
liànɡ zǐ jì suàn jī
  • quantum computer
  1. 近年来,量子计算机、生物计算机、DNA计算等领域的创新工作引起了世人的广泛关注。

    In recent years , great concerns have been raised by inventions in the fields of quantum computer , bio-computer and DNA computing .

  2. 利用IBM量子计算机,他们成功地将单个模拟的基本粒子的老化过程倒退了百万分之一秒。

    Using an IBM quantum computer , they managed to undo the aging of a single , simulated elementary particle by one millionth of a second .

  3. 他目前感兴趣的领域包括SOA和web服务、量子计算机和云计算。

    His currents interests include SOA and web services , Quantum Computers , and Cloud Computing .

  4. Kane固体量子计算机中核自旋读出

    Measurement of the nuclear spin state in Kane 's solid-state quantum computer

  5. 可逆逻辑是一个新兴的研究领域,对研发和实现超低功耗IC和量子计算机具有重要的理论意义和应用前景。

    Reversible logic is a new research area , which has important theoretical significance and application prospects in research , development and realization of ultra-low-power ICs and quantum computers .

  6. 实验发现,自旋相干态能够保持足够长的时间(几百ps量级),因此有可能用来制造一个固态的量子计算机。

    Experiments reveal that the spin coherent state can persevere for a rather long time ( a few hundred ps ), thus it can be used to construct a solid quantum computer .

  7. D-Wave系统公司(D-WaveSystems)是唯一一家销售量子计算机的商业公司——据报道,谷歌(Google)和美国国家航空航天局(Nasa)已联合出资1000万美元购买该公司生产的一台量子计算机原型机。

    Google and Nasa have jointly forked out a reported $ 10m on a prototype quantum computer from D-Wave Systems , the only commercial company selling them .

  8. 我们知道,如果大规模的量子计算机能被制造出来,则所有基于配对、RSA以及离散对数的密码方案都是不安全的。

    It is known that if large scale quantum computers can be realized , then all the cryptosystems which are based on Parings , RSA and DLP are not secure any more .

  9. qcl量子计算机模拟器

    The qcl quantum computer simulator

  10. 基于这一原因,科学家们正在寻找其他全新的计算机结构,如人工神经网络计算机、量子计算机、光学计算机以及DNA计算机,其中DNA计算机近十五年来倍受科学界的关注。

    So , scientists are seeking other fully new computers such as artificial neural network computer , quantum computer , optimal computer as well as DNA computer . Among them , the DNA computer has been paid much more attentions by scientists in recent fifteen years .

  11. qcl只模拟非常小的量子计算机,但幸运的是,它的效力刚好足够大,可以展示一些有用的QC算法背后的概念。

    Qcl only simulates very small quantum computers , but fortunately it 's just powerful enough to demonstrate the concept behind some useful QC algorithms .

  12. 首先以求解一些NP问题,如TSP问题为例,讨论了运行在量子计算机上的量子搜索算法和运行在经典计算机上的进化搜索算法之间的本质区别。

    We firstly compare how a quantum search algorithm running hi a quantum computer differs from an evolutionary search algorithm running on a classical computers for solving NP problems by using the instance of TSP .

  13. 量子计算机具有潜力把这一爆炸式的发展转变的更具活力,如同QC用于创造更快更有力的量子计算元件一样。

    Quantum Computing has the potential to shift this explosive growth into an even higher gear as QC 's are used in the creation of faster and more powerful quantum computing elements .

  14. 只有一个问题:围绕D-Wave的量子计算机是否真的实现了量子计算,即将爆发一场辩论。

    There is only one problem : there is a simmering debate over whether D-Wave 's quantum computers are actually quantum at all .

  15. 在讨论中,假定通信双方Alice和Bob有容错的量子计算机,结果表明:在任意长的距离上,即使面临各种窃听攻击及各种噪声存在的情况下,量子密钥分配依然具有无条件的安全特征。

    In the argument , supposed Alice and Bob to have fault-tolerant quantum computer , the result shows that QKD can be made unconditionally secure over arbitrarily long distances even against the most general type of eavesdropping attacks and in the presence of all types of noises .

  16. 文章介绍了在量子计算机上进行的Shor量子算法,即利用量子态的相干叠加和纠缠特性以及量子逻辑门实现量子计算的方法;

    In this paper , we discuss the Shor 's quantum algorithm on a quantum computer , which is the algorithm using the coherence and entanglement of quantum states on which the quantum logic gates act .

  17. 简述了量子计算机的并行算法。设计了一个2n+12n+1的幺正矩阵,并根据量子Grover搜索算法求解出在无序数据库中满足条件的单项或多项数据的计算方法。

    The paper explains the algorithm of quantum computation , designs a 2 n + 1 2 n + 1 unitary matrix , and gives a quantum searching of one datum or many data in database according to Grover Quantum Search .

  18. 量子计算机理论中的量子叠加和量子纠缠

    Quantum Superposition and Entangled State in the Theories of Quantum Computer

  19. 那么何时才能建成第一台可伸缩的量子计算机呢?

    So when will the first scalable quantum computer be built ?

  20. 量子计算机存储单元相干脱散的研究

    Studies of Decoherence in the Memory Cell of Quantum Computer

  21. 量子计算机拥有比经典计算机更为强大的计算能力。

    Quantum computers may provide much greater computing power than classical computers .

  22. 量子计算机对信息的处理和计算与经典计算机相比有很大的优越性。

    Quantum information processing has great advantages in information processing and computation .

  23. 这就是量子计算机功能强大的缘由。

    It is this which gives quantum computing its power .

  24. 量子计算机具有超越经典计算机的能力。

    Quantum computers have much more capacity than classical ones .

  25. 量子计算机前瞻:量子门与量子电路模型

    Prospect of Quantum computer : Quantum Gate and Circuit Model

  26. 核磁共振量子计算机与并行量子计算

    Nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computer and parallel quantum computing

  27. 开放环境下多比特量子计算机的相干控制模型

    Coherent Control Modeling of Quantum Computers in Open Environments

  28. 自发发射与量子计算机存储单元的相干脱散

    Spontaneous emission and decoherence in quantum computer memory cell

  29. 在量子计算机上求解0/1背包问题

    Solving the 0 / 1-knapsack problem on quantum computer

  30. 基于经典存储器的量子计算机存储系统

    Memory System of Quantum Computer Based on Classical Memory