
liànɡ zǐ lùn
  • quantum theory
  1. 含自旋轨道相互作用的氢原子精确量子论

    Exact Quantum Theory for Hydrogen Atom in Interaction of Orbit and Spin

  2. 与此相反,量子论却提供了一种完美的简单解释。

    The quantum theory , by contrast , provides a beautifully simple explanation .

  3. A-B效应的量子论分析

    The quantum analysis theory of the A-B effect

  4. 1900年Plank提出了量子论,标志着量子力学的诞生。

    In 1900 , Plank proposed the viewpoint of quantum , which is the symbol of the birth of quantum mechanics .

  5. 基于时间有T∝g-1/2、T∝g两种,惠勒所说相对论和量子论根本不能协调确实是对的。

    There are two theories on time , that is T ∝ g-1 / 2 、 T ∝ g , as a result , the theory of Wheeler-the theory of relativity and quantum theory can never coordinate-is right .

  6. 今日之量子论;量子力学根据Schrodinger方程的衍生;以粒子波解释原子事件。

    The modern form of quantum theory ; an extension of of quantum mechanics based on Schrodinger 's equation ; atomic events are explained as interactions between particle waves .

  7. 当体系的schrǒdinger方程只有连续定态解时,在任一态上求任何力学量的期待值都将得到零或无穷大,本文建立了连续谱体系的双波函数量子论。

    When the schr ( o | ¨) dinger equation of a system has only the solutions of continuous stationary states , either zero or infinity expectation value can be obtained for an arbitrary observable in any stationary state .

  8. 在假设输入光场为单模相干场,原子制备在最高激发态的条件下,运用全量子论方案研究了Kerr介质中一个级联三能级原子布居随时间演化特点。

    Under the assumption that the input field is in a coherent state and the atom is prepared in the most excited state , the time evolution of atomic populations of a cascade atom embedded in a Kerr medium is investigated by using the full quantum mechanical scheme .

  9. 本文应用Maxwell-Boltzmann统计分布系统地讨论了气体的热容,且对工科院校教材中有关气体热容的经典理论与实验不相符合的问题用量子论作了理论研究和讨论,作出了合理的解释。

    In the light of the Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistical Distribution Theory , the heat capacity of gases is analysed . Some Problems existing in college physics textbooks are also discussed here . One is that the classical theory about the heat capacity of gases does not accord with the experiments .

  10. 普朗克与量子论&物理学方法案例考察

    Planck and Quantum Theory ── Investigation on Case of Physics Methodology

  11. 压电晶体拉曼散射的统一量子论

    Unified quantum field theory of Raman scattering of light in piezoelectric crystals

  12. 发展量子论的概念来自光的实验。

    The idea that drives quantum theory comes from experiments with light .

  13. 三论变化电磁场中带电超微粒子的精确量子论

    Development of Exact Quantum Theory of Charged Ultrafine Particles in Changeable Electromagnetic Field

  14. 氦原子能级的精确量子论

    Exact Quantum Theory of Energy Level for Helium Atom

  15. Titius&Bode定则的发展,天体量子论和泛量子理论

    Development of the Titius-Bode Law , the Astronomical Quantum Theory and Extensive Quantum Theory

  16. 量子论与热力学第三定律的发展

    The Relation Between Quantum Theory and the Development of the Third Law of Thermodynamics

  17. 让量子论飞越吧。

    Step 3 : Make the quantum leap .

  18. 从量子论到玻色-爱因斯坦统计

    From Quantum Theory to Bose - Einstein Statistics

  19. 量子论是一门研究微粒子的物理学。

    Quantum theory is a branch of physics that deals with very small particles .

  20. 早期量子论的玻尔-索末菲规则对混沌运动失效。

    The Bohr-Sommerfield quantized rule of the old quantum theory has failed in chaotic motion .

  21. 反射后激光(光子)螺旋性改变的量子论解释和信息论意义

    Quantum Explanation and Information Theoretical Implication of Helicity Inversion of Laser ( Photons ) During Reflection

  22. 量子论、对偶性与M-理论

    Plank ′ s Theory-Duality and M-Theory

  23. 阻尼振子的量子论

    The quantum theory about damped oscillators

  24. 量子论原理

    the principles of quantum theory .

  25. 普朗克与早期量子论

    Planck and Earlier Quantum Theory

  26. 哈里森·威尔斯在量子论领域的研究成果领先于欧洲核子研究委员会好几个光年。

    Harrison Wells ' work in quantum theory is light-years ahead of anything they 're doing at CERN .

  27. 旧量子论与量子力学在解释原子结构时存在着某些不同的结论。

    There exist some contradictory conclusions between the old Quantum Theory and Quantum Mechanics in explaining the atomic structure .

  28. 在此基础上我们指出,相对论和量子论不是直接对牛顿力学的革命。

    On this basis , we believe that relativity and quantum theory are not the revolution directly to Newtonian mechanics .

  29. 从相对论和量子论得出的基本结论是:频率创造世界。

    From the theory of relativity and quantum theory is that the basic conclusion : frequency to create the world .

  30. 举个现在被称为哥本哈根诠释的量子论诠释作为例子,它是由丹麦物理学家尼尔斯?波尔提出的。

    Take what is now known as the Copenhagen interpretation , for example , introduced by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr .