
ɡù yōnɡ hé tonɡ
  • employment contract;contract of service;hiring contract
  1. 最后一章主要探讨雇佣合同与劳动合同的立法模式。

    The last chapter is mainly about the legislation of labor contract and contract of service .

  2. 国有企业改制中劳动关系问题研究本文用比较的方法对雇佣合同与劳动合同的关系问题进行了阐述。

    Analysis of Labor Relation Adjustment during SOE Restructuring This thesis is mainly on the relationship between labor contract and contract of service with comparative method .

  3. 宠物保姆(petsitter)指签订了雇佣合同,在宠物家中提供照看服务的人。

    A pet sitter is a contracted service provider who takes care of a pet at its own home .

  4. 然而,奥朗德“御用”理发师的雇佣合同——只能辨认出理发师的名字为奥利维耶B——被调查性报纸《鸭鸣报》公开后,法国公众对这位社会党总统的奢侈花费十分不满。

    However the publication of the contract of his hairdresser , identified only as Olivier B. , by the investigative newspaper had the French public bristling over such extravagant spending by a Socialist president .

  5. 浅析FIDIC《施工合同条件》中买卖双方的不平等性雇佣合同

    Analysis of the Inequality between the Employer and the Contractor under Conditions of Contract for Construction of FIDIC

  6. 而对于最终加盟RemoteStylist公司的人来说,不管他们是学生还是社会人士,不管他们是20出头还是30多岁,他们都必须接受四个月的试用期,并且签订一份雇佣合同。

    Those who join remote stylist , whether they are students or out-of-work 20 - or 30-somethings , must agree to a four-month run and sign a hiring contract .

  7. 该委员会在雇佣合同问题上毫不动摇。

    The Committee remains immovable on the issue of employment contracts .

  8. 雇佣合同制度的两个法律问题初探

    A Preliminary Study on Two Legal Issues of the Employment Contract

  9. 第三部分为雇佣合同的现状分析。

    The third part analysed the present situation of the employment contract .

  10. 这些条件都必须明确地写进雇佣合同之中。

    These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment .

  11. 基金经理与基金管理人之间是雇佣合同关系,与基金托管人之间是托管合同关系,与基金持有人之间是委托合同关系。

    The relations between fund manager and fund shareholders are entrustment relations .

  12. 劳动合同、劳务合同、雇佣合同三者关系密切。

    The labor contract is the legal basis of legal relation of employment .

  13. 浅论承揽合同与雇佣合同的区分规则

    On the Differences Between the Contract to Work and the Contract to Employ

  14. 该工厂跟全部工人签订雇佣合同。

    The factory sign Employment Contract to all workers .

  15. 因此有必要仔细研究雇佣合同特有的性质和特征。

    Therefore , it is quite necessary to study the characteristics of employment contracts .

  16. 狭义的劳务合同仅指一般的雇佣合同。

    In its narrow sense , it only refers to a common engaged contract .

  17. 雇佣合同只能是有偿合同,委托合同可以是无偿合同。

    And employment contracts are paid contracts while contracts of commission may be unpaid .

  18. 船员雇佣合同准据法

    Applicable Law of Contract of Crew Employment

  19. 查看大卫·克拉克的雇佣合同

    for David Clarke 's employment contract .

  20. 一旦相配的队伍成型了,雇佣合同就会被制作好给队员。

    Once suitable teams were formed , offers of employment were made to team members .

  21. 当地法规是否要求工厂必需与每位员工签订书面的雇佣合同?

    Is it legally required for the factory to have a written employment agreement with every worker ?

  22. 本文通过比较分析、历史分析的方法,从四个方面对雇佣合同制度进行了论述。

    The author elaborate the contract system from four aspects through the methods of comparative and historical analysis .

  23. 建立弹性引才机制,公开招聘,并签订雇佣合同。

    Establish flexible mechanisms of the introduction of talent , opened recruitment , and signed an employment contract .

  24. 雇佣合同的订立应遵循合同订立的一般规则,必须经过要约和承诺两个阶段。

    The conclusion of employment contracts should abide by the general rules of contract conclusion : offer and acceptance .

  25. 根据你的雇佣合同条款,如果你想走,必须提前3个月提交辞职通知。

    According to the terms of your contract you must give three months ' notice if you intend to leave .

  26. 微软急忙去法庭,向李开复提出控告,理由是李开复违反了他曾签署的雇佣合同中的禁止同业竞争协议。

    Microsoft rushed to the courthouse and charged Lee with violating a noncompete agreement that was part of his employment contract .

  27. 雇佣合同可以以口头形式或书面形式订立,没有订立雇佣合同但事实存在的雇佣关系亦应受到保护。

    Oral means and written means are permitted when biding employment contracts . It should also be protected if existed employment relationship .

  28. 这是因为从企业的所有者与经营管理人签订雇佣合同一刻起,两大主体之间就展开了一个两阶段的动态博弈。

    From the moment that two sides sign a contract of employment , the two parties have started a dynamic game process .

  29. 本文从企业的角度,分别对企业人员招聘的经验选择、诚信和雇佣合同进行研究。

    In this dissertation , I focus on threes issues about recruitment , work experience choice , faith , and employment contract .

  30. 所有违反此策略的员工都会面临纪律处分,直至中止雇佣合同。

    Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action , up to and including termination of employment .