
  • 网络United Nations reform;reform of the united nations
  1. 联合国改革之友小组;

    Group of friends for the reform of the United nations ;

  2. 浅议联合国改革

    Discussion on the reform of the United Nations

  3. 而联合国改革,恰好为日本提供了一个大好时机。

    Moreover UN reform is a good chance for Japan .

  4. 安南联合国改革报告评析

    Some Comments on Kofi Annan 's Report on UN Reform

  5. 论联合国改革的焦点问题

    On the Focus Issue of the Reform of UN

  6. 联合国改革前景的分析

    Analysis of UN Reform and its Prospect of Success

  7. 安理会改革是联合国改革的一项重要内容。

    The reform of the Security Council is an important component of the UN reform .

  8. 联合国改革和安全理事会扩大问题不限成员名额特设工作组;

    Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on United Nations reform and Security Council expansion committee ;

  9. 联合国改革指导委员会

    Steering Committee on United Nations Reform

  10. 联合国改革执行协调员

    Executive Coordinator for United Nations Reform

  11. 日本人想知道安南秘书长在他剩下的任期内对联合国改革的计划

    Koda : The Japanese people will be interested to know what is secretary general planning to do

  12. 他说,中国方面的进展表示欢迎联合国改革,特别是在执行成果文件的进展。

    He said China welcomes progress in the UN reform and particularly progress in implementing the Outcome Document .

  13. 从安南秘书长的改革方案看联合国改革前景

    The Prospect of the United Nations ' Reform from the Perspective of the Proposal Made by Secretary General Annan

  14. 九月份举行的千年回顾峰会应确定联合国改革的发展方向。

    The Millennium review summit in September should set the direction for the way ahead on United Nations reform .

  15. 我们在该领域内的重点是在更广泛的联合国改革范围内提高世卫组织的作用和地位。

    Our priorities in this area are to take forward WHO 's role and position within broader UN reform .

  16. 许多倡导建立新联盟的人士表示,我们希望联合国改革,但我们不能永无止境地等下去。

    We want reform of the UN , many proponents of a new league say , but we cannot wait forever .

  17. 这决定了安理会扩大在短期内难以实现。安理会扩大作为联合国改革最重要的一环,被逐步提上日程。

    The conflict of interests unavoidably makes the reform of UNSC extremely difficult . Reforms of the United Nations are on the agenda .

  18. 联合国改革的要旨之一要提高它在维护世界和平与安全方面的及时性与有效性。

    The gist of the UN reform is to improve it in aspects of timely and effective maintenance of world peace and security .

  19. 联合国改革进入了关键时期,改革的核心是安理会的扩大问题。

    Reform of the UN has reached a key stage , of which expansion of the Security Council has become a core issue .

  20. 联合国改革是全方位、多领域的。改革应该重点推动联合国加大在发展领域的投入。

    Since the UN reform is all-dimensional and multi-faceted , greater UN commitment to the question of development should be a priority of the reform .

  21. 最后部分是结语,总结全文的基本论点和主张,对今后的联合国改革进行了展望并提出需要进一步研究的议题。

    The last part of the context is sum up the full text of the ideas , prospect the future of the United Nations ` s reform .

  22. 我看到了联合国改革的好迹象,这些改革促使根据各专门机构的独特职权和实力而开展的活动得到更战略性的协调。

    I saw good evidence of UN reforms that have led to much better strategic coordination of activities according to the unique mandates and strengths of individual agencies .

  23. 双方还就联合国改革、气候变化、亚太局势、叙利亚和苏丹等一系列问题协调了立场。

    The two sides also coordinated positions on a wide range of issues such as U.N. reform , climate change , the Asia-Pacific situation , Syria and Sudan .

  24. 联合国改革,李肇星强调,应该满足,尽可能,其成员国,特别是来自发展中世界的需要。

    The UN reform , Li stressed , should satisfy , as far as possible , the needs of its member states , particularly those from the developing world .

  25. 尽管现存集体安全体制还存在法规不完善等问题,但实践的发展明确要求法律作用的强化,以推动联合国改革朝着更加规则化的方向发展。

    Though the rules of the collective security system are imperfect , the effect of law should be reinforced to urge the reform of the UN in a more rules-oriented direction .

  26. “中国理解日本在国际社会中扮演更重要角色的愿望,我们会在联合国改革的问题上巩固我们对彼此的理解。”他说。

    " China understands Japan 's hope to play a bigger role in international society , and we are ready to strengthen our mutual understanding over the United Nations'reforms ," he said .

  27. 关于联合国改革,这位部长说,联合国需要采取履行其作为加强其作用,通过改革,改革的坚定步骤,在人类的共同利益。

    On UN reform , the minister said the United Nations needs to take firm steps in carrying out reform as enhancing its role through reform is in the common interest of mankind .

  28. 通过研究美国在历次联合国改革中的作用、手段及影响,可以更好地了解美国在联合国改革中的利益和美国影响联合国改革的途径。

    In the long history of the UN reform , there are many factors which have great influence on its course of reform ; undoubtedly , the factor of US is the most important one .

  29. 在她给职员的讲话中,陈博士阐述道,这些调整将“使我们的工作紧紧围绕卫生安全和环境、地方性传染病、研究和联合国改革等领域。”

    In a message to staff , Dr Chan said the changes would " bring a closer alignment around our work on health security and the environment , endemic communicable diseases , research and UN reform . "

  30. 中国还将继续参与全球性、洲际性和地区性的多边外交活动。在联合国改革,地区冲突,维护和平,裁军,军备控制和环境保护方面发挥建设性的作用。

    China will continue to take part in multilateral deplomatic activities of globle , intracontinental and regional nature and play a constructive role in fields like UN reform , the settlement of regional conflicts , peacekeeping , disarment , arms control and environmental protection .