
  • 网络quantum gravity
  1. 10维紧致baby宇宙模型与量子引力中的几率函数

    Compact Baby Universe Model in ten Dimension and Probability Function of Quantum Gravity

  2. 圈量子引力中源于Penrose双元计算的研究途径

    An Approach Originated from Penrose Binor Calculus in Loop Quantum Gravity

  3. 4-导数量子引力的Feynman规则

    Feynman rules of a 4-DERIVATIVE quantum gravity

  4. 近年超弦理论、圈量子引力的进展表明时空在Planck尺度下是不连续的。

    In recent years , the progress of superstring and loop quantum gravity indicate that spacetime is not continuous at the Planck scales .

  5. 以Chern-Simons两点传播子乘积项为量子引力态基本片段,构造出了满足齐次D约束作用的扩展knot不变量引力态(φG)n。

    Using the two point propagator of Chern Simons theory as the basic blocks of quantum gravity states , we constructed the extended knot invariant gravity states ( φ G ) n that which satisfied with the homogeneous D constraint .

  6. 广义相对论;量子引力;弦论和M-理论。

    General Relativity ; Quantum Gravity ; String Theory and M-Theory .

  7. 无时间量子引力与物理学的认识论

    Time is * Timeless Quantum Gravity and Epistemology of Physics

  8. 准简振模与圈量子引力的联系

    The Relationship between Normal Mode and Loop Quantum Gravity

  9. 量子引力扩展圈表象中微分同胚约束的作用

    Action of the Diffeomorphism Constraint in the Extended Loop Representation of Quantum Gravity

  10. 含耦合标量场的量子引力发散抵消项的计算

    Counter Lagrangian calculation of Einstein gravity coupling scalar field

  11. 圈量子引力中体积算符对顶角的作用

    Volume operator action on vertex in Loop quantum gravity

  12. 蛋白质折叠的量子引力理论

    Method of quantum gravity on protein folding

  13. 最后从量子引力理论角度出发对相关结果作了估算,得到了与经典理论自洽的结果。

    Finally we estimate our system in Quantum Gravity opinion and get the same result .

  14. 量子引力时空语境分析

    A Space-Time Contextual Analysis of Quantum Gravity

  15. 两维量子引力中的一种可解模型

    A Solvable Model in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

  16. 圈量子引力和空间分立性

    Loop Quantum Gravity and Discreteness of Space

  17. 量子引力理论与量子宇宙学

    Quantum gravity theory and quantum cosmology

  18. 每个在量子引力领域工作的人都知道,简洁优雅是多么难以达到。

    Anyone working on quantum gravity knows that it is a very hard act to follow .

  19. 高导数量子引力的发散分析

    Divergence analysis for higher-derivative quantum gravity

  20. 本文对量子引力理论和量子宇宙学作了简单述评,讨论了两者之间的逻辑关系。

    Quantum gravity theory and quantum cosmology are simply reviewed and their logical relations are discussed .

  21. 量子引力所提出的主要问题之一是时空在物理学中到底应该以一种什么样的地位出现。

    One of the primary questions of quantum gravity is the position of space-time in physics .

  22. 量子引力的曲率两点真空相关

    Curvature vacuum correlations in quantum gravity

  23. 它们为类星体和其他活动星系核提供能量,也有助于透彻地理解量子引力。

    They power quasars and other active galactic nuclei and also provide key insights into quantum gravity .

  24. 量子引力中曲率的激发

    Curvature Excitation in Quantum Gravity

  25. 但阿贝·阿西提卡团队的进一步计算表明量子引力不允许奇点的存在。

    But complex calculations by Ashtekar 's team show that singularities are not allowed by quantum gravity .

  26. 在以下几章我们将描述黑洞和大爆炸的量子引力论效应。

    The consequences that these would have for black holes and the big bang will be described in later chapters .

  27. 量子引力时空理论的横断语境分析,显示了量子引力理论提出的现实语境和对其进行求解的语境选择所具有的重要意义。

    A diatropic contextual analysis indicates the actual contexts in which quantum gravity theory is proposed and the importance of explanatory contextual choices .

  28. 我认为它是,但要确认这一点,我们得先对量子引力有更好的理解。

    My bet is " yes ," but we 'll need to understand quantum gravity much better before we can say for sure .

  29. 还将这种方法与缠结理论做了比较;要描述圈量子引力的动力学过程,需要新的模型,自旋接网圈的因果演化模型就是其中的一种。

    A new model such as the causal evolution model of spin networks is needed to describe a dynamics process of loop quantum gravity .

  30. 在背景场方案下,用协变量子化方法求出了含耦合标量场的量子引力的单圈发散抵消项。

    Using the background field method , find the one-loop divergence counter term of quantum gravity coupling scalar field in the framework of covariant quantization .