- 名system of capitalist ownership

Capitalist ownership or socialist ownership ?
Imperialist ownership was the first skin , feudal ownership the second and bureaucrat-capitalist ownership the third .
Three of them were old ones , namely , imperialist ownership , feudal ownership and bureaucrat-capitalist ownership .
They also depended on national capitalist ownership and on ownership by small producers , that is , petty-bourgeois ownership .
The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .
After World War II , Japanese capitalist ownership system changes from scattered private share capital ownership system to corporation capital ownership system .
This section includes the study of the pre-capitalist ownership ; study of capitalist ownership and social ownership of the vision for the future .
And finally , to grasp and to understand the relations of capitalist ownership from structure of contents in each of three volumes of The Capital .
National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .
In a matter of six or seven years the socialist transformation of capitalist ownership and of individual ownership by small producers has by and large been completed .
Evolution of the Relations of Capitalist Ownership - A Study of Ownership Thinking in The Capital ; That theory is concerned with rational functions instead of just polynomials .
We can 't attribute the share possession , share control and share management as public hold or public ownership or else we will misunderstand the contemporary capitalist ownership and seriously mislead the reform of Chinese state ownership economy .
The major standards of dividing capitalist development stage are as followings : the springboard is advance of science and technology and productivity development , the base is capitalist ownership , the dividing standard is the socialization course of capital and its form change .
The personal share capital system of ownership no longer was the fundamental capitalism joint stock system mode , and the legal person capital shareholder has become the symbol of new change of the system of ownership in the developed countries .