a very long time .

  22. 因人类对化石燃料的大量燃烧,致使大气中产生了过量的温室气体C02,导致全球气候变暖,海平面上升。

    The concentration of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere has increased because of the burning of fossil fuels .

  23. 挥发性卤代烃VHCs(Volatilehalocarbons)是大气中重要的痕量温室气体和臭氧层破坏者,在全球气候变化和生态环境等方面起着重要作用。

    Volatile halocarbons ( VHCs ) are important atmospheric trace gases , potential greenhouse gases and ozone destructors , which play important roles in global climatic change and environment .

  24. 农业生态系统中产生的温室气体已成为引起全球气候变暖的因素之一,CO2和N2O作为最主要的温室气体一直以来都被各国政府与广大研究者所关注。

    Greenhouse gases ( GHGs ) emitted from agro-ecosystems have been becoming one of the main causes which result in the global warming . CO_2 and N_2O , as the main greenhouse gases , have attracted more and more attentions from the international scientists and governments of many countries .

  25. 氧化亚氮(N2O)是一种重要的温室气体,其增温潜势为二氧化碳的310倍。减少人类活动中温室气体排放,是目前减缓全球气候变化的有效措施。

    The main impact of human activities on climate change is anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases . N2O is one of the greenhouse gases , its global warming potential 310 times as high as that of CO2 .

  26. 由于燃烧化石燃料和砍伐森林引起CO2浓度升高并随之带来全球气候变化,陆地植被生态系统,尤其是森林的生长与碳循环之间的关系成为陆地生物圈与全球变化研究中的主要内容。

    The increase of CO2 content caused by the usage of fossil fuel and forest destruction has lead to global climatic change . The relationship between land vegetation , especially forest growth and carbon circle is the main content for the study on land biosphere and global variation .

  27. 指出了青藏高原感热驱动气泵(SHAP)在调制东亚季风及全球气候中的重要作用;

    The importance of the Sensible Heat driven Air Pump ( SHAP ) over the Qinghai Xizang Plateau in regulating the East Asian monsoons and global climate is emphasized .

  28. Argo实时海洋观测网的建设,使得科研工作者可以更加方便、快速地获取海洋垂直剖面上的温、盐度和海流资料,以提高海洋和全球气候等的预测能力。

    Constructing Argo real-time ocean observation network allows researchers to obtain ocean temperature , salinity and currents information from Argo vertical profiles more easily and quickly to improve the ocean and global climate predictability .

  29. 由于人类污染而导致臭氧层衰减以及由此产生的地球表面紫外辐射增强已经成为全球气候变化的一个主要方面。UV-B胁迫,甚至当前的辐射水平,所带来的影响已经引起科学工作者的广泛关注。

    Contents of cadmium and arsenic were greatly influenced by anthropogenic pollution . One of the most important aspects of global change is that of stratospheric ozone depletion caused by serious anthropogenic pollution and the resulting increase in UV radiation reaching the surface of the Earth .

  30. 研究了全球气候变暖对长江三角洲极端高温事件(EHTE)概率的影响。

    The effects of global warming on the probability of extreme high temperature event ( EHTE ) in the Yangtze Delta are studied .