
zhǎng cháo
  • egre;rising tide;flood tide;flood
涨潮 [zhǎng cháo]
  • [flood tide] 指海洋水面因受月球和太阳引力作用而定时上升,在潮汐循环中,自低潮至其后一个高潮的潮位变化过程

涨潮[zhǎng cháo]
  1. 他们提到,“期望涨潮”历来会激发抗议和革命。

    They refer to the so-called " rising tide of expectations " that has historically fuelled protests and revolutions .

  2. 过去10到20年令金融与投资市场普遍受益的涨潮期已经过去,我们现在面对着一片波涛汹涌的大海,它可能会在全球范围内吞噬更广泛的经济体。

    Instead of the rising tide which [ has ] broadly benefited financial and investment markets for the last 10 to 20 years , we are now facing choppy seas which could engulf the broader economy globally .

  3. 涨潮了,我们最好回去吧。

    The tide is turning ─ we 'd better get back .

  4. 我们在涨潮时起航。

    We set sail at high tide .

  5. 不久就要涨潮了。

    There was not much time before the tide turned .

  6. 海滩上有些地方在涨潮时完全淹没在水中。

    Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide

  7. 如果涨潮了,他们就去游泳。

    If the tide was in they went swimming .

  8. 涨潮期前后几小时内都可以捕鱼。

    Fishing is possible for a couple of hours either side of high water .

  9. 开始涨潮了,紧急救援机构正在争分夺秒地工作。

    The emergency services were working against the clock as the tide began to rise

  10. 她把一条毛巾放在刚没过涨潮线的一堆石头上。

    She placed a towel on a cluster of rocks just clear of the tidemark

  11. 我们随着涨潮的浪涌轻轻地起伏。

    We bobbed gently up and down on the swell of the incoming tide .

  12. 涨潮和落潮交替更迭。

    The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other .

  13. 涨潮时,孩子们已经上岸了。

    The children got ashore before the tide came in .

  14. 正在涨潮。

    The tide is at the flood .

  15. 涨潮了。

    The tide is coming in .

  16. 上周日恰逢满月,让救援队获得了24小时的绝佳窗口期,涨潮时水位比平时升高了几英寸,提供了至关重要的助推力。

    A full moon on Sunday gave the salvager 24-hour window to work in , with a few extra inches of tidal flow providing a vital assist .

  17. CNN主播特派员蕾丽莎·瓦希列娃:不论他的几何沙画多么精细复杂,涨潮都会将它们冲刷而去。

    RALITSA VASSILEVA , CNN ANCHOR / CORRESPONDENT : No matter how intricate his geometric sand designs , high tide sweeps the mall away .

  18. SPM有机质含量的季节差异比较大,与水深和粒度有显著负相关关系。春秋冬三季悬浮颗粒物的可溶性磷在涨潮初期均发生释放;

    The highest SPM appeared at the beginning of all flood tide , the content of organic material of SPM showed seasonal difference , and had a negative significant correlation with water depth and particulate granularity .

  19. 另外,计算得到的泉州湾内平均潮差约为4m,如此大的潮差是导致湾内浅滩和暗礁在落潮时干出、涨潮时重新被漫过的根本原因。

    Besides , the large tidal range with a mean value of 4 m is responsible for the alternate wetting and drying of shoals and submerged rocks during the flood and ebb , respectively .

  20. 北京奥美金融(OgilvyFinancial)的尼古拉斯•曼加纳罗(NicholasManganaro)表示,人的记忆是短暂的,“在大多数在美上市中国企业普遍遭到怀疑两年后,(今年)阿里巴巴IPO就相当于涨潮,能把所有船只都抬高”。

    But memories are short , and this year " Alibaba is the tide which is lifting all boats after two years of scepticism towards most US listed Chinese companies , " according to Nicholas Manganaro of Ogilvy Financial in Beijing .

  21. Rance大坝可以拦截Rance河的河口,此处涨潮和落潮时的水位差可以达到26英尺(8米)。

    The Rance barrage works by blocking the entrance to the estuary of the Rance River , where average difference between low and high tides is26 feet ( eight meters ) .

  22. 上世纪60年代我还是个小孩,那时候我曾站在我家位于伦敦克佑区(Kew)的花园小路,亲眼看着泰晤士河涨潮产生的洪水沿着马路涌到离我们一步之遥的地方。

    When I was a child in the 1960s , I stood on our garden path in Kew , watching the flood waters from a tidal surge in the Thames flow along the road to within inches of us .

  23. 结果表明,潮波作用使涨潮历时延长、落潮历时缩短,但在长江口,每天向东海的平均输移速率仍可有17~28km左右。

    A net excursion rate in the estuary could , however , be estimated still in a range of about 17 to 28 km daily on an average towards the East China Sea .

  24. 涨潮时带来的东西,退潮时就会被带走。

    The ebb will fetch off what the tide brings in .

  25. 开始涨潮了,潮水遮住了我们的脚印。

    The tide began to flow and our footprints were covered .

  26. 海浪涨潮,天天涨潮,天天涨潮,又天天退潮。

    Sea-water tide , day-to-day tide , every-day tide and every-day ebb .

  27. 我们在涨潮时起航去法国。

    Eg. we set sail for France at high tide .

  28. 大潮期间涨潮有悬沙浓度峰出现。

    Suspended sediment concentration peak will appear during the spring tidal period .

  29. 涨潮把许多垃圾冲上了岸。

    A lot of rubbish was washed up by the high tide .

  30. 就像满月和涨潮,你们改变不了的。

    It 's like the full moon or the changing of the tides .