
  • 网络physiognomy
  1. 可见,生态恢复过程中的植物区系与群落外貌越来越复杂和多样化,该紫色土生态系统渐趋稳定。表6参14。

    It is concluded that the plant flora and physiognomy in ecological restoration process become more complex and diverse , indicating that the forest ecosystem on purple soil tends to be more stable .

  2. 结果表明,恢复后群落外貌以小型叶、单叶、非全缘、草质的高位芽植物为主,表现出与演替前期相符的类似温带针阔混交林特征。

    The results showed that the physiognomy , after afforestation , was characterized by phanerophytes with microphylls , simple , unentire , herbaceous leaves , which represented some features of temperate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest matched with the early successional stage .

  3. 园林植物群落外貌四季变化不明显。

    Seasonal changes of landscape plant community are not obvious .

  4. 松、杉、柏森林植物群落外貌、结构特征的研究

    Study on Community Physiognomy and Structure Property of Pine , Chinese fir and Cypress

  5. 应用样方调查方法,对祁连山圆柏群落外貌和结构进行研究。

    In this paper , the physiognomy and the structure of Sabina przewalskii community were studied by sample plot method .

  6. 对岷江上游土地岭生态恢复过程中的群落外貌、物种组成和结构进行了研究。

    The physiognomy , species composition and the structure of communities in the restoration process in Tudiling of Mao County on upper reach of Minjiang River were studied .

  7. 群落外貌也随之变得更具季相变化,但在重牧条件下由于植物组成变得单一,群落外貌也相对简单。

    The color of plant community had more seasonal variance , but the color of plant community became simple by the floristic composition becoming single under the heavy grazing .

  8. 通过对不同放牧强度下的草地植物群落外貌、群落植物组成、群落物种多样性和地上生物量的分析,得出了上述群落数量特征随放牧强度的变化规律。

    The variational rules of quantitative characters of the alpine meadow plant community under the four grazing intensity were concluded by analyzing the color , floristic composition , diversity and above-ground biomass .

  9. 采用排序的方法,结合对群落生态外貌特点的分析,以及群落所处海拔高度,划分出森林植被垂直带如下:(1)山地常绿落叶阔叶林带,海拔1600m以下;

    Using the methods of ordination and analysis of the physiognomy of the communities . which are distributed on the slope of the ridge , the following vertical belts of forest vegetation may be discerned : 1 . Evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest belt at alt. 1600 m ;

  10. 大明山退化生态系统群落的外貌特征研究

    Study on the Physiognomic Features of Community of Degraded Ecosystem in Daming Mountain , Guangxi

  11. 结果表明:(1)森林群落在外貌上,以常绿高位芽、单叶、革质、中型叶植物为主,反映了热带岩溶山地季雨林的特点;

    Results showed that : ( 1 ) . The forest was characterized with phanerophyte evergreen plants with single-mesophyll-leathery leaves , which reflected the nature of tropical Karst mountainous seasonal rain forest .

  12. 文中,采用数量分类的方法,结合对群落生态外貌特点和区系组成的分析,以及群落所处海拔高度,划分出森林植被的垂直带如下。1.常绿阔叶林带1900米以下;

    Using the methods of quantitative classification and the analysis combining the ecological physiognomy and floristic composition , according to the altitudinal distribution of plant communities , four vertical zones of forest Vegetation may be discerned : 1 . The evergreen broad-leaf forest zone below 1900m ;

  13. 采用点-线结合法对安吉龙王山天然森林植被进行调查,以植物群落的生态外貌特征为基础,结合植被数量分类划分植被类型,共划分为5个植被型、4个群系组和14个群系。

    The natural forest vegetation of Longwang mountain was surveyed by point-line composite method and divided into five vegetation types and fourteen formations according to appearance characteristics of plant community in combination with quantitative , classification .

  14. 本文分析了南京城市花境绿地植物群落的物种组成、群落外貌、群落结构、具体应用情况等内容。

    The paper analyzed flower border from species composition , community appearance , community structure t and so on .

  15. 亦是滇南热带季节雨林群落的最北缘和海拔极限的类型。松、杉、柏森林植物群落外貌、结构特征的研究

    Forest profile and Physiognomy , and it is considered as a type of tropical seasonal rain forest form northern margin of tropical SE Asia . Study on Community Physiognomy and Structure Property of Pine , Chinese fir and Cypress

  16. 应用群落生态学方法,对南京紫霞湖、前湖、护城河与玄武湖滨河绿地植物群落的外貌、组成与结构等进行了调查。

    The appearance , composition and structure of community at Riverside greens including Zixia lake , Qianhu lake , the city moat and Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing were investigated by community method .