
zhǎng luò
  • rise and fall;fluctuate;seesaw
涨落 [zhǎng luò]
  • [rise and fall] 指潮水或物价等的上涨或下落

  • 食品价格根据供求规律涨落

涨落[zhǎng luò]
  1. 农用地价格涨落探析

    Analysis on the rise and fall of agricultural land price

  2. 洪水涨落影响下水位流量关系单值化新方法

    New Method of Single-valued Stage Discharge Relationship Effected by Flood Rise and Fall

  3. 东京股市涨落不定。

    The Tokyo stock market seesawed up and down .

  4. 回收工业经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。

    The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market .

  5. 祥子挣多少,她花多少,她的要求随着他的钱涨落

    So however much he earned , she spent it , her demands growing and lessening with his income .

  6. 相关系数r涨落性探讨

    Approach to fluctuation of correlation coefficient

  7. 利用ANSYS数值模拟河水涨落对地电观测的影响

    Using ANSYS Numerically Simulating the Influence of River Water Fluctuating on Geoelectric Observation

  8. Yang提出的具有时延和非线性的小世界网络模型的基础上引入随机涨落因子。

    Yang , the random fluctuations factors are introduced .

  9. 热涨落作用下的dcSQUID特性研究

    Studies on DC SQUID characteristics in the presence of thermal fluctuations

  10. RC电路中涨落电压的统计性质

    The Statistical Characteristics of Fluctuation Voltage in RC Circuit

  11. 无耗散介观含源LC电路中电流和电压的量子涨落

    Quantum fluctuations of voltage and current in nondissipative mesoscopic active LC circuit

  12. 介观LC电路中电压、电流的量子涨落

    Quantum fluctuations of voltage and current in mesoscopic LC circuit

  13. 热克尔态下介观LC电路的量子涨落

    Quantum effects of the mesoscopic LC electric circuit in thermal Kerr state

  14. 介观LC电路中电荷和电流量子涨落的一般关系式

    General Formulation for Quantum Fluctuation of Charge and Current in Mesoscopic LC Circuit

  15. 激光振幅与位相涨落对阵列波导CO2激光器输出光相干性的影响

    Effects on the output beam coherence of the array waveguide CO_2 laser due to the fluctuation of the laser amplitude and phase

  16. 进一步的,我们研究了反映相变的力学不稳定性的密度涨落与相变的联系,通过与相变时的最大Lyapunov指数与温度的关系的比较,揭示了相变与混沌之间的物理内涵。

    We employ Largest Lyapunov exponent to explore the relation between the chaos and phase transition .

  17. 但是POM采用固定边界,无法模拟河口近岸海域由于涨落潮而引起的漫滩流。

    But POM cannot simulate the shoal with its fixed boundary .

  18. 其结构单元(BuildingBlocks)间相互作用弱(约为kT),热涨落和熵主导其运动和变化。

    The interaction between building blocks is week ( about KT ), so the thermal fluctuation and entropy control the motion of the system .

  19. 认为可以由前两日的△f的变化以一定的概率预测次日的股价指数收盘价的涨落。

    This article deemed the rise or fall of closing price can be probability predicted with the fluctuations of Af between last two days .

  20. 量子单波函数描述的轻阻尼RLC回路的量子涨落

    Quantum Fluctuation of RLC Circuit After Quantization Described by Single-wave Function

  21. 电荷离散化时介观LC电路中电荷、电流以及能量的量子涨落

    The Quantum Fluctuation of the Charge , Current and Energy in the Mesoscopic LC Circuit with the Charge Discreteness

  22. RLC电路中电荷、电流的量子涨落

    Quantum fluctuations of charge and current in RLC circuit

  23. 这个方案是在赫伯德模型中研究反铁磁(AFM)自旋涨落调制的电子-电子耦合。

    The scenario is explored in Hubbard model including electron-electron couplings mediated by antiferromagnetic ( AFM ) spin fluctuation .

  24. 研究了铜在CO2激光辐照下达到热平衡时表面的温度涨落。

    The temperature fluctuation of copper surface , which was in a thermal equilibrium state under the irradiated condition with a CW CO_2 laser , was carefully measured .

  25. KT-5C托卡马克等离子体中磁场涨落的测量

    Magnetic Fluctuation Measurements in the KT-5C Tokamak Plasma

  26. 介观RLC电路的量子化及量子涨落

    Quantization of Mesoscopic RLC Circuit and Quanta Fluctuate

  27. 研究了Brownian(布朗)motor在二维耦合的非对称性周期势中同时受热噪声和外部非平衡涨落驱动下的定向输运,讨论了耦合对流行为的影响。

    The transport of a Brownian motor driven by an external fluctuation in a two dimensional ( 2D ) coupled asymmetrical periodic potential is studied .

  28. 半导体激光器在工作时,其两端的pn结电压会出现随机涨落,称为电噪声。

    When the semiconductor laser is operating in a constant bias current , the terminal voltage of the device often fluctuates .

  29. 在真空态和热真空态下讨论了介观RLC电路的量子涨落。

    The quantum fluctuations of mesoscopic RLC circuit in vacuum state and in thermal vacuum state are considered .

  30. 氧化物纳米颗粒结构涨落的HREM研究

    HREM Study on Structural Fluctuations of Oxide Nanoparticles