
fú bīng
  • floe;floating ice;drift ice;floe-ice
浮冰[fú bīng]
  1. 通过对桥墩在浮冰撞击下水平位移的观测,提出了计算撞击力的方法。

    Though the observations on the level displacement arising out of the drift ice bump against the piers a method is provided to calculate the force .

  2. 本文指出,只要满足水流条件和浮冰运动条件的相似性,就可利用浮冰水力模型研究河冰运动规律;

    If similarity of flow regime and drift ice movement is satisfied , hydraulic model tests may be applied to the study of the law of drift ice and movements .

  3. 冰岛周围的浮冰群曾一度对船只航行构成威胁。

    Pack ice around Iceland was becoming a threat to navigation .

  4. 他们必须当心大块浮冰。

    They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice .

  5. 加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近,两头大西洋海象在浮冰上相互偎依

    Two Atlantic walruses snuggle on an ice floe near Igloolik , Nunavut , Canada .

  6. 1776年,乔治华盛顿(GeorgeWashington)在著名的横渡特拉华河、击溃英军的战役中,得到了浮冰的佐助。

    George Washington was also aided by ice as he famously crossed the Delaware River to rout the British in 1776 .

  7. 根据这一原理,合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)图像被广泛地应用于监测海冰分布、海面浮冰流动方向等领域。

    According to this principle , Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) images are extensively used for the determination of distribution and floating direction of brash ice .

  8. 但据负责协调此次国际救援的澳大利亚海事安全局(AustralianMaritimeSafetyAdministration)称,此后不久,雪龙号证实自己也被浮冰围困。

    But shortly afterward , Xue Long confirmed that it too was ' beset by ice , ' according to the Australian Maritime Safety Administration , which is coordinating the international response .

  9. 冰淇淋苏打(英文也被称为icecreamsoda)是一款冰淇淋加软饮的饮料,英文中,还被称为cokefloat(可乐浮冰)、snowball(雪球)或spider(译者注:澳大利亚口语中意为:冰淇淋苏打)。

    Float A float , or ice cream soda , is a beverage that consists of ice cream in a soft drink . It also has other names such as coke float , snowball or spider .

  10. 不知何故,海豹设法到达了一块小浮冰上。

    Somehow the seal manages to reach a tiny ice floe .

  11. 大块浮冰堆积在一起的大块浮冰港口为大量冰块所封冻。

    The port was blocked in by heavy masses of ice .

  12. 北冰洋浮冰和开阔海面上的能量平衡特征

    Characteristics of energy balance over Arctic drifting ice and open sea

  13. 浮冰对这一带的航运是一种威胁。

    Ice floes are a threat to shipping in the area .

  14. 北极浮冰生态学研究进展

    The recent progress in the studies of Arctic pack ice ecology

  15. 却不善于在拍摄同时还要躲避十吨重的浮冰

    but they don 't usually have to dodge ten-tonne ice floes

  16. 轮船小心地通过大块浮冰。

    The ship was nosing a way through the ice pack .

  17. 由于浮冰,在航道附近航行危险。

    Navigation dangerous in area around fairway due to floating ice .

  18. 浮冰遥感全球导航卫星系统反射信号的势

    In sheet remote sensing : Potential of reflected GNSS signals

  19. 海豹的生命寄托于这一块小浮冰上。

    The seal 's life hangs on a roll of the ice .

  20. 北冰洋浮冰站大气边界层结构的观测研究

    Analysis of structure of atmospheric layer in ice camp over Arctic Ocean

  21. 一块浮冰正向油轮靠近。

    There 's an ice floe approaching the oil tanker .

  22. 冬天近岸的海面上有小块的浮冰。

    In winter there is sludge on the sea near the shore .

  23. 在日本海峡附近航行危险,因为有浮冰。

    Navigation dangerous in area around Japanese strait due to floating ice .

  24. 轮船得到警报说要注意浮冰。

    Ships have been warned to watch out for floes .

  25. 北极熊非常适应在浮冰上的生活。

    Polar bears are well adapted to life on the sea ice .

  26. 我们逐渐向前推进,以胸冲开浮冰。

    We gradually forced ahead , breasting aside the floes .

  27. 但是河上到处都是浮冰呀!

    But the river is full of ice floes !

  28. 北冰洋上的一块大浮冰里孕育着一个冰锥状的洞穴。

    A large ice floe in the Arctic Ocean bears an icicle-trimmed cave .

  29. 这条船在浮冰间破冰行驶。

    The ship forced its way through the pack .

  30. 前往正在消融的浮冰上冒险觅食

    take their chances on the shrinking ice floes ,