
ɡù yōnɡ láo dònɡ
  • wage labor;hired labor
  1. 总体上看,汉代雇佣劳动还是比较自由的。

    Overall , the Han Dynasty wage labor is still relatively free .

  2. 就业问题是工业革命后因雇佣劳动而产生的社会经济现象,与民生息息相关。

    The employment is a social economic phenomenon because of wage labor after the industrial revolution .

  3. 资本雇佣劳动的根源脆弱性的根源是什么?

    Why Does Capital Employ Labor ? What cause the fragility ?

  4. 资本的根本属性是私有性、排他性,资本的本质特征是凭借对生产资料排他性的私人所有权来占有他人剩余劳动所创造的剩余价值,资本所体现的是以雇佣劳动为基础的生产关系。

    Capital has the nature of exclusiveness and capital is private .

  5. 但是,难道雇佣劳动,无产者的劳动,会给无产者创造出财产来吗?

    But does wage-labour create any property for the labourer ?

  6. 雇佣劳动完全是建立在工人的自相竞争之上的。

    Wage-labour rests exclusively on competition between the laborers .

  7. 后者指的是不同历史条件下的具体劳动形式,而马克思的主要着眼点就是资本主义条件下的特殊劳动形式&雇佣劳动的形成、发展和消灭。

    The latter means the specific forms of labor in different historical conditions .

  8. 但在目前市场经济条件下,二者又有一些共同点,他们不仅同属于雇佣劳动,是劳动力商品,而且都是半商品。

    But in the market economy , there still have some similarities between them .

  9. 在雇主责任中,雇佣劳动关系在法律上如何判断?

    In employer 's responsibility , how to judge the wage labour relation legally ?

  10. 富农的剥削方式,主要是剥削雇佣劳动(请长工)。

    His main form of exploitation is the hiring of labour ( long-term labourers ) .

  11. 资本的条件是雇佣劳动。

    The condition for capital is wage-labour .

  12. 一个企业组织租金分配的二阶段模型&关于资本雇佣劳动的讨论

    A Two-Stage Model Distributing Organizational Rents of Enterprises & the Discussion About Why Capital Employs Labors

  13. 中国近代农业雇佣劳动

    Agricultural hired labour in modern China

  14. 但它仍然是以雇佣劳动为基础的资本主义性质的经济。

    But it still be-longs to the economy of capitalist nature which bases on wage labour .

  15. 现今的这种财产是在资本和雇佣劳动的对立中运动的。

    Property , in its present form , is based on the antagonism of capital and wage-labour .

  16. 伴随着商品经济的发展,雇佣劳动已经成为一种非常普遍的社会现象。

    With the development of market economy , wage labor has became a very common social phenomenon .

  17. 私营经济是指以生产资料私人占有和雇佣劳动为基础,以获取利润为生产经营目的的私有制经济。

    Private Economics is the profit-oriented economy form based on production material privately owned and labor employment .

  18. 正确处理经济发展中农业和工商业的关系,生产、积累和消费之间的关系,资本和雇佣劳动的关系,利润率和利息率的关系。

    Production , accumulation and consumption ; capital and wage labour ; profit rate and interest rate .

  19. 汉代雇佣劳动是封建性的,与资本主义萌芽和发展没有干系。

    Wage labor is a feudal Han , the germination and development of capitalism there is no implication .

  20. 在古典企业和某些现代股份制企业中,资本雇佣劳动是一个不争的事实。

    In classical enterprises and some modern shared company , it 's a fact that capital employs labor .

  21. 也有人担心女性加入雇佣劳动大军会影响孩子的成长。

    Others fear that women 's move into the paid labour force can come at the expense of children .

  22. 由于非人力资本在传统企业中的独特地位,在企业产权制度方面突出表现为资本雇佣劳动,资本雇佣劳动似乎成了永恒的命题。

    Because of physical capital ' special status , enterprise property right mainly is " Capital employ labor " .

  23. 资本雇佣劳动是指物质资本主体垄断企业控制权和剩余索取权。

    Capital employing labor means owners of substantial capital hold control right and residual claiming right of a enterprise .

  24. 作为现代意义上的雇佣劳动关系的调整,我国立法还没有完全与经济的发展同步。

    With the development of the market economy in our country , the regulation of the labor relationship becomes complex .

  25. 随着我国经济体制的改革和社会关系的转型,雇佣劳动关系成为我国劳动关系的主体。

    With economic reform in our country , the contract labor relationship has become the subject of our labor relations .

  26. 本文结合中国国有企业产权改革中取得的成果,对有关资本雇佣劳动的理论进行了简单的评述和总结,就资本雇佣劳动之所以是企业主要形式提出了自己的解释。

    From the achievements of China ′ s property right reforms , it can be seen why capital employs labor .

  27. 随着人力资本在企业中作用的增强,资本雇佣劳动的逻辑开始动摇。

    As the role of human capital in firms is increasing , the logic of capital employing labor becomes shaky .

  28. 其次,手段和目的彻底分裂的雇佣劳动,招致了艺术和劳动的分裂。

    Secondly , art is divorced from labor as a result of the insulation between means and end in wage-labor .

  29. 继之而来的是中世纪的农奴制和近代的雇佣劳动制。

    It is succeeded by serfdom in the middle ages , and wage - labor in the more recent period .

  30. 知识经济中的企业权力结构&会发生从资本雇佣劳动到劳动雇佣资本的变革吗

    Right Construction of Enterprise in Knowledge Economy : Can Fundamental Changes from Capital employment Labor to Labor employment Capital Take Place