- Organization of African Unity

Bureau for the Placement and Education of Refugees of the OAU
Ad Hoc Committee of the Oraganization of Africa Unity on Southern Africa
The historical role of the Organization of African Unity
1990 Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity
Executive Secretary of the organization of African Unity at the United nations ;
Assistance to national liberation movements recognized in its area by the Organization of African Unity
Seminar of national correspondents of oau 's Bureau for the placement and education of African refugees ;
Chinese premier highly praised the significant contribution of Africa Union in helping African countries to win their national independence and political liberation .
He was joined by several board members of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation . Among them were Mary Robinson , the former president of Ireland and U.N. Human Rights chief , as well as Salim Ahmed Salim , the former head of the Organization of African Unity and former prime minister of Tanzania .
Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa
The African countries too , through the Organization of African Unity , demand with one voice that no other country interfere in their internal affairs .
Colonel Gadhafi was long the single largest financier of the African Union as well as the Organization of African Unity before it .
It commemorates the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963 .
Oil gave him power far beyond the confines of his dilapidated state . He began to see himself as the leader of the Third World , the voice of the world 's poor , the King of Africa ( when , in 2009 , he chaired the Organisation of African Unity ) and the patron of world revolution .
Gadhafi has long been the African Union 's chief financier . Taking the place of the Organization of African Unity , the African Union was founded at a summit in Gadhafi 's hometown in 1999 .