
fú shì huì
  • Ukiyoe
浮世绘[fú shì huì]
  1. 试论漳州木版年画与日本浮世绘的异同

    Analysis on the Differences between Zhangzhou Wood Engraving and Japanese Ukiyoe

  2. 清盛期苏州版画与江户时代浮世绘之比较

    Comparison between Suzhou Graving of Prosperous Qing Dynasty & Ukiyoe in Edo Period

  3. 浅谈日本浮世绘对法国印象派绘画的影响

    The Influence of Japanese Yamato-e on French Impressionism Drawing

  4. 现代画家通过不断的改革创新,把浮世绘的美人画又发展到一个新的高峰。

    By continuing efforts , modern painters developed beauty painting to a higher level .

  5. 都市生活的浮世绘和多棱镜&2008年都市化进程中的文化与精神生态

    Mosaics of Urban Life & Cultural and Spiritual Ecology in Urbanization Process of 2008

  6. 《神奈川冲浪里》,日本浮世绘技法和风格的扛鼎之做,世界美术史的重要组成部分。

    This particular woodblock is one of the most recognized works of Japanese art in the world .

  7. 歌川丰春是日本江户时代著名的浮世绘画家,开启了浮世绘美女画倦怠忧郁的画风。

    Toyokuni is a famous Japanese painter of ukiyoe who initiated a painting style of tired and melancholy beautiful women .

  8. 平面性的特征主要是吸收了东方日本浮世绘艺术的影响,绘画图形采用平面化的色彩。

    Flatness is the absorption of the East Japan floating effect of painted art , drawing a graph of flat colour .

  9. 他模仿浮世绘的全景画法,不管比例和角度结构,将多个角度的景象并列在单一空间内。

    He mimics Ukiyo-e board panoramas and juxtaposes multiple perspectives within a single space , paying little regard to perspective or portions .

  10. 从日本的农耕社会和佛教美术时代到浮世绘世俗化时代,中国的佛教文化、唐宋文化对其都产生了巨大的影响。

    Chinese Buddism culture and the Tang and Song culture greatly influence Japanese arts at different stages of the arts history of Japan .

  11. 甚至被称为最具日本民族风格的浮世绘美人画,我们在透过其浮华的外表下,仍可清晰的观察到其内蕴亦深受中国传统工笔仕女绘画艺术影响的痕迹。

    However , through the buckish appearance , we can still observe the traces of the influences from the Chinese paintings in their internality .

  12. 作为一个绘画的初学者,我从自己的角度看到了许多浮世绘浓重的时尚因素,装饰因素。

    Painting as a beginner , I can see from their point of view a lot of factors Ukiyoe strong fashion , decoration factors .

  13. 浮世绘是日本历史上影响最为深远的一种艺术形式,而浮世绘里的美人画更是有着重要的作用,流传甚广。

    The UKiyoe is the most profound artistic form in Japanese history , of which beauty painting plays a very important role and spreads far and wide .

  14. 19世纪下半叶,日本开始与西方世界进行贸易往来时,浮世绘木版画被用来包装出口商品。

    Ukiyo-e woodblock prints were used as wrapping paper for export wares when Japan began trading with the Western world in the second half of the 19th century .

  15. 浮世绘以世俗生活为表现对象,主要题材有美人画和役者绘等。

    The ukiyoe set the secular life as its objects of performance , and its subject matters included the beauty paintings and the kabuki performers paintings and so on .

  16. 在日本浮世绘艺术中,有很多作品是以“八景”主题描绘而成,而葛饰北斋描绘的“八景”画题的风景版画则是最为人推崇。

    In the art of Japanese Yamato-e , many works are created according to the " Eight-Scene " theme , and the scenery woodcut by KatsushikaHokusai is most admired .

  17. 而浮世绘则可说是「虚浮世界的图画」,叙述了凡人生活里那些高涨、瞬逝的愉悦,并喜以长茄子或磨菇作隐喻。

    Production of ukiyo-e , or " pictures of the floating world " depicting buoyant , fleeting pleasures of the common people included suggestive metaphors such as long eggplants or mushrooms .

  18. 葛饰北斋70岁上下之时,艺术细胞仍然丝毫未减,创作了《富士三十六景》系列浮世绘(也叫做木板水印画)。

    AT AROUND the age of70 , Katsushika Hokusai , still bounding with artistic energy , created " Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji ", a series of ukiyo-e , or woodblock prints .

  19. 新都市小说家们并没有流于表面的对于都市生活作一种“浮世绘”式的描写,而是能够深入到都市生活的深层本质中,对于人生、人性作了深入的挖掘。

    The writers of story of new city didn 't settle for exterior depiction of city life , but went deep into the deep essence of city life to analyze the life and human nature .

  20. 19世纪后期,以法国为中心的印象主义绘画风靡欧洲、影响波及世界,印象主义绘画中便借鉴了浮世绘版画的形式语言,充分展现出对美术体系独创性的追求。

    In the late nineteenth century , with France as the center of impressionism painting fashionable Europe , influence spread to the world , then impressionism painting Ukiyoe lessons from the print form language , fully show originality of art system pursuit .