
shēnɡ tài ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • ecological engineering
  1. 苹果IPM生态工程构建之理念与策略定位

    Conception and tactics determination on ecological engineering construction of apple IPM

  2. 采用恢复生态学理论和生态工程技术,设计出水陆交错带生态修复的实验方法,完成了长约50m实验段的构建。

    A 50 meters long of experimental bank was constructed by restoration ecology theory and ecological engineering methods .

  3. 应用工程学、生态学和系统科学理论,结合苹果园实际,通过比较、推理和演绎研究苹果IPM生态工程中人的理念定位与工程策略。

    Based on engineering science , ecology and systems sciences coupled with situation in apple orchard , conceptions with apple IPM engineering as well as engineering tactics were discussed through comparison , induction and deduction approach .

  4. JosefSettele及其同事在《自然》杂志撰文认为,生态工程可以比转基因作物提供更加廉价,更有效的长期战略控制害虫。

    Ecological engineering could offer cheaper , more efficient long-term strategies for pest control than genetically modified ( GM ) crops , say Josef Settele and colleagues in Nature .

  5. 晋西黄土丘陵区林业生态工程优化规划

    Optimum Program of Forestry Ecological Engineering in West Shanxi Loess Hills

  6. 森林生态工程建设对水资源的影响

    The Relationship Between Forestry Eco-Engineering and Water Resource Exploitation and Utilization

  7. 森林资源与林业生态工程信息网格中空间处理服务的构建与应用

    Construction and Application of Spatial Processing Service in Digital Forestry Grid

  8. 塔里木河流域林业生态工程建设规划

    Program of Construction of Forestry Ecological Project in Tarim River Basin

  9. 采取人工生态工程重建盐沼,在江苏沿海大约需要10年的时间。

    Recover salt marshes using manmade ecology engineer needs 10 years .

  10. 从传统工程走向生态工程:案例与建议

    From Traditional Engineering to Ecological Engineering : Cases and Suggestions

  11. 洞庭湖湿地景观结构与生态工程模式研究

    Preliminary Study on Wetland Landscape and Ecological Engineering Models in Dongting Lake

  12. 陕西吴旗县林业生态工程实施方法和对策

    Strategy and Methods on Forestry Eco-engineering Construction in Wuqi County of Shaanxi

  13. 利用生态工程降低湖体含磷量的研究

    Study on Decreasing Phosphorus Content in Lake by Ecological Engineering

  14. 济南市南部山区保泉生态工程建设

    Ecological Engineering for Conserving Spring of South Mountain Region in Jinan City

  15. 沈阳城市绿化生态工程树种综合评价分级选择

    Comprehensive evaluation and selection of urban eco-engineering virescent trees in Shenyang City

  16. 河北省林业生态工程建设与技术创新

    Achievements of Hebei province forestry ecological engineering construction and technical innovation analysis

  17. 世界林业生态工程对比研究

    The Comparison Study on Forestry Ecological Projects in the World

  18. 植被与侵蚀控制:坡面生态工程基本原理探索

    Vegetation and erosion control : exploration on basic principle of slope engineering

  19. 林业生态工程信息管理网络初探

    Preliminary Study on Information Management Network of Forestry Ecological Engineering in China

  20. 浅谈大庆地区公路建设与生态工程建设

    Discussion on highway and environment engineering construction in Daqing region

  21. 农田防护林人工生态工程的构建历史与现状

    Construction History and Actuality of Shelterbelts / Windbreaks Artificial Eco-engineering

  22. 国家重大林业生态工程监测与评价技术研究

    Monitoring and Assessment Techniques for State Key Forestry Ecological Projects

  23. 港口生态工程管理系统及评价方法研究

    Management System and Assessment Method of Port Ecological Project

  24. 浓香型大曲酒微生物生态工程的构想

    Conception of Microbial Biology Project of Luzhou-flavor Daqu Liquor

  25. 滨海地区湿地重建的生态工程范例

    A Case Study of Wetland Creation in Coastal Saline Area with Ecological Engineering

  26. 论我国图书馆数据库的集约化生产利用猪粪集约化生产蝇蛆的生态工程研究

    Ecological Engineering Study on the Intensive Production of Housefly Larvae by Using Pig-Manure

  27. 干瘠石质山地环境生态工程构建技术

    Eco-environmental Engineering Construction on Hilly Barren and Dry Land

  28. 庆阳黄土高原草地农业生态工程系统模式和效益

    Model and benefit of grassland agriculture ecological engineering system in Qingyang Loess Plateau

  29. 污水土地处理生态工程综合效益评价&以霍林河森林型慢速渗滤土地处理工程为例

    Comprehensive benefits of land treatment eco engineering for wastewater A case study on

  30. 论珠江三角洲新兴农业生态工程典型模式

    Typical Models of Agro-ecological Engineering in Pearl River Delta