
qún sù dù
  • group velocity;envelope velocity
群速度[qún sù dù]
  1. 应用改进的多重滤波方法测定P波群速度延迟。

    The group velocity delay of P wave was derived by using an improved multi-filtering method .

  2. PCF中群速度失配和高阶色散对孤子自俘获的影响

    Influences of Group Velocity Mismatch and High-order Dispersion on Soliton Self-trapping in PCF

  3. 三相有限延迟型非Fourier介质热力耦合传播模式和群速度

    Thermo-Mechanical Coupling Transport Model and Group Speed in Three-Phase-Finite Lag Non-Fourier Media

  4. Bragg空芯光纤中的群速度超光速的理论探讨

    The Theory Anticipation of Super Velocity of Light in Hollow Bragg Fiber

  5. 光纤维波导中的群速度和SRS光脉冲的缩短

    Group Velocities in the Optical Fiber Waveguide and the Shortening of SRS Light Pulses

  6. 而群速度(U)符合于波动的不同周期,不同速度的各种因素叠加的净结果。

    The group velocity ( U ) corresponds to the net result from the addition of all elements with different periods and different velocities within the wave motion .

  7. 后者也是一个群速度,其上确界为CV型介质温度波速的0.6065倍。

    And the another degenerates to temperature wave speed , whose upper bound is 0.6065 of the temperature wave speed in CV media .

  8. 发现随Sn的增加,声子群速度降低,有利于降低声子热导率。

    Result shows that phonon group velocities reduce with the increase of Sn , and this can help to reduce the phonon thermal conductivity .

  9. 周期为30s的群速度分布图反映了地表的板块构造。

    Rayleigh wave group velocity variations in periods of 30 s are correlated with continental plate tectonics .

  10. 本文主要研究群速度色散对光纤中自相位调制效应SC谱展宽的影响,分析了产生SC谱的物理机制。

    The study based on self phase modulation mechanism and the effects of GVD on SC generation are mostly focused on by analyzing and calculating theoretically .

  11. 在近简并的封闭三能级V系统中,一束弱激光探测场的群速度可以通过控制一单色驱动场的强度实现慢光速到超光速的转换。

    This paper reveals that the group velocity of a weak laser probe field can be manipulated by controlling the intensity of the driving field applied to a near-degenerate closed three-level V system .

  12. 收集了研究区域(68°150°E,5°55°N)内33个数字地震台站记录的面波资料,利用多重滤波技术提取了4000余条路径上的Love波群速度频散曲线。

    We assembled the surface wave data recorded by 33 digital seismic stations in China and vicinal areas , and extracted group velocity dispersion curves of fundamental-mode Love wave along approximately 4000 paths by means of multiple-filter techniques .

  13. 波至时间与已经发表的群速度表达式相一致,其中包括多次波的出现时间及准SV波的尖点。

    Arrival times agree with published expressions for group velocity , including the occurrence of multiple arrivals and cusps for the quasi-SV-wave .

  14. 群速度色散对非线性光纤环镜型OTDM解复用器影响的理论与数值分析

    Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Group Velocity Dispersion Effects on Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror OTDM Demultiplexer

  15. 本文利用Rayleigh波层析成像研究欧亚大陆及其边缘海地区地壳上地幔群速度结构及方位各向异性。

    In the study , Rayleigh wave tomography was used to produce group velocity and azimuthal anisotropy of crust and upper mantle in the Eurasia and its marginal seas .

  16. 本文研究了普通的CPM环型染料激光器和棱镜补偿光脉冲的群速度弥散及自相位调制的CPM环型染料激光器的动态性能;

    The paper studied the dynamics performance of the general and the specific CPM dye laser , group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation are compensated .

  17. 实验表明利用普通单模光纤群速度色散导致的脉冲啁啾抵消SOA自相位调制引起的脉冲啁啾,实现了色散补偿及脉冲压缩。

    The experiment results show that the dispersion compensation and pulse compress are realized by using the pulse chrip induced by group velocity dispersion of single-mode fiber cancelling out the pulse induced by SPM of SOA .

  18. 基于PPLN晶体的飞秒OPA中的非共线位相和群速度匹配

    Noncollinear Phase and Group-velocity Matching of Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplification Based on Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate

  19. 通过几何投影法优化,得到一种平带光子晶体波导结构,其TM模的最小群速度能减小到c/2335,且群速度色散很小。

    After optimization by geometry projection method , a flat band photonic crystal waveguide is achieved with the minimum group velocity around c / 2335and very small group velocity dispersion for TM mode .

  20. 光纤的一个重要特征:线性和非线性效应,如群速度色散效应和Kerr非线性效应。

    Considering the linear and nonlinear optical effects like group velocity dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity , the authors introduce the conception of optical soliton and its research history .

  21. 本文基于任意空间取向TI介质中坐标变换的方法,扩展研究了任意强弱、具有任意空间取向对称轴的TI介质中体波相速度和群速度的方位变化;

    Based on the method of coordinates transform for arbitrary spatial orientation TI media , we expanded to study the azimuth variations of body-wave phase-velocity and group-velocity for arbitrary spatial orientation TI media with arbitrary strength of anisotropy .

  22. 理论研究了光纤传输特性(群速度色散与衰减)、光器件损耗及光源啁啾效应对OCDMA系统BER性能的影响。

    The influence of transmission characteristic of fiber ( dispersion and attenuation ), loss of optical elements and chirp effect of laser on OCDMA system BER performance is also analyzed .

  23. 结果与Martinez用FresnelKirchhoff积分方法获得的群速度色散一致。

    The analytical formulas of group velocity dispersion are given , which are consistent with Martinez 's result for the stretcher that he proposed and analysed with Fresnel Kirchhoff integral .

  24. 光子晶体波导可以在室温下产生慢光,其装置也能做得非常紧凑,为实际应用提供了有利条件,且由于其线缺陷的独特结构,可以得到较低的群速度νg。

    Photonic crystal waveguide can generate slow light at room temperature , and its equipment can be made very compact . These create advantages for practical applications . And because of its unique structure of line defect , we can obtain smaller group velocity than most investigations .

  25. 计算结果表明,在长波区域,第二和第四分支的群速度小于零;在短波区域,只有第二分支的相速度趋近于Rayleigh波的波速。

    Numerical results show that the group velocities of the second and fourth branches are negative at large wavelength region and only the phase velocity of the second branch approaches the Rayleigh wave speed at the short wavelength region .

  26. 为了提供大别造山带与郯庐断裂带地域的壳、幔深部结构与深层动力过程的定量判据,本文利用瑞利(Rayleigh)波的频散效应反演该区S波的三维群速度结构分布。

    To introduce the quantitative evidence of the deep structure and dynamic process in the Dabie orogenic belt , the 3_D group velocity structure of S wave in the studied area is investigated by the dispersion effects of Rayleigh wave .

  27. 研究表明,体波群速度图案和相速度图案相对TI对称轴固定,随TI对称轴倾角及其相对测线方位角的变化呈现出一定的对称性和重复性;

    That is , the spatial orientation of TI symmetry axis and surveying line azimuth have an effect on body-wave velocities . The patterns of body-wave group-velocities and phase-velocities are fixed relative to TI symmetry axis and exhibit certain symmetry and repetition of azimuth variation .

  28. 在本文中,我们使用不同浓度的掺铒光纤传输系统,基于相干布居振荡(CPO)的原理,使光传播的群速度减慢。

    While in this paper , we use erbium-doped fibers with different concentration , make the group velocity slow down based on the coherent population oscillation ( CPO ) .

  29. 除此之外,EIT还可使介质的非线性光学极化率显著增强,使其色散性质产生重大改变,从而导致很强的非线性光学效应并可使探测光场的群速度大为减慢。

    In addition , EIT can results in a significant enhancement of nonlinear optics susceptibilities , the large change of dispersion property , which result in strong nonlinear optical effect and the reduction of probe-field group velocity .

  30. 对于特定波长(可见光)激发的SPPs,其群速度会沿着传播方向逐渐减小,最后SPPs局域在结构中特定的位置。

    For SPPs of a certain visible wavelength , the group velocity is gradually reduced along the propagation direction and finally SPPs are localized at a specific postion in the structure .