
liànɡ zǐ sè dònɡ lì xué
  • quantum chromodynamics
  1. 量子色动力学(QCD)是强作用理论最好的候补者。

    Quantum Chromodynamics ( QCD ) is the best candidate of the strong interaction theory .

  2. 量子色动力学(QCD)是人们公认的处理介子和重子的动力学等强相互作用的基本理论。

    Quantum Chromodynamics ( QCD ) is the fundamental theory in dealing with strong interaction dynamics of mesons and baryons .

  3. 量子色动力学的轴矢反常和η′-ηc混合

    QCD Axial Anomaly and η′ η c Mixing

  4. 量子色动力学中K因子的研究

    The research of K factor in qcd

  5. 在量子色动力学中转换电磁形状因子F(A1π)(q~2)的大动量行为

    The large momentum behavior of the electromagnetic transition form factor f_ ( a_1 π)( q ~ 2 ) in QCD

  6. 基于量子色动力学(QCD)的轴矢反常,讨论确定η′(以及η)与ηc混合的新方法。

    A new approach for the η′ ( and η) η c mixing is discussed on the basis of the axial anomaly in QCD .

  7. 量子色动力学(QCD)求和定则在密物质的结果

    Result of QCD sum rule about dense matter

  8. 有限温下量子色动力学(QCD)的性质是目前粒子物理领域研究的热点之一。

    The properties of Quantum Chromodynamics in finite temperature is one of the hot topics in particle physics .

  9. 不同于电磁相互作用,由于SU(3)非阿贝尔性质,量子色动力学有渐进自由性质,即在大动量转移下是渐进自由的,而在低能标下却是强耦合的。

    Different from electromagnetic interaction , due to its non-Abelian color symmetry , the QCD has the property of asymptotic freedom at large momentum transfer , while remains strongly coupled at low energies .

  10. 随着量子色动力学(QCD)理论的发展,人们开始用QCD的观点去探讨Pomeron本源和性质。

    With the development of Quantum Chromodynamics ( QCD ), people started to investigate the origin and nature of the Pomeron from QCD viewpoint .

  11. 量子色动力学(QCD)的临界端点(CEP)是强相互作用物质相图中的一个重要量。

    The critical end point ( CEP ) of quantum chromodynamics ( QCD ) is one of the most important aspects of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter .

  12. 结合HERA有关核子结构函数与其斜率的实验数据,讨论了在量子色动力学演化方程中存在高扭度重组效应的可能性。

    With the HERA experiment data of nucleon structure function and it 's slope , we discuss the probability of higher twist recombination effect in Quantum Chromodynamics evolution equation .

  13. 格点量子色动力学预言,在高温高密的条件下有可能发生从强子相到退禁闭的局域热化的夸克胶子等离子体(QGP)相的跃迁。

    Lattice QCD calculations predict a phase transition from hadronic matter to a de-confined , locally thermalized Quark-Gluon Plasma ( QGP ) state at high temperature and small baryon density .

  14. 量子色动力学(QCD)是描述夸克胶子之间强相互作用的非阿贝尔规范理论,也是粒子物理标准模型中一个基本组成部分。

    Quantum chromodynamics ( QCD ) is a non-Abel gauge theory that describe the strong interaction between quarks and gluons , it is also a basic part of the stan-dard model of particle physics .

  15. 它与相对论重离子对撞机(RHIC)及其它高能对撞机一样,有助于我们认识量子色动力学(QCD)相图。

    Like Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider ( RHIC ) and other high energy colliders , it helps us explore the Quantum Chromo-Dynamics ( QCD ) phase diagram of strongly interacting matter .

  16. 唯有夸克模型对于强相互作用却比较成功,特别是夸克相互作用的基本理论&量子色动力学(QCD)的实验证实,强相互作用再次成为物理学中一个基本的问题。

    Only quark model is more successful for strong interaction , especially the experiment fact of the quantum chromo dynamics which is the basic theories of quark interaction , the strong interaction become one basic problem in physics again .

  17. 量子色动力学(QCD)是目前公认的研究强相互作用的基本理论,在高能区的轻夸克系统中,根据量子色动力学(QCD)的渐近自由特征,可以利用微扰论的方法精确求解。

    It is a general consensus that QCD is the underlying theory of the strong interaction . According to properties of asymptotic freedom , there is accurate solution using perturbation method for the light quark systems in high energy region .

  18. 在高能核物理研究方面,内容主要包括量子色动力学(QCD)在高温高密条件下的相变以及在相对论重离子碰撞中相变信号的研究。

    In the high energy nuclear physics study , the contents include the phase transition of the Quantum Color Dynamics ( QCD ) under the high temperature and high density , and the phase transition signal of the relativistic heavy-ion collision .

  19. 到目前为止,在夸克层次上能够成功描述夸克间强相互作用理论的是量子色动力学QcD,在这个理论中有两个十分重要的特征:分别是渐近自由与色禁闭。

    So far , Quantum chromo-dynamics ( QCD ) is the most successful theory which describes strong interactions between quarks . In this theory , there are two very important characteristics : asymptotic freedom and color confinement ( or quark confinement ) .

  20. 量子色动力学是描写强相互作用的规范理论,是物理学的前沿学科。

    The quantum chromodynamics is a gauge theory on strong interaction .

  21. 论文的第三章,对量子色动力学进行了简要的回顾,同时对强相互作用的唯象模型,特别是非拓扑孤立子模型进行了较详细的介绍。

    In chapter 3 , the QCD and non-topological soliton model are presented .

  22. 量子色动力学演化方程中的高扭度效应

    Higher twist effect in quantum chromodynamics evolution equation

  23. 含有色介场的量子色动力学问题&1.色介场、规范场的量子化

    The questions of Quantum Chromodynamics Containing Colour Dielectric Field 1 . Quantized by Path Integrals

  24. 用量子色动力学研究夸克之间的相互作用

    Study the Interaction of Quarks in QCD

  25. 量子色动力学中的动力学自发破缺

    Dynamical symmetry breakings in quantum chromodynamics

  26. 弱耦合近似下量子色动力学中层子传播函数Schinger-Dyson方程及其解

    Weak coupling approximate Schwinger-Dyson equation of the straton 's propagator in quantum chromodynamics and Its Solutions

  27. 量子色动力学与核物理

    Quantum Chromodynamics and Nuclear Physics

  28. 量子色动力学的光锥方法

    Light-cone Methods in Quantum Chromodynamics

  29. 微扰量子色动力学理论

    Perturbative quantum chromodynamics theory

  30. 量子色动力学非微扰传播子

    Non-Perturbative Propagators in QCD