
  • 网络Employer Brand;Employer Branding
  1. 安永(Ernst&Young)驻伦敦的雇主品牌主管理查德•乔丹(RichardJordan)表示:学习曲线产生效果的时间大大缩短了。

    The learning curve for becoming effective is much shorter , says Richard Jordan , head of employer brand at Ernst & Young in London .

  2. 第二部分主要是采用实证研究的方法对雇主品牌影响因素进行分析,主要采用的分析方法为:项目分析、信度分析、效度分析、聚类分析和累积Logistic回归分析。

    Second part analyzes influencing factors of employer brand with empirical study methods ; the main analytical methods include item analysis , reliability analysis , validity analysis , cluster analysis and multinomial logistic regression analysis .

  3. 那也就是说年薪为84730美元——据优兴欧洲、中东和非洲雇主品牌打造和人才吸引副总裁耐莉?里根巴赫?哈斯勒(NellyRiggenbachHasler)表示,这是一个现实的入门级薪资水平。

    That 's about $ 84 , 730 per year - which , according to Nelly Riggenbach Hasler , vice president of EMEA employer branding and talent attraction at Universum , is a realistic entry level salary .

  4. 2商业银行实施雇主品牌战略的可行性分析;

    Feasibility analysis of implementing employer brand strategy at commercial banks ;

  5. 企业雇主品牌吸引力及其形成机理研究

    Study on the Attraction of Employer Branding and Its Formation Mechanism

  6. 国内企业雇主品牌评价指标体系研究

    Research on Employer Brand Evaluation Index System of Domestic Enterprises

  7. 通过建设公司的雇主品牌来拓宽人才招聘渠道;

    Also employer branding helps to develop more effective sourcing channel for recruitment .

  8. 5商业银行雇主品牌战略的评估。其中,3、4、5是本篇论文写作的重点。

    Implementation of employer brand strategy at commercial banks .

  9. 评估雇主品牌。

    Evaluate the employer 's brand .

  10. 而强大的雇主品牌有利于吸引一流的人才,获取一流的人力资本。

    Strong employer brand will help enterprises to attract first-rate talent and obtain first-class human capital .

  11. 第二个假设是雇主品牌与组织承诺显著正相关。第三个假设是雇主品牌在可雇用性与组织承诺之间起调节作用。

    The second assumption is that the Employer Brand has a significant positive correlation with Organizational Commitment .

  12. 你的雇主品牌很重要。

    Your employer brand matters .

  13. 第三、四章将重点放在嘉士伯中国公司雇主品牌建设实践研究上。

    Chapter 3 and 4 are focus on the practical design of Employ Brand for Carlsberg China companies .

  14. 20世纪90年代以来,雇主品牌理念日益引起管理实务界的关注。

    Since 1990 , the concept of " employer branding " is widely used in the management practices .

  15. 雇主品牌作为品牌的一个新分支,不管是国内还是国外都是个新的概念。

    As a new branch of brand , Employer brand is a new concept both at home and abroad .

  16. 雇主品牌作为一种从西方传来的新兴概念,已经受到越来越多国内企业的高度重视。

    Many domestic enterprises have attached great importance on employer brand which is a rising concept from the West .

  17. 此外,运用独立样本T检验法,本文还进一步探讨了雇主品牌吸引力在人口统计变量上的差异。

    Apart from that , independent sample T test was used to discuss the employer brand attractiveness differences in demographic variables .

  18. 从国内外企业的管理实践来看,改变这种劣势地位的有效办法之一就是积极主动地推进企业的雇主品牌建设。

    From the domestic and foreign enterprises management practice , employer brand contracture is a good solution to change the disadvantage .

  19. 雇主品牌价值量化评估方法的研究有助于建立中国企业的雇主品牌价值。

    Employer brand equity value of quantitative evaluation method of exploration will help build brand value of Chinese enterprises list of employers .

  20. 他们对雇主品牌影响程度从大到小依次是发展环境、制度环境、产品形象、人文环境和公司形象。

    From big to small the factors are development environment , system environment , product image , humanities environment and company image .

  21. 雇主品牌能够使企业具有较强的生命力,也是人力资源管理的发展趋势。

    Employer 's brand can let enterprises have very strong vitality , and it is the developing trend of human resource management .

  22. 而所有这些人力资源措施在员工心里所形成的印象便是员工对本企业雇主品牌的感知。

    All these human resource practices formed the impression in employee mind is the employees ' perception of the corporates ' employer brand .

  23. 因为作为企业核心竞争力的员工,往往视企业的雇主品牌形象作为自己选择工作的依据。

    As the core competitiveness of enterprises , employees tend to do the choice for work on the basis of employers brand image .

  24. 如今,雇主品牌已经成为学者、企业、甚至是政府部门官员关注和讨论的热点话题。

    Today , the " employer brand " has become a hot topic of the academic , business , and even government officials .

  25. 雇主品牌就是在人力资源市场上享有较高的知名度、美誉度、忠诚度的企业品牌。

    Employer brand is an enterprise brand in the human resource market to enjoy a relatively high popularity , reputation and brand loyalty .

  26. 首先分析了嘉士伯啤酒公司进入中国市场十年来持续发展的现状,针对该公司在人力资源市场上面临的挑战,指出嘉士伯中国公司持续发展过程中,建设雇主品牌的必要性和重要意义。

    It starts from an overview of 10 years development of Carlsberg in China market and points out challenges Carlsberg China is facing .

  27. 以雇主品牌理论为基础,以在校博士生为研究对象,通过问卷调查和访谈,系统研究了高校作为雇主时的雇主品牌结构问题。

    This article discussed the employer brand structure of universities by questionnaire investigation from the needs of applicants that are students reading for doctors degree .

  28. 优秀的雇主品牌需要在雇主与员工之间建立情感联系,在员工需求与雇佣体验之间形成良好的匹配。

    Excellent employer branding construction needs to establish emotional connections between employer and employee , and make the employees ' requirement matching employment experience well .

  29. 最后,文章在指标体系的基础上,针对雇主品牌内部建设及外部推广这两个主要的构建流程,分别提出了相应的建议。

    Finally , based on the above research conclusion , the study made the corresponding recommendations for the construction of internal and external employer brand .

  30. 雇主品牌从一个全新的视角解读了企业人力资源管理的各项职能,因而受到越来越多学者的关注。

    Employer brand explains various functions of human resources management from a new angle of view . So it attracts more and more scholars ' attention .