
fú yóu shēng wù
  • plankton;plankter;planktont
浮游生物[fú yóu shēng wù]
  1. 为了使大量繁殖的浮游生物的形象得到增强,必须使这一波段的正片记录曝光过量。

    It was necessary to overexpose this positive record in order to enhance the presence of the plankton bloom .

  2. 洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成对应关系

    Corresponding relations between DNA fingerprinting topological structure and species composition of plankton community in Dongting Lake

  3. 气候变化将促进某些地区的浮游生物的生长,又会抑制其他地区的生长,导致海洋外观发生变化。

    Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas , while reducing it in other spots , leading to changes in the ocean 's appearance .

  4. 全球变暖改变了海洋的主要特征,还会影响浮游生物的生长,因为除了阳光和二氧化碳,它们还需要营养物质才能生长。

    Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth , since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow , but also nutrients .

  5. 88-C微生物制剂对鱼苗池浮游生物的影响

    Effect of 88-C Type Microbe on Plankton in Fish Fry Pond

  6. 转基因鱼试验湖浮游生物群落DNA多态性与物种组成关系

    DNA polymorphism and species composition of plankton in an artificial lake for breeding transgenic fish

  7. 可溶性Fe对中尺度海洋围隔生态系中浮游生物群落数量变动的影响

    Effects of dissolvable Fe on quantitative variation of plankton communities in marine mesocosms

  8. 本研究第一部分介绍了一种制备海洋浮游生物PCR模板DNA的方法&碱煮法。

    Firstly in this study , we introduced an effective method - alkaline-heating , for preparing PCR template DNA from marine plankton .

  9. 胶州湾浮游生物群落NH4~+-N的吸收与再生通量

    Ammonium uptake and regeneration fluxes of the microplankton assemblages in the Jiaozhou Bay

  10. 文中讨论了内陆盐水浮游生物的种类组成、分布、生物量和盐度耐性与盐度、营养盐、碱度、pH及离子组成的关系等问题。

    The relationships between species composition of plankton , distribution , biomass , salinity tolerance and salinity , nutrients , alkalinity , pH , ionic composition were discussed .

  11. 另外还探讨了水化因子的变化特点,N、P的分布变化规律,浮游生物、初级生产力与营养盐限制因子的关系。

    In addition , the changeable characteristics of the water-chemistry factors , the distributing rule of the N and P , the relation between limited nutritive salt and plankton and primary productivity were discussed .

  12. 南海盆地中生代生物源以浮游生物为主,干酪根为III型,以生气为主。

    Biology fountain is mainly plankton that constitutes the source rock of sea-facies in the South China Sea Basin , and kerogen type is III , which mainly generates gas .

  13. 厦门港浮游生物对可溶性活性磷(SRP)吸收动力学的研究

    Studies on Uptake kinetics of Soluble Reactive Phosphorus ( SRP ) by Microplankton in Xiamen Harbor

  14. 结果表明:1)鳜塘浮游生物群落DNA序列丰富度与水质综合指数呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01);2)池塘高密度养殖会造成浮游生物丰富度降低和水质综合指数升高;

    The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between the DNA sequence diversity of plankton communities and water quality index , and high stocking density decreased the DNA sequence diversity and increased the water quality index .

  15. 海洋水体中的浮游生物的数量与分布在生源要素生物地球化学循环(如C循环、N循环)及全球气候研究具有非常重要的意义。

    The number and distribution of marine plankton in ocean water bodies have very important significance in the research of the biogenic elements in the biogeochemical cycles ( such as C cycle , N cycles ) and research of global climate .

  16. 变性梯度凝胶电泳技术(denaturinggradientgelelectrophoresis,DGGE)是一种重要的分子多态性技术,在物种鉴定及浮游生物群落多样性研究方面有着广泛的应用。

    Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ) is an important molecular polymorphism technique . It has been widely used in the study of species identification and plankton community composition .

  17. 腐质碳、总浮游生物碳平均分别占总有机碳(TOC)的92%及8%,腐质碳为总浮游生物碳的11.08倍。

    Detritus , total plankton carbon storage was 92 and 8 percent of TOC , and detritus carbon was 11.08 times as that of total plankton carbon .

  18. 此外,还讨论了浮游生物对盐度、碱度和pH的适应性、内陆盐水生物资源的渔业利用以及利用盐水或耐盐性淡水枝角类作为海水鱼苗活饵料的前景。

    Adaptability of plankton to the salinity , alkalinity and pH value , fishery exploitation of biological resources in inland saline waters and use of halophiles or salt tolerant freshwater cladocera as live food for marine fish larvae were discussed .

  19. 研究表明,四季中Cr(T)与Cr(P)以春季含量最高,这与浮游生物有一定的相关性。

    Investigation indicated that contents of Cr ( T ) and Cr ( P ) in the spring are high in all seasons , Cr ( P ) is main speciation in the spring and winter , especially in spring .

  20. 像其他冷水珊瑚一样,L.pertusa以海面沉下来的浮游生物为食。

    Like other cold-water corals , L. pertusa preys on plankton that descend from the surface .

  21. 综上所述,本实验系统的研究了PSB对水库的理化因子、浮游生物、鲢鱼生长情况的影响。

    To sum up , We conducted the effect of PSB on hydrochemical index , plankton , growth of silver fish and bighead silver fish in the reservoirs .

  22. 盐碱地池塘用三合二清塘,拖用有机肥和酸性化肥调整池水PH值,培育浮游生物后,投放水花鱼苗来培育夏花鱼苗的生产效果较好。

    First clean the saline-alkali Pond with a disinfectant called SAN-HEER apply organic and acid chemical fertilizers to adjust the pH value of the water and culture the Plankton , and then Put in the tiny fries , which can be cultivated into little fishes more effectively .

  23. 而主要来源于浮游生物的C14、C16、C18饱和一元酸及多不饱和脂肪酸含量占总脂肪酸含量的百分比较高,表明浮游生物对大亚湾POM有较大贡献。

    Polyunsaturated fatty acid and C14 ~ C18 saturated fatty acid are predominant , suggesting that plankton is the main source of POM in the Daya Bay .

  24. 不同条件下Percoll密度梯度离心分离组织细胞浮游生物的比较三类纳米尺度与常规尺度材料细胞毒性与毒作用特征的比较研究

    A comparative research on planktons separated from liver by different density gradient centrifugation with Percoll in rabbits ; Comparative Study on Cytotoxic Characteristics Caused by Three Kinds Nano-scale Materials and Non-nano Materials

  25. 本文利用15N同位素示踪法,对渤海湾2个季节浮游生物氮吸收动力学进行了初步研究。

    : Using 15N - labeled compounds , nitrogen uptake kinetics parameters of microplankton were measured during the two cruise of 18 , August and 25 , October in the Bohai Bay .

  26. 目的评价温泉浮游生物纯提取物(pureextractthermalplankton,PETP)即线状透明颤菌(Vitreoscillafiliformis,VF)提取物用于中国女性敏感性皮肤的功效与耐受性。

    Objective To assess the effectiveness and skin tolerance of an extract of Vitreoscilla filiformis ( VF ), pure extract thermal plankton ( PETP ) on Chinese women with sensitive skin .

  27. 如果这种激增发生在海洋深处,这些浮游生物就能通过光合作用吸收大量的碳元素,而这些碳元素将会犹豫被海神DavyJone放进了他的储物柜一样,在海底封存几百年。

    If this were to happen in the deep sea , the carbon absorbed by the plankton through photosynthesis would descend to Davy Jones 's locker for several hundred years .

  28. 海洋中浮游生物的实际元素组成中C/H、C/O比值显著高于Redfield给出的浮游生物元素组成中的比例。

    And the actual ratios of C / H and C / O in the elemental composition of marine plankton are significantly greater than those given by Redfield .

  29. 甾烷C29/(C27+C28+C29)值为0.5左右,与海洋浮游生物来源的有机质生烃相区别。

    The sterane ratio of C29 / C27 + C28 + C29 is about 0.5 , which differs from that of the hydrocarbons related to oceanic planktons .

  30. 相比智慧城市设计师通常运用的屏幕、感应器、微芯片和大数据,丹·罗斯格德(DaanRoosegaarde)使用的工具更加别出心裁:吞噬雾霾的机器、发光浮游生物和太阳光敏油漆。

    Rather than the screens , sensors , microchips and Big Data typically employed by Smart City designers , Daan Roosegaarde works with a more fanciful tool kit : smog-eating machines , light-emitting plankton and solar-sensitive paint .