
  • 网络community type;group;biome;bryo-geophytia type
  1. 崇明岛群落类型比上海地区自然分布的群落类型丰富,(5)本文运用层次分析法和Delphi专家调查法,建立生态和景观相协调的群落评价指标体系。

    Chongming Island community type than the Shanghai area rich natural distribution of community types ,( 5 ) In this paper , AHP and Delphi expert survey , the establishment of ecological and landscape in harmony community evaluation index system .

  2. 铜仁地区倍林群落类型研究

    Studies of the community type of gallnut forests in Tongren region

  3. 不同群落类型对羊草(Leymuschinensis)种群生殖分配的影响

    The Influence of Different Habitat on the Reproductive Allocation of Leymus chinensis Population

  4. TWINSPAN将115个样方分为11个群落类型。

    11 community types were classified y TWINSPAN .

  5. 相似性系数Sorenson指数(Cs)的测度表明,每一群落类型总是与退耕年限最邻近的群落具有最高的相似度。

    Sorenson 's similarity index ( Cs ) indicated that the similarity between every community and its nearest abandoned time was the highest .

  6. 不同季节各群落类型土壤硝态氮含量垂直规律不明显,仅5月0~10cm层的含量明显大于其它层次;不同季节各群落土壤的铵态氮没有垂直分布规律。

    However , there were no vertical distribution trends of the nitrate and ammonium nitrogen contents in all four community soils in different seasons , only the nitrate nitrogen content in 0 ~ 10 ?

  7. 结果如下:用TWINSPAN进行的数量分类,共划分出12个群落类型,分类矩阵图明显反映出演替时间与土壤含水量两个环境梯度。

    CCA , DCCA . The results are as following : plant communities are classified into 12 types by TWINSPAN , and they reflect changes of two environmental gradients , time of succession and water conditions of soil .

  8. 运用TWINSPAN把样方分为8个群落类型,用Levins、Shannon-wiener生态位宽度公式和Petraitis生态位特定重叠指数公式测定群落中主要种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并分析各种群生态位的生态学意义。

    68 quadrats were divided into eight types of communities by TWINSPAN , which can be treated as one-dimension resource states . The niche breadths and overlaps of main dominant species were measured using a series of indices proposed by Levins , Shannon-wiener and Petraitis .

  9. 种间关系因群落类型不同而有明显差异;

    Interspecies relationship had distinct differences because of different community types .

  10. 深圳市南山区山地植被和主要植物群落类型

    Vegetation and Main Phytocommunity Types of Nanshan District , Shenzhen City

  11. 香港草地群落类型及生物量的研究

    Studies on Community Type And Phytomass of Grassland in Hong Kong

  12. 贵州喀斯特灌丛群落类型研究

    Study on types of the karst scrub community in Guizhou Province

  13. 滩地复层混交群落类型及其生长效益

    Studies on multi-storied mixed forest types on beach land and its benefit

  14. 贺兰山植物群落类型多样性及其空间分异

    The diversity and spatial distribution of plant communities in the Helan Mountains

  15. 福建南平市森林群落类型

    Community forms of forest in Nanping area , Fujian Province

  16. 雪峰山西南支脉丘陵山地森林植物群落类型及结构特征研究

    Flora types and structure characters of the southwestern ridge of Snow-Peak Mountain

  17. 群落类型,作为一个阶级概念,无疑也是一种抽象。

    A community-type , as a class-concept , is inescapably an abstraction .

  18. 每一种群落类型又根据放牧强度的不同,划分为5个放牧梯度。

    Each continuum consisted of 5 plots along grazing gradients .

  19. 森林群落类型分布的方位信息识别

    Fuzzy recognition of direction information on distribution of types of Forest Communities

  20. 北温带分布的群落类型是此区的主要群落类型。

    North Temperate communities are main community in the area .

  21. 土壤线虫密度在这三种植物群落类型间没有显著差异。

    Total nematode density did not change significantly during the plant successional processes .

  22. 浙江凤阳山不同群落类型与土壤养分关系研究

    A Research on Soil Principal Nutrient Components and Different Communities in Fengyang Mountain

  23. 东大坡不同海拔梯度木本植物种类分布特点及群落类型

    The Distribution Character of Ligneous Plant and the Community type along Altitudinal Gradients

  24. 内蒙古盐生植物的主要群落类型

    Main Community Type of Inner Mongolia 's Saline Vegetation

  25. 不同群落类型中柔毛淫羊藿无性系构件的形态特征及生物量配置比较

    Comparison of Morphological Characteristics and Biomass Allocation of Epimedium pubescens in Different Communities

  26. 海南省三亚地区红树林植物资源与群落类型的研究

    Research on Mangrove Resources and Communities in Sanya

  27. 道路绿地的物种丰富度较高,群落类型和结构较为多样。

    Green road has a high species richness , various community types and structures .

  28. 中国草原区主要群落类型花粉组合特征

    Pollen assemblages of major steppe communities in China

  29. 雾灵山的森林群落类型(Ⅰ)&针叶林和针阔混交林

    Types of forest communities in Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve (ⅰ): needleleaved forest and theropencedrymion

  30. 城市公园木本植物群落类型及树种相关性研究

    Study on the Structure of Woody Plant Community of Urban Park and Species Relationship