
  • 网络production socialization
  1. 马克思的生产社会化范畴本来具有二重含义,即一方面指生产的集中化和大型化,另一方面指生产的相互依存关系。

    The category of Marx 's production socialization has dual implication .

  2. 生产社会化、产权社会化及二者的并行演进

    Production Socialization , Property Rights Socialization and Their Parallel Development

  3. 生产社会化程度还很低。

    Socialization of production is still at a very low level .

  4. 物流是生产社会化发展的必然结果。

    The logistics is the natural outcome of socialized development of productivity .

  5. 制造业是一国国民经济的支柱产业,其发展水平是衡量一国生产社会化程度和市场经济发展水平的重要标志。

    The manufacturing sector is a pillar industry of the national economy .

  6. 试论生产社会化与社会主义所有制改革

    On the socialization of production and socialist ownership reform

  7. 生产社会化是建立社会主义制度的物质基础。

    Socialization of production is built on the material basis of socialist system .

  8. 生产社会化、市场经济与合作制

    Production Socialization , Market Economy and Cooperation System

  9. 马克思的生产社会化理论研究

    Research of Marx 's Theory on Production Socialization

  10. 生产社会化决定产权社会化,产权社会化反作用于生产社会化,二者之间实质上是生产力与生产关系的关系,是辩证的统一。二者相互联系、相互制约、并行演进。

    Production socialization determines property rights socialization and a parallel and developing relationship exist simultaneously .

  11. 是工业化和生产社会化、现代化的重要支柱。

    It is the industrialization and socialization of production , an important pillar of modernization .

  12. 随着生产社会化程度提高,大企业会战胜小企业。

    According to it , mass production has advantage and big enterprises will win small over .

  13. 随着知识经济的发展和生产社会化程度越来越强,现代企业制度也日益显示出其弊端。

    Along with development of knowledge-based economy and production socialization , modern enterprise system displays gradually irregularity .

  14. 生产社会化:农户的社会风险与公共服务&以西庵头村农业生产为例

    Socialization of Production : Households ' Societal Risks and Governmental Servings & Take Village of Xi'an-tou as an Example

  15. 现代化是以经济现代化为核心的一种以生产社会化、工业化和信息化为基础的新型文明。

    Modernization is a new type of civilization , which is based as socialization and industrialization and informationalization of production .

  16. 财产关系社会化的根本原因在于资本主义生产社会化与资本家私人占有形式之间的矛盾。

    The basic reason of this socialization lies in the contradiction between the socialization of production and private personal holding form .

  17. 随着生产社会化的发展国家不得不承担起对生产的领导的观点,被实践证明是正确的,但这在西方国家未必表现为转化为国有财产的必然性。

    With the socialization of production , the idea that the state is supposed to guide the production has been justified in reality .

  18. 随着生产社会化的不断发展,生产活动的分工越来越细,专业化程度越来越高,协作也越来越广泛。

    With the development of production socialization , production activities is tending to more detailed division , higher degree of specialization , and wider cooperation .

  19. 生产社会化所带来的细密分工和专业化,使学生道德品质的培育主要依靠社会之化。

    Socialized production has brought about division of labor and specialization . Because of this , the moral education of students depends mainly on socialization .

  20. 第二个飞跃,是适应科学种田和生产社会化的需要,发展适度规模经营,发展集体经济。

    The second leap will be to introduce large-scale operations and to expand the collective economy , so as to facilitate scientific farming and socialized production .

  21. 信用不仅使生产社会化和私人占有之间的矛盾进一步激化,而且使资本家攫取利润的贪婪本质发挥到了极致。

    Credit not only intensified the contradiction between the socialization of production and private ownership , but also greeted the capitalist profit-taking to an extreme nature .

  22. 社会化的人类是以生产社会化和生产资料的逐渐走向社会化占有相统一为基础建立起来的世界性普遍交往。

    Socialized human , which is constructed on the basis of the unity of the production socialization and the gradual socialization of capital goods , is worldwide .

  23. 财政、金融、科学技术、物资等部门,应当对农业生产社会化服务事业给予支持。

    Departments in fields such as finance , banking , science and technology , and material resources shall provide support to socialized service undertakings of agricultural production .

  24. 资本社会化是伴随着生产社会化而显示出来的一种历史趋势,是分散的小规模资本集中成为社会大资本的过程。

    Capital socialization is a historical trend shown with the production socialization . It is a process that make the separated and little capital be socialized huge capital .

  25. 以生产社会化与农村养老机制变迁的内在联系为主线分为四章对我国农村养老保障机制展开论述。

    Production and rural social pension system changes the intrinsic link on the main line is divided into four chapters of rural old-age security system to start on .

  26. 在市场经济条件下,随着生产社会化程度的不断提高,企业规模也需不断扩大,因此产生了企业并购。

    In the market economy situation , the enterprise scale also needs to be extended with increasing the degree of production socialization . Therefore the enterprise purchases is produced .

  27. 但是,由于河北省肉羊生产社会化服务体系建设的不完善,使得肉羊生产的进一步发展受到了严重制约。

    But , because the socialized service system of meat sheep production of Hebei is not perfect , the further development of producing meat sheep suffers from serious conditionality .

  28. 它是伴随生产社会化和市场经济的形成建立起来的,是当今现代化国家最重要的社会制度之一。

    It follows socialization of production and forming of market economy to set up , nowadays it is one of the most important social systems of the modernized country .

  29. 随着生产社会化的不断深入,行政国家的逐步强化,宪法法律对于国家的制约越来越显得力不从心。

    With the deepening of the socialized production ," administrative state " gradually strengthened , and the constitution for the national law of the restriction appears more and more ambition .

  30. 股份制的最大特征就是所有权与经营权的分离,这是适应资本主义市场经济和生产社会化发展的需要而产生的,因此不能简单地把股份制等同于公有制。

    The most distinctive quality of share system lies in the separation between ownership and management , which results from the need of capitalist market economic development and of productive socialization .