  • crowd;group
  • group;herd;flock
  • 相聚成伙的,聚集在一起的:~岛。~山。~书。~芳。~居。~落(luò)。~集。~雕。~蚁附膻(许多蚂蚁附着在有膻味的东西上;喻臭味相投的人趋炎附势,追逐私利)。

  • 众人:~众。~情。~雄。~策~力。~威~胆。

  • 量词,用于成群的人或物:一~孩子。


(聚在一起的人或物) crowd; group:

  • 成群结队

    in crowds; in flocks; in groups;

  • 建筑群

    a building complex; a cluster of buildings;

  • 群山环抱

    surrounded by hills;

  • 人群


  • 鱼群

    shoals of fish;

  • 人们三五成群地站立着。

    People were standing about in small groups.


(用于成群的人或物) group; herd; flock:

  • 一群匪徒

    a band of gangsters;

  • 一群狼

    a pack of wolves;

  • 一群鹿

    a herd of deer;

  • 一群马

    a drove of horses;

  • 一群蜜蜂

    a swarm of bees;

  • 一群牛

    a herd of cattle;

  • 一群人

    a crowd of people;

  • 一群小孩

    a group of children;

  • 一群羊

    a flock of sheep;

  • 一群野鸭

    a flock of wild ducks

  1. 她在记者群中挤出一条通路。

    She forced her way through the crowd of reporters .

  2. 为了吸引那群人的注意,我纵身跃上墙头。

    I jumped on the wall to grab the attention of the crowd .

  3. 有一只狐狸在鸡群附近徘徊。

    There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens .

  4. 那条路经过村子后又往上延伸到群山中。

    The road continues beyond the village up into the hills .

  5. 这群人在竞相抢占最好的位置。

    People in the crowd were jostling for the best positions .

  6. 单亲家庭比例在不同收入群中各不相同。

    The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups .

  7. 那条小路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的附属建筑群。

    The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings .

  8. 建筑群在薄雾中若隐若现。

    The mist blurred the edges of the buildings .

  9. 这艘船撞上了恶名远扬的斯戈尔尖岬暗礁群,断为三截。

    The ship crashed into the infamous Sker Point rocks and broke into three pieces .

  10. 当她走到能听见这群人说话声时听到有人提她的名字。

    As she came within earshot of the group , she heard her name mentioned .

  11. 这群小崽子烦死我了!

    The kids are driving me potty !

  12. 只因为贫穷就使得这群儿童成为警方眼中的罪犯。

    The mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police .

  13. 人们把这链状火山群很恰当地称作“火环”。

    The chain of volcanoes is known , appropriately enough , as the ' Ring of Fire ' .

  14. 我们这群小孩叫她Oma,两个音节都重读。

    We children called her Oma , accenting both syllables .

  15. 庞大的海鸟群是最壮观的景象之一。

    Among the most spectacular sights are the great sea-bird colonies .

  16. 琼斯的观众群更为多样化而且可能更年轻。

    Jones has a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience .

  17. 冰岛周围的浮冰群曾一度对船只航行构成威胁。

    Pack ice around Iceland was becoming a threat to navigation .

  18. 6月底到8月初,他们群聚在海滩上。

    They throng the beaches between late June and early August .

  19. 这个活动可以有效地活跃新群体内的气氛。

    This exercise can be quite a useful ice-breaker for new groups .

  20. 这群人都浑身湿透,现在谢天谢地快晾干了。

    The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out .

  21. 那群孩子从房子里鱼贯而出时,她停了下来。

    She paused as the group of children filed out of the house

  22. 新的版式会疏远上了年纪的读者群,并且也不会吸引年轻读者。

    A new format would alienate its ageing readership without attracting young readers .

  23. 警察在两群人之间筑起了一道封锁线。

    Police formed a cordon between the two crowds .

  24. 她相貌如此美丽,同时又如此清高不群。

    She looked so beautiful , and at the same time so remote .

  25. 北非人构成了该国最大的、也是最贫困的移民群。

    North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country

  26. 我们经过坐落在水稻田边的村庄群。

    We pass villages clustered around wet rice fields .

  27. 他的起跑近乎完美,迅速从那群人中蹿了出去。

    He got a near perfect start , streaking away from the pack .

  28. 公司一直通过在商业杂志上刊登广告扩展客户群。

    The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine advertising .

  29. 它的建筑群半掩在长满青草的河岸后面。

    Its buildings are half-hidden behind grassy banks .

  30. 他是那群人里最后一批跨越障碍的。

    He was one of the last of the crowd to pass through the barrier