
  • 网络Quantum decoherence
  1. 量子退相干现象的研究

    The Study on the Phenomenon of Quantum Decoherence

  2. 量子退相干解释的再思考

    Reflection on Interpretation of Quantum Decoherence

  3. 量子退相干中的量子控制问题研究

    Study on the Theory of Quantum Control of Quantum Decoherence

  4. 量子退相干破坏量子态的相干性,进而导致量子纠缠出现变化。

    The change of quantum coherence due to decoherence will lead to variation of quantum entanglement .

  5. 量子退相干与引力

    Quantum decoherence and gravity

  6. 本文研究了双模减单光子压缩真空态的量子退相干和非局域性动力学。

    In this paper we investigate the quantum decoherence and the dynamics of nonlocality of two-mode single-photon subtracted squeezed vacuum state ( TSSV ) .

  7. 把由系统与仪器组成的系综的密度矩阵约化到被测系统部分,于是自然趋近量子退相干。

    When the density matrix of the whole ensemble consisted of system-meter is reduced to the microscopic physical system , the system trend quantum decoherence in nature .

  8. 而量子退相干在量子测量过程中占有非常重要的意义,在现实的测量步骤中,难免会引入测量仪器,这就导致了系统与测量仪器相互作用,从而导致纠缠的产生。

    But quantum decoherence in quantum measurement process plays a very important role in reality of measurement , hard to avoid can step into measuring instrument , this has the system and measuring instrument interaction , leading to entwine production .

  9. 第一章简要介绍了量子退相干的概念以及量子退相干问题在理论研究上的主要进展,并重点介绍了从线性熵求系统的退相干时间这一部分。

    In the first chapter , the basic concept and the main theoretical progresses on the study of quantum decoherence are introduced briefly , where , the period concerning studying the decoherence timescale by expanding the linear entropy which is related to our own work is emphasized in detail .

  10. 研究了一般的N能级Markov开放量子系统退相干抑制问题。

    The problem of decoherence suppression for the general N-level Markov open quantum systems is studied .

  11. 基于相干控制的二能级量子系统退相干抑制

    Decoherence Suppression of Two-level Quantum Systems Based on Coherent Control

  12. 但量子测量退相干解释的具体模型,被测系统与宏观仪器所形成的纠缠态,在退相干解释理论体系中,逻辑不自恰。

    However , neither specific model for interpretation nor entanglement formed by the system to be measured and macro-instrumentation is logically reasonable in theoretical system of decoherence interpretation .

  13. 量子力学的退相干解释及哲学

    The Decoherence Interpretation and Philosophy

  14. 这种方法的最大的优越性在于它能从任意初态方便地求出密度算符的解析表达式,这就为研究量子态的退相干、非定域性动力学及纠缠分析提供了行之有效的理论工具。

    The maximum advantage of this method lies in that it can conveniently derive the analytic expression of the density operator from an arbitrary initial state .

  15. Markov开放量子系统噪声解耦退相干抑制策略

    Noise Decoupling Decoherence Suppression Strategy for Markov Open Quantum Systems

  16. 利用压缩光场控制量子动力学模型的退相干

    A Quantum Dynamical Mode for the Control of Decoherence Using a Squeezed Reservoir

  17. 用核磁共振量子计算机研究量子退相干问题

    A study on quantum decoherence using NMR quantum computer

  18. 经典&量子关联与量子退相干问题

    Classical - Quantum Correlation and Quantum Decoherence

  19. 半导体中载流子的量子相位相干性、退相干和多体关联效应之间的相互影响,以及量子干涉的可控性是当前半导体物理研究的一个关注焦点。

    The phase coherence , decoherence , and many body effect of carriers in ultrafast optical processes in semiconductors have been a hot research topic .

  20. 量子点接触测量对量子点系统退相干的影响

    Spin-Dephasing on Quantum Dot System with a Nearby Quantum Point Contact

  21. 水中痕量银的浊点萃取-火焰原子吸收光谱测定法量子点接触测量对量子点系统退相干的影响

    Determination of Trace Silver in Water Samples by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Cloud Point Extraction Spin-Dephasing on Quantum Dot System with a Nearby Quantum Point Contact

  22. 这些结果为设计无噪声的量子编码提供了依据,同时也为理解量子退相干对量子纠缠的影响给出了理论上的分析。

    Our results will contribute to a theoretical evidence to design noiseless quantum code and also a clear understanding of the effect of decoherence on quantum entanglement .

  23. 我们发现当量子系统和它所处的环境形成束缚态时,量子系统的退相干会得到一定的抑制。

    We find that when the quantum system form a bound state with its interacting environment , decoherence of the quantum system would be suppressed .

  24. 另一方面,在研究量子信息、量子计算等领域过程中,系统需要稳定的相干量子态,然而退相干是这些研究的障碍。

    On the other hand , in the research of quantum information , quantum computing , etc , we need stable coherent quantum state , however , these studies decoherence is the obstacle .

  25. 我们不但实验观测到宏观量子系统中的量子跳跃,还可以利用量子跳跃现象来研究固体中普遍存在的两能级系统及其引起的超导量子比特中的退相干。

    In addition , quantum jumps can serve as a useful tool to investigate the properties of the two-level systems that are ubiquitous in solid-state systems .